Time to choose, Sup Forums

Time to choose, Sup Forums.

I am having a hard time believing today's Sup Forumsnons even watched or played this.

Also green deserved to win.

Green is easily the best girl, other girls aren't even close.

Primula>Kaede>the rest.

I'm glad if they haven't read the shuffle VN it's probably the worst VN ever made. I fucking hated it. Even the mediocre anime managed to outperform it


All elves must be raped.

There are no elves in this series and you'd know that if you ever watched or read it.


This anime made me realize how shit harem shows can actually turn out. Most of the episodes were completely pointless and you could skip like 3/4 without even missing a part of the plot.

I'd go for Kareha.

>that fucking face
>that god damn chin

It's like they intentionally centered her facial features too high in photoshop.


I see, you are a man of culture.
Asa for me.

>not picking Red to make good use of superior marriage laws

Best wife Kaede

Definitely not the one with her face pasted on her forehead. Pretty QUALITY if you ask me.

Blue looks too tier

Green, objectively best girl won.

Your apathy for blue is duly noted.
Carry on then citizen.

Sia is best girl.
She enables a harem to let every girl be happy.

Ama is best girl

I said Sia in the past.
I say Sia today.
And I'll say Sia in the future.

Fine taste