Shinsekai Yori

Is there any advice in particular you would give for someone about to watch Shinsekai yori for the first time?

My advice would be to not make faggy threads like this and just watch it.

Saki dies
Squealer is the karma demon

go in blind

>About to watch the best anime of the decade
>Instead of going blind to it, decides to make a thread about it beforehand, risking being spoiled of major plot points
I can't fathom the retardation of some people.


fuck you

Some episodes in the first half have really QUALITY animation.

Everyone becomes faggot just because. I don't pay attention to the story


Also Squealer did nothing wrong

Terrible utilitarian story. Dishonest anime

Read brave new world first if you haven't

Don't watch it

If you watch episode 8, you spontaneously faggotize

It may get boring, but power through it because the last third or so is amazing. My opinion has never changed so dramatically throughout a series, I went from falling asleep to having my mind blown, and blown in retrospect about the parts I didn't think were interesting at the time.

Don't drop it.

this and don't desist.

Bisexuality is ok.

Perhaps dont super marathon it. Its being adapted from a novel so its not meant to entertain in the roller coaster way movies are. Watch a few episodes or a full arc and marinate on it for a bit before moving on to the next. The mystery aspects are fantastic and you really lose that if you rush through it.

I recommend it to my friend who doesn't usually watch anime because it was interesting. I mentioned that it has a hint of gayness involved. He didn't watch it and probably thinks I'm a major faggot now.

At least you got to see an amazing thing that he missed out on.

On the bright side, you realized your a faggot.

How is it utilitarian? Loads of characters use 'for the greater good' as a justification for their shit, but it's basically a power struggle

Sit in a well-lit room, at least one meter away from your screen.



Good thing he made a thread about shinsekai yori then.