Fuuka is stuck!
Fuuka is stuck!
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What was she trying to accomplish?
Whether or not the answer is acceptable will determine if she gets out or gets fugged.
I want to get stuck in Fuuka's butt.
Love that game.
I love that fat butt.
Only one way to push it out
Shoot her and put her out of her misery.
She can go fuukaself for all I care.
Fucking a girl stuck in a wall is huge fetish of mine.
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>stuck in wall
Top tier tag
She was trapped in the bathroom
I blew many loads to that game.
She's been the source of some mighty fine doujins.
Fuuka's averageness is what makes her so hot.
Fuuka's fat ass and thick brows are what make her so hot.
i remember that flash game
> good, responsible girl
> somewhat airheaded
> cute
> easy to approach
> meat on the right places without being fat
> eyebrows
Azuma knew what he was doing when he created this top tier waifu material
Would you push or would you pull...?
>Rule 6. Threads should be created with substantial OP text containing a meaningful topic of discussion. Please refrain from posting catch-phrase or template threads.
both, that's how you have sex right?
>That one flash game where Fuuka is stuck on the window.
I'm ashamed to admit that it was how I found out about Yotsuba
Fuuka is the best friend of the board's mascot girl. How is her being in emergency not a meaningful topic?
Oh, I remember that doujin.
I think you should kill yourself, Dilbert.
take it to
Pretty neighbor is cannon. Especially that one chapter
Yotsuba is not for ecchi.
>measured vaginal tightness
>virginity: yes
How is this possible
Which came first - the doujin or the game?
What a pretty neighbor.
I remember sticking lots of weird stuff into her.
it's been 12 fucking years, i don't know anymore
I'd fuuka
All that matters is we have both
>that vaginal pressure
so her cunt never lets dicks go once they get inside?
The best kind.
Do fuka and Yotsubas dad have a thing for eachother?
slowpoke here but isn't that the artist of the Railgun manga?
Kinda sorta. It's a fun thing to ship at least.
I don't know what you me...
It's sorta-implied, but since it's not that kind of series it doesn't really go anywhere. But OH THE DOUJINS.
My favorite's the Clover* series.
I'd call the police and let a trained rescue squad deal with the situation.
Threadly reminder that Pretty Neighbor was so influential that it directly led to the author going pro because Azuma noticed how close it was to his work and hooked him up professionally.
It's damn good quality. Would be a waste to let someone like that go.
are there any lewd railgun doujinshi by house of karsea?
What's the code if it has one.
Found it
What is it!?
Why is she stuck? Why are her hips too fat to get through an open window?
>Midget legs/feet.
She's got some childbearing capabilities
That doujin is SO good.
Fuuka is the best!! Her sister's are trash
mind giving me a hint?
There is a cool trick called "reading the thread"
ah my bad. i didn't recognize the image even though i've seen that doujin very often, probably because i'm very drunk right now. apologies.
Her sisters are meh, just not as great as Fuuka.
preferred ena's chapter
I still believe this doujin was actually drawn by youtsuba's creator and i will believe it forever.
I miss when Fuyukawa did porn.
New chapter when? it feels like he is getting lazier about yotsuba each year.
>sitting height
Wouldn't that depend on the chair?
Wow, what a good guy. I'm sure any other upstanding citizen would do the same though, right?
it's a small window
It's a standard height chair and it's a way to measure from your butt to the top of your head. Dunno why japs care about it though.
Height - sitting height = measurement of limb stubiness, which is indicative of nourishment/environmental growth effects more than torso length.
Interesting, thanks.
for her
Careful now Sup Forumsnons you are getting dangerously close to lewding another character from that franchise and we don't want that to happen do we now?
Pretty Neighbor is canon
Oh no panties are attacking.
Panties Woman is on the loose!
All of it?
Especially all of it
Pretty Neighbor is pedoshit.
Clover* is true canon.
Fuuka btfo!
Volume 14 when?
Fuuka is a fat cow.
If fuuka is a fat cow, then I support bestiality.
Well, if her belly's just hanging out like that, looks like I have to grope it. That's just the way it works.
I want to Fuuka Fuuka!
Just like Jumbo and Miura.
I would pull out when I'm done if that's what you mean
>Legs: Fat
Why would you do that? Just leave it in and do her again.
This is not related to anime or manga
>vaginal tightness
Ai Uehara?
>Not pascals