>Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Unemployment Real Hahahaha Hikki Just Apply For Work Like Faggot Get A Job Haha
Fuck this show and it's retarded message. If getting a job were that easy I wouldn't still be unemployed after 3 years.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Unemployment Real Hahahaha Hikki Just Apply For Work Like Faggot Get A Job Haha
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it took him the entire series to get a job so I don't think they portray it as easy either
You do realize that that's not the aim and theme of this series, right?
It's informing about people who have social anxiety and phobias. That shit's real yo.
When whatever's keeping you fed stops you'll be forced to get a job like Sato and you won't have time to shitpost about the most obvious message ever
If you have a car, you can go down to your local temp labor office and be all but guaranteed a job. Most of them deploy temp workers in minimum groups of 2 and most of them are too poor to have transportation, so they'll send you just because nobody else can take the other guy. The work will usually be landscaping, factory jobs, entry level construction, or security work.
Just be warned that the pay isn't good.
it actually doesnt, which is why the show is so fucking bad. hes guilty of substance abuse which is the reason hes so fucked up. issue is that they only imply this with a single frame, and they show said frame for like 1-2 seconds in the first episode. NHK isnt only an atrciously bad adaptation, its also bloody horrible in general.
Do you apply for jobs that you aren't qualified for?
there are no temp agencies in Australia, i've looked
checkmate faggot
not anymore
I've found at least one, so clearly they exist out there.
Except he doesn't start doing drugs with yamazaki until well into the books events you dingus
Are you sure you aren't him in disguise still making excuses for being unemployed
The book opens with him tripping out because he got high on non-prescription pharmaceuticals he ordered online.
>Just be warned that the pay isn't good.
That is pretty much the key problem, though. So many of those jobs (at least where I live) barely pay out more than the unemployment line does once you account for social charges, so putting in the effort barely yields rewards. Of course for social maladjusted people like Tatsuhiro, the working environment and social interaction, limited as it may be, is almost worth more than the pay, but if you are doing fine in that regard, you will eventually begin asking yourself why bother to work.
It's about getting over your own delusions of having a cute Misaki gf, a job, career and friends. Life isn't pretty for anyone and NEETs are one of the first to know that.
It also gives you something to put on your resume. Any work is better than no work in that regard.
>*fucks hottest girl in school*
>dude I got social anxiety and phobias
thats not a real temp agency
its basically just a site with job listings like all the other ones.
you still have to go through an interview with them every time and then another interview with the actual employer, assuming ur even successful in the first place
>quit job because it sucked and I hated it
>get another job within the month that pays $3 more an hour
It is that easy, quit being a faggot.
Well I'm wrong about it being well into the book but it's still clear he hadn't tried drugs until that point based on how he talks to himself
>manages to bang hot girl while he's still in highschool
>his parents set him up with his own apartment and spending money when he's an adult
>everyone is nice to him
>he gets an otacool friend
>he gets a cute misaki gf
>all of this occurs before the age of 23
Honestly fuck this guy and fuck his entire story
>it's easy
What are you qualifications? Unless I had another job lined up I would not risk quitting my job without substantial savings to carry me.
No it's not. The "interview" in question is a screening questionnaire to make sure you're not a nigger who's going to come into work drunk or start fights on the job.
the very first page literally shows him with a bunch of pills. over the course of the first chapter hes not only tripping balls, but also snorts some shit to get high, which is why the furniture suddenly start talking. thats something the anime adaptation did such a piss poor job with its unreal. and thats just one of its most obvious flaws.
Try gumtree. Even if you don't get the job, you talk directly to employers and they can tell you straight up why you didn't get it. Could be anything from shitty government standards to greedy teenage hiring to drive wages down to outright incompetence on your part. If they're good bosses, they'll tell you straight up unlike the agencies who will sugarcoat everything because that's literally their job.
>have a conviction
>can't get a self-sustaining job
>recommended this
im a dumbass and I make $50,000 a year at 23
> If getting a job were that easy I wouldn't still be unemployed after 3 years.
Hate to burst your bubble kid but unemployment is at historic lows. If you can't get a job in the second-longest bull run in history, it's simply because you're dogshit.
what if he's a turd worlder
Does that take into account the dumb illegal shitskins flooding our countries and taking all the jobs?
From my experience dropping out of NEEThood in the last couple of months, walking into strip mall stores and asking if they're hiring actually works pretty well. Sure, you'll get some or most of them telling you to just apply online, but if you do that first a lot of those stores don't even look at their company's recruiting sites, or use their own.
So yeah, maybe if McDonald's isn't hiring you it's not because you're human garbage that has no right to exist, it's because the fat black manager uses her cousin's buggy recruitment website and you need to walk in there and ask her about it directly.
Oh, breaking out of social anxiety is absolutely essential for this. If you're a first-worlder and it's really bad, odds are your government can pay for a therapist, if not you can try to practice with family, walk into a church and wait for people to talk to you, even skype an user. If you can get experience being able to carry on a conversation a bunch of doors will open.
Yes. A third-world shitskin who can't speak English and hasn't kept a stable job in his life is preferable compared to you. Congrats!
If you're losing a job opportunity to someone who can't even speak english YOU are the problem
Patently false. It's not my fault that they're willing to get paid 1.50 a fucking hour.
But it is your fault that you have no skills worth paying for.
As someone relatively successful, I have to say that it's not worth it. I don't regret anything, but it's seriously not worth the effort. Staying home for days is the most fun I've had in my life. Nothing since could compare.
If the only jobs you have the qualifications for are the kind that can be done without even speaking English, you probably aren't worth hiring in the first place.
I hate NEETs so much. If you're a completely healthy adult male aged 18-50, you have no reason to be sitting on your ass not working or taking classes to eventually work.
You have no excuse to be a NEET unless you spend every single day calling employers, filling out applications, and shaking dicks with store managers. NO. FUCKING. EXCUSE.
literally where are you looking for work that you're seeing illegals working jobs you're being turned down for
>why didn't this anime tell me exactly what to do in this current time and place. tell me author that wrote this in japan and in 2002, why is your story not completely inline with my world
It's all about perspective. Staying home for a few days or weeks when you're a full time worker is great because, well, it's break. It's supposed to be relaxing.
Being a NEET, staying home doing nothing for the 3000th day in a row feels like fucking shit.
>loses contact with friend, she ends up marrying a rich chad
>parents eventually have to cut funds
>single friend moves away
>girl was just using him and tries killing herself
>almost dies of starvation
Feels great not to have a life as shit as his
Satou was never unemployed because he couldn't find a job, you dumb faggot. He was unemployed because he was a nervous wreck who could barely leave the house.
the secret to life is to be born with decent genetics and loving parents. if you don't got either, just give up (exception is if you have GOD tier genetics and decent adults around to fill in for your shitty/missing parents)
explain spics who come to america with not even a high school education that build themselves up to a 6 figure salary
example: lebron james
>for days
Try years and decades. I bet you wouldn't even last a month without going nuts.
>23 years old, but went back to school and transferred, after spending 4.5 years at a CC, bordering on NEET by taking 5 unit loads, and will be graduating at 25
>never held a job in my life
>my decent GPA in EE is the only thing going for me
Give it to me straight:
How fucked am I and how much will employers' eyes bleed when they see my resume?
labor participation is at a historic low too, but sure unemployment is low.
>that build themselves up to a 6 figure salary
lol you wish paco
You'll be fine. If they want you to explain your gaps, just make up some bullshit about how you were focusing on personal projects in between classes (be prepared to lie though)
>Be so bad you are only qualified for burger flipping jobs
Literally subhuman
Bullshit on your resume and get your first low-level wagecuck job ASAP. It's your only way out.
Don't you have chain stores like 7-Eleven over there? It's the fucking easiest job and you can actually learn something.
Do you have a degree? Maybe you're overqualified or your degree is irrelevant.
Theres a difference between constantly shitting yourself over being in the room with another person and being slightly nervous before doing a speech in front of a crowd, norm
keep paying for my neetbux faggot.
There are plenty of unskilled jobs that pay above minimum wage, and retail jobs hardly require anything aside from you being able to read and write above grade school level.
dont worry user. i am 28 and currently studying law. havent held a single full time job outside of internships but been employed by the same company for 5 years part time now, although i havent a thing for almost 2. still get paid, honhonhon.
enjoy killing yourself by age 35
Literally me a few months ago.
If you're not >3.5 GPA good and have good skills and it'll be hard for you to get a job. Be prepared to work outside your degree scope.
>. If getting a job were that easy I wouldn't still be unemployed after 3 years.
You're unemployed because you think entry level jobs are beneath you, I bet you didn't even apply
you're lying through your fuckin teeth Sup Forums, get your shit together
>the secret to life is to be born with decent genetics and loving parents.
also being literate is a bonus i guess
Right down to the EE major?
My GPA at the 4-year is a 3.62, but combined with my CC, it's a 3.3.
I can omit CC GPA, r-right?
desu, if you're paying taxes, you're also paying for oldfags, sickfags, druggies, and all sorts of other degenerates besides just neets. neets are probably the best out of those people. (if you're old and you didn't save properly, just let nature take it's course)
someone explain this retarded gpa system to me. its 4.0 like the highest score you can get? why the fuck would you require 3.5 to find a job?
Construction, factory shit, non-service jobs and even some service ones. They also blatantly barely speak English, and temp agencies never actually hire you on permanently.
Is this how you rationalize your being a failure
Because everyone fell for the engineering meme and there aren't enough jobs to go around. Now they select for past experience in the form of internships AND GPA.
enjoy paying for my existence until i die
why are we having this thread again?
impressive bait
i pay more for coffee, you're worth nothing to me
I'm a turbo-manlet so I was doomed from the start, honestly
must not make very much if $5 is more than you pay into social security taxes lol
It is about perspective, I agree.
Hey, I stayed home for months when I was a student. No big deal
It takes at least a year, that's when I started becoming suicidal
The problem is that the people who would normally take those jobs can't because they're filled, so they have to go find other jobs to fill. It creates a ripple effect where the overall number of jobs available shrinks.
whats wrong wtih you people? how do you go crazy from being at home? dont you at least leave the house every 2-3 days to buy groceries? you talk to people online, see people while buying food, so what the hell is the problem?
It's not just social interaction, it's the settling realization that I'm wasting my life and I'll never raise a family like I've always wanted to.
Literally take a shower and go to a grocery store or something
When they see you're not another teenager that's going to quit in September they'll hire you on the spot
Spotted the normie. Also I can't speak for the others, but I really hate people. There's fuck all to be gained from interacting with them. This is also part of why I don't like working.
Unemployment is for people who were working. Also, you can still get social benefits on minimum wage, it's just added money on top. Don't give me the poor spiel when I see bubba and his gaggle of kids and his obeast mom walking around with iphones.
> when I was a student
Learn the definition of NEET and get back to me.
This, not only that but it's fucking boring.
Well, I never said I was a neet, just brought up one aspect of neetery.
USA has an unemployment rate of 4%. This isn't 2009. If you can't into a job you're a worthless retard.
>another one who misses the point
Illegals are ruining everything, retard.
>illegals leaving or being deported by the hordes
>ruining anything
The full effect of going hikki while being NEET is vastly different than living at home while being a student. I know since I've done both and I can already tell anybody, including you, would go nuts after a month of doing jackshit and being a leech.
Retard can't into past tense.
Learn the definition of 'not in employment education and training'.
At this point I’m pretty comfortable being a failure NEET. I’ve been through too much shit over the past several years and have had enough.
If illegals are ruining everything then how is unemployment at 4%
t. 16 year old with a 3.0 gpa
Well, I didn't live with my parents if that's what you're assuming. But eh, I was less happy back then, that's for sure.
You're only deemed a failure because society wants to exploit you. Don't let it live rent-free in your head.
>reading comprehension: the post
Tatami Galaxy captured being a NEET much better than NHK.
I had a job after being a NEET for years, but I quit.
Work sucks yo.
Why the fuck did he try to kill himself at the end (of the anime)? It made absolutely no sense for me.
Why go on living? That's what doesn't fucking make sense to me mang.
He had just saved a crazy qt though, unlike you and me.
She didn't fuck him though. Why even interact with a woman if you know she's not fucking you?
Never implied your parents, just used the words "living at home" like in the previous post. Then imagine that unhappiness multiplied and you get the full hikki NEET effect. It's a no brainer that shit gets worse once you no longer have a purpose like studying even if you get to experience the "joys" of unlimited free time.