Dedicated thread for best and cutest girl, also hype for S3.
Date a Live Thread
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girl above is shit
[x] Touch Tohka's tohkas
I'm only hyped for the show if someone better than IMS is doing it.
I might not be able to resist getting hyped for the despair episode though.
What despair?
>inb4 anime only fag
Origami accidentally killing her own parents.
That went dark real quick
>best and cutest girl
you fucking wish retard
Fuck off Origami.
Fuck of Tohka. The real queen has arrived.
Even Miku is cuter than this retard
Why isn't this anime very sexualized? The girls are so cute and fuckable at the same time, it's difficult to keep such a good level.
The novels are in their last phase and this babe only has less than 10 doujins.
Probably because it is not popular enough for that.
The lewdness in this show is perfectly fine. I still prefer the girls being cute than sexy.
Don't remind me that she's such a hobbit.
Most of the girls are.
Imagine being this much of a retard
DAL has a very controlled fanservice. The most fanservice-ish volume was the 5th of the Twin's conquest.
impeccable taste, gentlemen
t. Kurumi clone
Rinne is best girl.
i wanted to watch anime for this beauty but anons said this anime is bad, but i masturbated on her 4 times and want to see her in motion
Origami has the best taste in ice-cream
Overrated mainstream used goods "waifu" bait shit
Ja, no.
>Being this mad
You forget to post your chart, user.
Yoshino > Tohka > Kaguya > Yuzuru > Reine > Nia > Mayuri > Natsumi > Mana > Kotori > Miku > origami > kurumi
It's time for that post again I see
It was not necessary post the pic of shit taste, Kurumi is really, really overrated.
I'm sorry but if you have Miku above anyone your taste is bad.
>retard above anyone
Kurumi is really, really cute
Yes, now you should learn that there are those who like the series and those who only care about the retarded Kurumi. In short, you're a clockfag so you might as well never post here again.
>Kaguya > Yuzuru
Opinion discarded
[x] touch tohkas tohkas
Its a fucking psychopath murder in mass
Yoshino is the most cuteness loli ever existed
Both sisters are awesome
Miku > shit (you) > origami > kurumi
I'm a clockfag after watching s1 and the first two ovas. Does clock have development in s2?
Hey guys, I've a whole folder full of images like pic related that I made myself and I'd like to share them.
You actually have some the worst taste I have seen in a DAL thread, Yoshino is the only thing you got right everything else is so wrong it hurts.
>Its a fucking cute psychopath murder in mass
Tohka = Yoshino = Kurumi = Kotori = Yamai = Miku = Natsumi = Origami = Nia = Mukuro = Mayuri = Maria = Marina = Rinne = Rio
>kurumi prefers them black
>origami is surprisingly pure
>tohka is a greedy retard
>kurumi likes chocolate ice-cream
>origami likes vanilla ice-cream
>tohka is a cute girl who likes a lot of ice-cream
You can't be serious, how the fuck can you actually put Miku above anyone? There is no excuse, I'm not even that much of a fan of Origami and don't care for Kurumi but even they are well above fucking Miku.
Now that I think about, that says a lot about the girl.
Fuck you with your cunt clock
Kurumi-fag is mad
Kurumi-fags really are the worst fanbase in date a live just like remfags.
Listen faggot, Miku can be a hypocrite, bisexual, cunt but I still prefer her instead that racist cunt, slut of origami and that overrated mainstream shit of kurumi
>being this angry
Why do you hate clock so much?
the fuck?
I pretty much just said I like Yoshino the best, so thanks for proving you not only have shit taste but are also a retard who can't read.
>still trolling Origami
Why don't people realize that she is actually one of the best?
Wait how is Origami racist? She does not even hate spirits anymore.
Is it safe to post Origami in these threads yet?
Yes Origami a cute and not a retard
No Origami a shit and a obnoxious
She's fine, just post her superior post volume 10 self.
Kurumi is the Queen.
>Overrated, mainstream, used goods, "waifu" bait shit
>Genocide murder mass.
>Sadistic, Insane, Edgy, Cunt.
>Psychotic, sociopath, bitch.
>Manipulater cunt
>A fucking horny slut
>"Ultimate perfect waifu ever existed"
>Annoying autistic, retarded fanbase.
The irony on your side is huge like the ego of kurumi-fags
Seriously, Fuck you.
Racist I said also she NEVER did apologise with Tohka, Kotori and Yuzuru.
You guys should really stop replying to him. It was the same with the haters we used to have in these threads after season 1 ended.
Queen of the unique and different girls
Kurumi the true Queen.
Queen of the mainstream "waifu" bait shit
Woah user
Kurumi is best girl
You really are an autistic retarded by kurumi.
Yes she did, literally right after she was sealed she apologised and then thanked them all for fighting for her.
OP here, ______no.
Kurumi alpha Queen.
>Not liking both
Just like Albedo, Akeno, Saeko, Rem, oh wait they are shit.
Post cute Origami
Still a shit
>Tohko will never not be retard
>muh opinion
But why? She has not done anything negative since her arc was over in fact she actually been very helpful these past few volumes, I just don't get why people still hate her so much.
>liking both
I bet you change your waifus seasonally too.
>live your entire life devoid of contact with the rest of the world
>one day try to become a normal person
>naturally, you won't understand a lot of concepts that humans find normal
>be called a retard because of this
>but it doesn't matter because you're the best spirit and best girl
perfect for deito
Happy Tohka!
Kurumi stuck in a wrong series.
It was one of the worst anime i watched.
There actually quite a few DAL anons who like both of them.
Too bad for you
I actually agree with most entries on this list but
>Naru Narusegawa
How is she worst girl? Besides Fuu she's best.
She was just a mememachine ofc Sento is best
Well I agree that Nagisa's dad was the best girl in the series but Nagisa really wasn't worst.
Tobiichi Origami is and always will be the true best girl in DAL
ᶜᵘᵗᵉ, cute, CUTE
Mediocre autistic shit