>watch/read an obscure series because Sup Forums loves it
>it's shit
what's her name, Sup Forums?
>watch/read an obscure series because Sup Forums loves it
>it's shit
what's her name, Sup Forums?
Neon Genesis Evangelion.
Fire shitty punch.
If Sup Forums loves it, it's probably not obscure, especially for manga, since Sup Forums doesn't really read manga to begin with.
Nigga Sup Forums reads tons of manga. That's what made the Watamote anime happen.
> Sup Forums reads tons of manga
No, it doesn't. Sup Forums reads weekly shounen and things with anime adaptations. Remove those, and there's a 99% chance a given series won't get a single mention when a new chapter releases.
Fire punch would have gained at being a straight up shonen.
It subvert expectations so much, it's confusing and boring.
>Pic unrelated
Here is related pic.
You have to go back, if you really believe this because its not true at all.
>You have to go back
What sort of a response is this? It's not like I used some crossboard meme or mentioned some off-topic shit. Where the fuck are you thinking I came from?
>its not true at all
It is, though. Pic related are the only manga threads up right now aside from those I just mentioned (and the OPT, which is just a recommendation general with borderline no discussion). Sup Forums is the anime board, manga powerlevels are abysmally low. This has been common knowledge forever, I'm honestly surprised to see someone even trying to debate it.
I'm reading it just now and I don't know what the fuck is going on.
I'm 20 chapters in and it's a mess, but I'm still not sure whether it's even okay or bad.
It's a straight up edgy revenge story, but then it turns into some sort of weird quasi-metafiction narrative, and now you're telling me that the setup of an evil ice-witch isn't real but it's actually an ice age, but then again people have these powers so what's up with that.
I don't know what to expect. It's probably going to do a weird turnaround again because the x-men powers haven't been explained yet.
I give it that it's so far kind of interesting, but mainly only because I want to see what kind of a wild ride it ends up being.
>I'm 20 chapters in
>It's probably going to do a weird turnaround again
It didn't even started yet, fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the wildest of rides.
Just because we don't want to talk about those shitty manga because we drop them early on doesn't mean we don't read them. Manga is just trash. That's why you see only some of them discussed.
Jojo. It is way too gay for my taste.
fite me
but you already a faggot user.
I thought Fire Punch was strange, nonsensical, and unfortunate for the sake of being unfortunate.
Eden it's an endless world
Berserk. When it turned into NTR I couldn't continue
Most of the time there is little reason to make a thread for a new manga chapter since there won't be much to talk about.
no one in bleach threads thought it was good. it was just really fun to read together.
B-b-b-b but I love the 3d pussy, taste so good
There's quite a few mangafags on Sup Forums, we're just outnumbered by Sup Forumsnime casuals and so most of our threads that aren't about mainstream stuff doesn't last and gets booted off the board in favor of the next casual anime thread or waifu thread. It's why you'll occasionally see someone asking for a manga only board, or even a sequential art board since there's some Sup Forums cross posters who have the same problem on Sup Forums (99% shitty cartoon or waifu bait threads, only comic threads that last are shity cape comics)
Half the fun was trying to figure out where the fuck it's gonna go, especially since the reason Sup Forums loved it was they were reading it week to week and it was the wildest fucking ride. Prepare to have any and all expectations completely subverted or ignored though
it gets even crazier
The real homo is one who's too insecure to appreciate the male form.
Compáratively to anime not really, 70-80% of the board is anime. 30-20% is manga and of course that manga portion is mostly really popular stuff.