Why are all the threads dead before 50 replies, S2 is not THAT bad and you used to like candyboobs and the coffee table
Dagashi kashi
>not that bad
>12 minutes long
>shit looks like has been made with a budget of 100$
get out
There's literally a thread up right now with 170 posts.
It airs at midnight like 2 days later. If it's not a true simulcast it doesn't get any hype.
About the manga
Because you OPfags can't stop posting at the same time. Lurk before posting. There's alreay one Dagashi Kashi thread on the hundreds.
they fucked up the rinnegan so we arent under its genjutsu anymore
Damn, naruto was really good
If you didn't know. The 2nd season' character design and coloring are more loyal and closer to the manga. The 1st season is shit with all that trying hard moe brightness bullshit.
>it's good because it made the characters look like flat lifeless aliens -- just like in the manga!
Oh ok.
Cock goes here
>The 2nd season' character design and coloring are more loyal and closer to the manga.
I was looking forward to this season more due to this fact, but unfortunately it looks like they're continuing with putting Saya in when she wasn't in the original.
Still better than actually almost changing any design that wasn't even in the manga. Fuck off animefagonly
To cater for the Sayafags. Afterall they will complain a fuckton if they won't see their skeletal waifu
I want you to take a deep breath, and try posting again but in a legible fashion.
Hotaru was/is so cute.
finally a good use for candy lube
>loli hotaru have bigger boobs than adult saya
Flat is justice
Made for rape by old men.
What about middle aged men
8 ribbons
>loli hotaru was already bringing joy to candy shops and lonely old men that lost every meaning
She is too good for this world
Well, for starters it is a short, a second season, and a comfy SoL, without to mention that is not even close to the airing day, taking in count all this you should be glad to have a thread at all, so it have nothing to with the quality of the show.
I'll push puffy nips Hotaru till it becomes a reality via a confirmation from Koto
>loli Hotaru
>remembered that fucking doujin
Fuck you OP
Which one?
>even with this absolute crap some retards find a reason to be elitist faggots about something
enjoy your dead threads i guess
The only redeeming quality the series had was visuals. When you take that away, nobody gives a fuck.
Loli hotaru does things to my dick.
W-why does loli hotaru closely resemble that one doujin anons?
I need more hotaru faps
Welp, wrong image
I want to commit a crime
>loli hotarun
stop. My dick can only get so hard
then the manga and season 2 are shit
shit I say
>animeonlyfag opinion
>mattering at all
>I read the source material, like a fag
>my opinion matters more, therefore
Ofcourse, knowing the original source will most likely be trusted more than some random person spouting bullshit on a topic he doesn't know. I bet you are also a fan of moe bullshit anime who likes "muh brightness adorable characters"
Why do I like her eyes Sup Forums?
And what's the deal with them? They're so weird by anime standards
How cute!
Big eyes and tiny pupils. I'm actually surprised we don't see that combo more often.
yes I suspect a growing girl like her would eat a fair amount of chicken and poultry in amongst all that sweet stuff she likes to talk about so much.
I prefer manga Hotarus design but s1 eyes are king and cant be beat. They pulled the same thing with Galko.
I'll give it a chance if Saya gets decent screentime. She's the sole reason I watch the show.
and no it's not about dumping chapters anymore. it's just basically a thread for how glorious Hotaru is so you can count that as a legit dagashi thread.
Because it's a comedy that isn't funny