>high impact train rape in 5 days
How the fuck does NO ONE notice them?
Japan is used to train molesters. They're very common. Most people would most likely ignore it to keep from getting involved.
Yeah okay but two girls moaning in a fucking train?
Japan is used to Class S too. They think it's a phase.
I've noticed lesbians getting feely with each other in public places. I just enjoyed the view, then went home and masturbated. I wouldn't want to ruin their fun.
>nips think Class S is a phase
>dozens of girls touch each other on public transportation
>discreetly fap
This is only hot if you are a girl too.
>implying user is not an adorable little girl
>tfw Yuzu cries next week
Why is she so cute?
>best girl will end up with a pink-haired cunt
I hope this show never sells past the 4k mark. The yuri genre deserves better.
>shows getting past the 4k mark
>any show
>in this day and age
Most of them don't get to that anymore.
Plebbiest taste.
That picture looks like something that came straight from 2010.
Anyway the vast majority of /u/sers flip their shit if somebody posts a trannyshit doujin.
Will Citrus be remembered years after it ends like Girlfriends is?
If it ends well, sure.
Girl Friends made me so mad at the time, now I don't even remember why.
Can't speak for the world but I'll remember it, especially if it ends like I think it will.
Because you were a retard that got unnecessarily mad at the part with the "boyfriend".
I only remember Girlfriends as extremely frustrating.
Is /u/ really full of tumblr-tier individuals? As a proud Sup Forums crossboarder, I simply cannot let that stand.
Nah, that phase stuff went out of the window when the gays started to get hitched.
Everyone knows that the gays are gay and they aren't in a phase or whatever.
So the lesbians are left to their own devices and written off as undateable/unmarriable for fear of terrible sex with busted cunny and passing on homosex to any children.
The gays are treated as lepers or jokes.
Why does everyone and their dog want to rape Mei? She is not even good-looking.
>proud Sup Forums crossboarder
Feel free to go back.
Depends which threads you visit
>not good looking
Go home Nene.
>not good-looking
Calm down, Yuzu.
>Sup Forums crossboarder
>hangs out in a Yuri thread
I bet you love traps.
Yuri is part of implicit white identity.
Yuzu is right.
i want to rape mei
>tfw she'll never be this happy again
Dumb Yuzu.
Yuzu pls
I believe in Mei.
She will when she marries Yuzu in a bear costume.
>calls her dad sensei
Don't you see? She's already broken user.
First Mei smile next episode but she's also sick, poor girl.
But the following week we have THE kiss.
But it is, did you never go to college? That one hot carpet muncher is now a soccer mom.
Most dykes are unattractive. Not saying there are some cute ones out there, but they are so normal, that the only reason they are gay is because the kindest person she could find, was a girl.
>dat projection
And Shou.
>Most dykes are unattractive
Unless you live in American or British then most dykes are somewhat ugly. But live in Asia like Taiwan, Japan and Hong Kong areas you see most lesbians are very cute and sexy.
>Sup Forumsshit starts blogposting and derrails the entire thread
Either ignore or report it
It's Franxx and VEG getting salty for no reason
Get hype.
Does he deserve Ume? Will they give Yuzu and Mei a little sibling?
Yuzu and Mei should yuri rape Yuzu's mom. She's so cute.
That is in fact how I think the current mess will be resolved.
I want them to have an otouto though.
Why not both?
I know some people that hope it won't be the case, since they view it as an easy out for Mei. And because it would make Yuzu and Mei feel more like real siblings to them by sharing a sibling.
I love how that ends t b h
>Mei's face
It's not an easy out, it's the only out. The alternatives are Mei telling grandpa to go fuck himself, which could potentially end with a heart attack from gramps, or going along with the wedding until Yuzu has to interrupt it, which could also potentially end with a heart attack from gramps, or an outright bad end with Mei ending as a trophy wife and Yuzu has her sister, which would DEFINITELY end with a heart attack. Mine.
>Mei expects Yuzu to back out of the kiss
>Yuzu expects Mei to back out of the kiss
>Neither do
Thus sending them down a path that they can never return from.
I'd rather have Mei tell grandpa to fuck off then she relying on a third party
/u/ expects some fantasy ending where Mei as an out lesbian and takes over the conservative prestigeious school and turns it into a yuri haven. Clearly they haven't noticed that the series isn't that idealistic.
Japanese mind their own damn business when in public.
Holy hyperbole
I've seen people on /u/ expect/hope for that exact ending.
This show is one of the worst shits this season along with Hakkyuu houshi engi, its probably in the level of Ousama Game or Mayoiga.
>I've seen people
>the entire board expects this to happen
We call those "delusional fucks".
>tfw grandpa is actually okay with Mei fugging his new step-granddaughter
Grandpa doesn't care. He's the Chairman of an all girls high school. He knows what's up. He just sees all that as a phase. All he cares about is about the future of his family name.
>gets wet
Welp, Yuzu is going to need a change of clothes.
Isn't it easier for grandpa to just die off before the marriage would take place plot?
He would die with a smile thinking his grandaughter is straight.
But also seeing how a good guy her current fiancee is I wouldn't be surprised if they gone with white wedding while the grandpa is alive and the guy would allow Mei to fuck with Yuzu on the side.
Or you know maybe Mei father would finally grow up some balls and would take over the school business finally giving his child a bit of freedom and stop running away for his own dauhter sake.
But I can agree that them having another kid would solve the Aikawa heir problems to another generation where grandpa would see the future is secured and there's no need to marry Mei off to some guy so he would take over the business.
I'm a yuri fan but I don't really belive that mei and Yuzu will come out to grandpa, mayeb to their parents, but not him.
And I really doubt that even if Mei would somehow escape the marriage plan, that the same will happen to all other girls.
But who knows author can do whatever she wants, there are pairings in the making like Matsuri x Harumin and that eyebrow girl and Shirapon.
>wedding while the grandpa is alive and the guy would allow Mei to fuck with Yuzu on the side.
I have nightmares regarding that ending. Don't do it, Saburouta, for the love of God.
No yuri is remembered after it ends, nobody cares about Girl Friends anymore. The only one is Marimite but only because it's a meme along nips
>I have nightmares regarding that ending. Don't do it, Saburouta, for the love of God.
Or even worse, Mei and Yuzu have sex but in the morning Mei left a note to Yuzu with the ring explaining everything.
Yuzu goes to study abroad.
10 years pass, Yuzu comes back and sees Mei with a kid going to school to meet her husband, the new principal.
Their eyes meet, Mei sends her daughter away and has sex with Yuzu in an empty classroom, Mei husband walks on them, and he now realised for who Yuzu worked so hard before and who she really loved, he divorces Mei and since grandpa is dead signs the school to his and Mei kid.
Last scene is Mei and Yuzu fucking in principal office.
They will never have sex.
>implying they haven't already
As funny as it sounds their meeting looked like a friendship pact to raise the kids together than like actual marriage plan.
Are we doing this? Ok then, In my ending Mei and her husband live happily ever after, Yuzu comes back 10 years later and meet Mei's 8 years old daughter, she rapes Yuzu and since she looks so much like Mei, she falls in love with her and we have a new Age Gape loli romance.
Mei's daughter is also engaged to some guy, because Saburota.
Absolutely disgusting user, go to church and repent.
We all know this whole marriage drama will destroy Mei x Yuzu for a while.
Every other rich girl in the school has a male fiancee (I suppose including Harumin) their families decided they need to marry.
From other side we see Harumin older sister not marrying anyone and instead being followed by her female best friend who is into her.
What in the actual fuck are you two motherfuckers thinking?
>We all know this whole marriage drama will destroy Mei x Yuzu for a while.
Unless we're getting 2 volume arc for once, then it will be resolved in 1 or 2 more chapters.
>Every other rich girl in the school has a male fiancee (I suppose including Harumin)
We never got confirmation on Harumin at all. Only Himeko, Shiraho, and Mei. Harumin's family seems odd, since Harumin was allowed to go to regular middle school.
The japanese are the closest the human race has ever gotten to having the intellect of a fish.
We aren't.
Oh hey Sup Forums, you are still around.
>Unless we're getting 2 volume arc for once, then it will be resolved in 1 or 2 more chapters
That's what the fiancé gives the vibes of, that the current manga arc won't be that much of a problem. But you have to consider that gramps is involved in this too, and that it's Mei turn to make a confrontation with him if she really wants to keep her relationship with Yuzu.
Why Yuzu is so comfortable being a dyke? Think about being a gyaru, lying to her friends about relationships and in the end discover that is a fucking dyke that likes pussy. This shouldn't be so easy to deal.
Explain this then
What's your favorite anime user?
Next chapter preview.
Everyone is comfortable being a lesbian ESL san.
Everyone thought the summer trip would go on for a second volume too, but that abruptly moved on to a new focus.
It really gone fast for her from wanting to have a bf to I want to eat out my step-sister cause she's so hot and getting horny for her female body just from one kiss.
But then I read many gay coming out stories where the people realise they are into that just from that first kiss with same gender which awakens them, even if they thought they were straight for years.
Maybe Yuzu just realised why she never actually worked hard to get a bf and just lied before since she always wanted a gf subconciously.
*pant* *pant*
Be gentle
She just wanted a relationship but she didn't get guys, then she got her tongue licked by Mei and everything clicked for her.
>Implying were not all adorable little girls