Dragon Ball Super

>ToP ends with Jiren defeating Goku
>El Grande Padre announces U7 will be deleted
>Zeno’s erase U7
>CHADhan is able to resist erasure due to his hidden Blanco power
>GODhan challenges El Grande Padre and if he wins the Zeno’s will unerase U7
>SMARThan defeats El Grande Padre and saves his universe
>Next episode is EOZ
CHADhan ALWAYS wins baby

Other urls found in this thread:


>you ever see a grown man naked?

What are the odds that Vegeta will survive against Toppo and help in the final battle against Jiren?

Yeah, of course. I bet that's what LBxS were actually talking about. For real this time, surely.


>Grande padre kills Goku
>Godhan transforms in sheer anger
>super ends

>You kids taking a bath?
>Mind if I *strips naked*
>Join in?




Reminder that Goku, Frieza vs Jiren will be the finale, it was shown a year ago and we still act like we don't know how the ToP will end.

>crygetafag delusion

Spotted the Cuckarot. You should just leave this thread, you kissless, bad breathed autist

>Shithan goes Blanco
>Jobs anyway
It would be the perfect callback to Z


>spics and faggots STILL in denial that our guy is making a massive comeback

So, if Super is ending in a few episodes, where do Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks' new outfits come from? Surely Heroes is hiding something from us...


I am literally better than both of you because I know both are shit.

are you a rick and morty fan too?

why is jiren so strong?

plot armor


Those looks like their RoF outfits except Goku is wearing a blue shirt underneath.

He’s literally Superman if Superman was an alien

It aint bad desu senpai

Caulifriends, ASSEMBLE!

superman is an alien


She is so so so pretty. I love her!

Kefla's design really grew on me

like really really

what im sayin is


>literally Superman if Superman was an alien

what if jiren could transform

Leave Jiren to m-



Perfection personified.

She's so cute

I'd turn super saiyan for dat

checking in

Don't forget the Capsule Corp logos instead of Whis' signiture. Also, Trunks is definitely wearing something different.

If the other universes end up wished back, you know it's happening.


>tfw caulifags are australians

I want to watch beerus fight again.

man i wish she were my wife

why is she so perfect?

is jiren stronger than black goku?

Australian Caulifriend checking in!

I wonder what his next fight would be with...

Have you DABBED in honor of our lord, GODPPO today, friends?

>Caulifriends are from Australia and Canada
There's some deeper meaning here I'm sure.

Yes. As Fused Zamasu, no. It took Vegito Blue to take down or even damage Fused Zamasu. Jiren is far from the strongest character in Dragon Ball. I'd wager even Kid Buu could best Jiren in battle.

It'll be funny looking at this in retrospect when Frieza outlast your retard god of jobbing. Just like Dyspshit faggots before you. Your lorax faggot is completely expendable

Is this the new Yamcha meme?

>I'd wager kid buu could beat Jiren
Hah... hahahahahahahahaha what? You mean the person a spirit bomb annihilated?

>literally lying half dead and unconscious on the edge of the ring in his own piss and blood
Woah, you sure showed me. He couldn't even beat Dyspo without Gohans help ahahhahahahaha

>come to Sup Forums to talk about dragon ball
>fall in love instead
there's something about her harsh look, glad she got so much development ToP is severely lacking that.

You should add that he is a caring father on the left.

>Toppo rings out 17
>Vegeta rings out Toppo and himself
>Goku jobs to Jiren
>Freeza kills Jiren from behind and dies

Have fun getting eliminated next and vanishing into irrelevance next week. Frieza is only at the start of his potential

>killing Jiren
How exactly?

gine>>>all other saiyan grills

What did he mean by this?




Oww. Don't do that.

what is freezas power level?
he seems weak

Freeza is so weak that SS2 Cabba made him go Golden Form.

It looks better than the clothes he wore in Super

So what do we guess people might wish for if they win?

Vegeta - resurrect universe 6 if not all universes.
Goku - beholden to resurrect frieza, but Goku's a liar spur of the moment kinda idiot so who knows. If he wins, goes back on his deal with frieza and resurrects all universes its the most boring predictable ending.
Frieza - Resurrect himself, possibly immortal possibly make himself god of all universes something insanely selfish and evil. Would be a great way to jump into another arch but we aren't going that route apparently.
Toppo - Possibly revive all universes? He doesn't seem to care about the wish as he told Jiren to try and win to achieve his own so i assume something selfless like this. He also abandoned justice, though i assume thats temporary, i doubt he'd be in his "evil" GoD mode if he won to make a wish anyway.
Jiren - has some secret wish he's wanted. My guess is it is to become the god of all, he'd be able to be a fair God and watch over all things. This would explain why Toppo not Jiren is being trained to be a GoD (Jiren isnt into destruction) and it would be cool to have him win and get this wish and fix everything out of his own accord dethroning the chaotic Zeno's, who honestly might not care about giving up their position. I hold a lot of distrust of the angels though and I feel they keep Zeno stupid and childish and really run the show behind the scenes and will be antagonists at some point beyond the 6 episodes we have left so who knows but we will find out Jirens wish at some point for sure, even if just in dialogue.
Android 17 - Protecting animals? In the manga Beerus "pretends not to hear" that the androids might not "count" as contestants, so its possible he's survived this long to win and then disqualify universe 7 entirely upon being "found out" (i honestly cant think of another reason he's lasted this long). its probly not gonna happen though so why speculate.

I could see Vegeta only resurrecting the U6 Saiyans and ignoring everyone else, unless someone else makes him revive more people/universes
Probably something stupid like bringing King Kai back to life because Toriyama loves gags
To be above Zeno
He would give his wish to Jiren
Who knows/cares. Nothing about Jiren is interesting.
>Android 17
a boat.

His wish can be granted by the Earth or Namekian Dragon Balls
>Android 17
His boat wish can be granted by the Dragon Balls on Earth or Namek. Goku can literally just fly with a radar and get him his boat
Also, it's not the winning individual, it's the winning UNIVERSE

Enjoy your perma you faggot

Goku will wish for Kibito and Shin to fuse back together so GT can happen

>dragonball ultra comes out in 2019
>has 5 arcs
>first arc is yamoshi movie retelling
>second arc is DB fighters Z story retelling
>third arc is multiversal tournament now including all 12 universes
>fourth arc is the Jiren Black arc
>fifth and final arc is el grande padre rebellion
post yfw


Its the individual, its far more interesting that way. Though they didn't explain what would happen in a timed out, one universe has more fighters left situation. duel it out for the wish?

Could be an interesting scenario... Goku and Jiren boot each other out leaving passed out Vegeta and Frieza on stage but then the grande priest heals them for a final duel for a wish. Vegeta VS Frieza with Resurrecting all universes for Vegeta and becoming supreme evil overlord of everything for Frieza, could be a sweet ending as Jiren is boring and would actually feel like a villian needs to be defeated with some very serious stakes and characters that can lose instead of unbeatable goku vs unbeatable jiren.

I can see the ending now,
Goku, 17 and Jiren are brawling. Toppo and Vegeta eliminate each other.
17 uses a barrier to stall for time as long as possible.
Goku meanwhile is charging or is going to make a spirit bomb to consume so that he unlocks UI again.
Jiren breaks through 17 and eliminates him.
Goku and Jiren end up eliminating each other in a tie.
Frieza remains the winner and resurrects himself while Zenos & GP bring back all the universes as they had so much fun and want to do this again.
Next time without the fear of universes being erased.

Ok wait a second, what if the battle is a draw? What if the time limit runs out, and Goku and Jiren are still standing?

Goku has more eliminations but anything goes with Zeno

They will say they put up fake stakes to make it interesting and really see all the universes give there all.

>Dragon Ball Ultra
>First Arc is a ToP retelling
>Second Arc is Goten and Trunk Island Adventures
>Third Arc is Yamoshi movie retelling
>Fourth arc is U6 vs U7 tournament rematch
>5th Arc is ToP part two, but 20 fighters per team now
>6th Arc is another future trunks arc

Oh yeah, they could of course decide by most eliminations.

I see it happening and itl be the most anticlimactic end agggh

Sounds bad enough to become true, user

wheres the original?

ultra is weaker than super

if there was a way to refund life time wasted hoping for a good ending i hope i can reclaim it here

I hope Goku and 17 fuse like some people are saying they might. Goku' s bullshit saiyan physiology plot armour + 17's bullshit infinite energy plot armour should result in something nutty I think.

But that would be a serious retcon, because we have seen on multiple occasions zeno and grande padre discuss the excess universes, and their discussions before Goku intervened.

stop giving them ideas

That's true, but i've seen the Zeno's spaz out enough times that they will say they had the most fun ever and losing universes mean less chance too see awesome battles. They will leave a dumb condition like, I will restore all universes if they promise to get stronger and do even better in the annual tournament or something dumb like that.

Who said they would fuse?

FUCK super if they end so shit

>Goku and Jiren end up eliminating each other in a tie.
>Frieza remains the winner
meh... headcanon... thats too predictable

Do we have a list of the best animated episodes in Super?
Do you guys remember?

Heroes is already doing another Future Trunks arc, this time with 50% more jail.

What will the "Final Barrier" be? I cant imagine 17 can do much more with his barrier other than make it more durable


Maybe it'll be so intense he'll burn his core or something