Shut your whore mouth kyoanus.
Big spoon.
Little spoon.
Why is she always doing that?
Do the people still left in Hibike threads honestly believe they're gay, or is it just an attempt to bother other posters?
You're at fault if it bothers you.
>all these payloads
>delivers nothing
kyoani is a fucking mistake
Pfff haha yeah I also interlocked my hands with my friends' while watching them lovingly like that but it's not a gay behavior or anything
Full version?
Are you implying that she can resist that fluffy?
It's simple and clean that they are gay for each other. But still in the closet. It's simple and clean that kyoani needs money if they are re-launching this poster too.
forced dolescence
do you think fat heterosexual characters are undepresented in anime?
Tbh teenage girls have straigh sex with their girl friends all the time.My sister told me so when I walked in her staring at pictures of her friend, mumbling how beautiful she was.
This, having sex with girls is not gay.
No there's nothing gay it's 思春期(shishunki), as yamada would put it. There's something seriously wrong with you yuritards who view anything involving two girls as yuri.
Yes, all those dicks you sucked, it was just puberty.
>Hugging a girl is the same as oral sex
They get boyfriends in the source material, why do girls being straight upset you so much?
I'm not, I just find the whole situation funny, with all these excuses. Particularly how KyoAni loves to tease these two, but their boyfriends are never in sight.
Reina don't get any boyfriend.
And Kumiko return the pin flower to Shuuichi
It's called yuribaiting, look at every single piece of promotional art with any show with two or more females in the last 25 years.
I don't know why /u/ latched onto this show as homo when there's actual gay shit out there for them to fap to.
Read the novels, kiddo.
/u/ doesn't like this show though, they hate yuribait and all, same as you, you people should stop fighting over cartoons and be friends.
>implying that there is more than one boyfriend.
I preferred Penguindrum to Utena, we could never be friends.
Promotional art aside,There's no actual yuri teasing in the show to accuse this show of yuri baiting. The fault is on those who mistook the relationship and presumed the sexuality of characters as lesbians. These yuribait memes come at the detriment of refusing to look at the value the actual relationship between those two brings to the work. It's not like the show doesn't make any sense without reading it through the framework of yuribaiting and yet these retards refuse to look at this show for what it actually is
I'll let you in on a secret here: 99% of the yuribait spam on this board is trolling and falseflagging.
This show had some of the most romantic episode ever made in anime and it was between 2 girls.
>there's no actual yuri teasing in the show
Of the directors (not Yamada) stated that he thought he was seeing Yamada's view of yuri of when he watched the hilltop scene. I guess that means that KyoAni itself is completely delusional.
It’s Ishihara we are talking about. He never sees his characters as anything more than cliches to play around with. He is just like your average delusional yuri shipper.
Kumiko is 100% a lesbian and a playa. First season with Reina. 2nd season with Asuka. The upcoming movies should be interesting.
Sure user, thanks for your deep thoughts.
He's truly the hero we deserve.
>their boyfriends
So, Reina-chan got a boyfriend too? Who?
There is no yuri in this show, strangle yourself.
Everyone knows the characters are canonically straight and that there is no yuri in the novels.
The thing is, the anime is full of yuri bait.No other anime/manga, that isnt official yuri subtext, portrays friendship between girls like this.I've seen hugging and holding hands between straigh girls multiple times but i've never seen staring, thinking about the other girl's beauty, and anything like what happened in the hilltop scene before, specially animated in the way kyoani did.
Not boyfriend actually but taki accepted her to be his sex slave
Reina is object of fascination and admiration for kumiko. The series portrayed that accurately. There's nothing gay
Who in this thread has read the last novel (2nd year)?
>fascination and admiration
>want to bite her neck
Takeda is in the same phase than Yamada.
What volume?
>hilltop scene
As if it were the only questionable scene of these two kek.
Second (the last one)
He's right. Yamada's view of yuri is adolescence and a stepping stone for real relationships with men
Implying that Yamaha has an idea that it's a relationship with a man.
You suppose too much though.
>people keep obsessing about kumiko and reina's ADOLESCENCE when these two are a thing
I just don't get it.
Yamada is married
Not everyone can have amazing taste.
>yuri = on screen lesbian sex
If one of them were a guy you'd have fapped the shit out of it. Those scenes were already as yuri as can be and God do I pity you for not understanding pure love.
>they're gay
>no they're not
>they're gay
>no they're not
Why won't you guys kill yourself already? YURI HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING GAY
Not to mention that girls are at least bisexual to begin with.
I'm just so fucking tired of this. I honestly don't know how you pathetic animals can be redeemed.
I don't know what makes you think that this isn't adolescence too
Never change, /u/.
this simple diagram explains everything:
friendship < love < kyoani's real friendship
/u/ is the exact opposite. It's not yuri unless they kiss or have sex.
That user is not entirelly wrong actually. But discussing the nature of yuri with westerners, particularly on a political website like this is pointless.
Yuri is just nip for female Bromance, I can pretend that Bromance is some super deep and complicated thing that straight dudes will never understand but it doesn't change the fact that it means boyz in love.
Yuri is gay, specifically lesbian love.
I don't understand how people lose common sense in the hibike threads.
And Yamada said it wasn't the tipical yuri for men.
The most funny thing is that she also said that Tamako and Reina behavior was adolescence (not Kumiko and Midori). A very smart response from her if you ask me.
Moreover it's super stupid to think that these two are simple friends. They are more than friends = love, but in kyoani dictionary this is called real frienship (usually used between their gay couples but not exclusively). In other words, Kumiko and Reina like
Makoto and Haru, Nibu and Deko, Nagisa and Rei, Natsuki and Yuuko, Kobayashi and Tohru, etc, etc... are besto furendo.
My god. Yuri is love between females. Say something is yuri is like saying something is gay. No more no less. Stop being retarded here. Yuri term it's not that complicated.
Nigga that's what I said.
>there are people out there that refuse to fap to certain images/doujins because they don't match how they perceive the characters sexualities
Reina having sex with Kumiko is hot. Reina having her every orifice filled with musical instruments is hot. The true Sup Forumsnons enjoys both, regardless of how "canon" they may be.
>Yuri is just nip for female Bromance
But this is incorrect.
>yuri is just nip for female Bromance
Bromance may look gay but it just a form of deep affectionate relationship between two dudes that has nothing to with sexuality. It is not at all scientifically gay.
I think that this is not the point here.
Jesus fuck why does nobody in these threads ever know what fucking friendship is?
Have none of you ever had a friend when you were growing up?
Have you never been in a romantic relationship?
How do you guys think the character designs for Kumiko and the others will be for the lesbian flute and oboe movie?
So exactly like the "yuri" in Hibike then.
*blocks your path*
But yuri is gay, and it has to do with sexuality. Yuri is not equal to bromance.
O i m laffin
Tell me what friends you've had where you take them somewhere private in order to caress their face and tell them you love them.
no homo
It's clearly yuri bait but this looks like a normal friendship to you?
The "yuri" in hibike is a closet yuri.
Skinship like that is incredibly common in Toulouse where I grew up, and most of France/Belgium etc.
It seems to me that only America is afraid of physical contact?
You braindead retards show spectacular ability to take things out of context of the show and view it through your delusional yuri fantasies.
It's not just a scene, there are several ... even the fight they have is portrayed as a lover's quarrel.
Look at these two healthy straight heterosexual girls.
Whatever, American.
Mais bien sûr.
I would say Germanic cultures in general are pretty averse to physical contact. America isn't Germanic per se, but they have inherited a lot culturally from Britain and Germany.
Skinship between girls is something like playfully slapping each other's butts, not saying "I'm going to kill you" while an inch away from their face.
>yuri bait
Did you even read what I said? Kumiko and Reina aren't gay for each other, but they're interactions are purposely exaggerated to draw in yurifags.
You do not know the same girls I grew up with then.
Peut-être devriez-vous lâcher cette attitude impertinente et commencer à la jouer fine parce que si vous me resservez de cette pâtée, je le recracherai.
>Oguro: Right, right. Somehow, it felt like I was seeing a real yuri work for the first time.
>Ishihara: It does look like that. Well, from our point of view.
There is no yuribait everyone. It's all in our heads! It's clearly even in the directors' heads.
Whatever happened to Reina between the first and the second season? Taki-sensei sure is amazing, but it's as if her personality did a 360.
And in Japan it's incredibly uncommon, have you not noticed how people in Japan bow instead of shaking hands?
You can't interpret Japanese character's behavior based on your own country's cultural norms
Ishihara opinion mean nothing here. Yamada said that she never intended to portray this so called 'yuri' while working on hibike.
lol, friends in Japan are all over each other, why the fuck would you bow to your best bro like you met them for the first time in a job interview.
You people really need to go outside more.
God I wish I could hug Kumiko like that
this is photoshop
Their unbiased opinions seems to contrast some anons claims that it was the most normal thing in the world and not yuribait
>Ishihara opinion means nothing here
>a director of the anime's opinion means nothing because I say so
Yamada's statement proves that Hibike is not yuri. Ishihara's statement proves that KyoAni nevertheless had a yuri perspective on Hibike. This means that the anime is, for all intents and purposes, yuri bait.
Well, of course the French are like this.
how is it possible to be such a faggot?
Saying people in Japan doesn't touch much isn't the same as saying the Japanese doesn't touch at all.
My point was that saying that people touch a lot in your culture, and then implying that it's equally ok in Japan is fucking stupid
Gay or European?
It's hard to guarantee
Not the same user, but I'm not from America and I'm a contact person (very much) and I tell you that this isn't how you look at a friend. It's not related with skinship. It's a whole.
>Horrific gun crime, violence and mass murder is OK as long as nobody shows a nipple
Are you forgetting that yamada is the series director for hibike. Most of the work related to story and how characters should be portrayed is overseen by yamada. Ishihara's opinion can only be seen as 'typical male yuri consumer' opinion. Even the manga author(a typical biased male) mistook the novel for yuri. It's just how takeda likes to write female relationships in novels. Kyoani did a really good job with the adaptation and it says something when even yamada(a female) didn't saw the relationship as yuri. It's only in the minds of yuri fans