
On a scale of -666 to 10, how would you rate Satan-sama?

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poor man's Nyotengu.













I would only fuck it if it goes rid of that penis.

Jun is a 10/10

Mommy is an 11/10

You're cornered by the devils and about to die a painful death

But Satan offers you a choice, join them and be part of his harem of feminised angel transgirls, you will be loved and cared for, but you will also be owned. Collared and sitting at mommys feet but you will be treated kindly by mommy Satan and Akira if you are a good girl, who will graciously transform your body and give you a slim girlish figure and breasts, while replacing your hormones with estrogen. You will be cuddled and loved and have lots of fun.

What say you user? Do you accept this offer? It's not a kindness handed out to just any Human.

There should be a devilman anime where Satan succeeds in feminising the earth into angel girls and some side character tries to fight and run away the whole time, only for them to accept it in the end and get turned into a girl in a really satisfying transformation payoff where they nuzzle into mommys breasts

Go write your mommy fetish fanfiction elsewhere

Best girl/10

thats kinda gay

The boys who fight always make the cutest girls
The distress when they start to grow breasts, when their penis shrink. When they can't control their feminine feelings
When they find they have a vagina and not a penis

Oh yes. mommy Satan will have fun with this one.

Don't project bible lore onto devilman lore you sad secondary.


Point to where this stuff is in the bible because holy heck I need to read that chapter

fuck off dumblr phoneposter

can't beat the year of the cock

Phones are comfy posting
Softer on the eyes and portable

Why would a pc poster be superior when they have bad posture from sitting ?

I like the filter here

What the living fuck is wrong with you?!

you know just once i'd like to see a story where humanity is portrayed in a positive light where people don't just go crazy on each other at the first sign of trouble

Try kids' shows, like Pokemon.

I don't know either. Satan's influence is strong.

Let mommy make you one of her angel girls and you will.

There's nothing more cute and wholesome than Mommy Satan who has just discovered love and wants to give it to as many people as she can

is it really so unrealistic to expect people to support each other? i mean i know people can be cruel, but it's not when satan is knocking on our door

Ok now this has just gotten weird and creepy,is this the third thread now with the fem angel copy pasta?

Be a girl

It can always be more scary :^)

As a repressed tranny. I like it

No,I'm already an angel

Fuck off Akira

What the, oh no...

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo draco maledicte
et omnis legio diabolica
adjuramus te.
Cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare.

Vade, Satana, inventor et magister
omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.
Humiliare sub potenti manu dei,
contremisce et effuge, invocato a
nobis sancto et terribili nomine,
quem inferi tremunt.

Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire
te rogamus, audi nos.
Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris,
te rogamus, audi nos.

Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo.
Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem
et fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Benedictus deus. Gloria patri.

The part that made me want this the most was when she hugged her

>is it really so unrealistic to expect people to support each other?

Take a look at human history and tell me.

I am going to miss these threads.


I'm not. They just bring weird people.

I want mommy Satan to feminize me

>I would only fuck it if it goes rid of that penis.

dont be a pussy

Japan is re-releasing the first 1972 edition of Devilman again.

You also have the 50th edition for those who want the additional pages/redraws.

It's always nice that they offer both versions, unlike what Lucas did to Star Wars.

I was going to miss them,but now they have just gotten strange.

there were plenty of times in human history when people behaved selflessly

>there were plenty of times in human history when people behaved selflessly

Demons in human clothing are everywhere.

>>I was a little uneasy about the direcor of devilman being a guy who was fine with being Totoro

Haha, Thanks for all this user.

that's real deep user

0/10 would not bang even if I was the last Devilman on Earth.

such bosses.

It's now permanent.

oh my god I am dying . hahahahahahahah I'm chokin on air! I can't breathe!!!!

Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus
omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio
infernalis adversarii, omnis legio,
omnis congregatio et secta diabolica.
Ergo draco maledicte
et omnis legio diabolica
adjuramus te.
Cessa decipere humanas creaturas,
eisque aeternae Perditionis venenum propinare.

Vade, Satana, inventor et magister
omnis fallaciae, hostis humanae salutis.
Humiliare sub potenti manu dei,
contremisce et effuge, invocato a
nobis sancto et terribili nomine,
quem inferi tremunt.

Ab insidiis diaboli, libera nos, Domine.
Ut Ecclesiam tuam secura tibi facias libertate servire
te rogamus, audi nos.
Ut inimicos sanctae Ecclesiae humiliare digneris,
te rogamus, audi nos.

Terribilis Deus de sanctuario suo.
Deus Israhel ipse truderit virtutem
et fortitudinem plebi Suae.
Benedictus deus. Gloria patri.

Whenever I see pics like this, it makes me wish Nagai made Satan a full female instead of hermaphrodite.

That´s why Jun is best girl.

I want to fuck satan

Weird people make things spicy though.

Only the true followers of Satan love him as he is.


Y'all need to be "purified" by God.

Everyone still refers to Satan as He. I am going to assume because it is a language default. I guess I could say 'they?'

tumblr, fuck off.

Wouldn't it kind of be stupid to go against what the other characters use though ??

I meant this for

I like how Nagai talks bout the characters growing beyond him. I'm always interested to know what artists are thinking through their process.



You don't fuck her
She fucks you
She's the one in control, the one to exert loving dominance and control. As we are her daughters.

Only Akira can fuck her so to speak. We get fucked by her, we are submissive girls for her

They are beautiful no matter what

I want to be female so badly

Ryo is a little shit in Crybaby though. Can we all agree with that? (maybe I should have some sympathy, because it's not like he has the same priorities as a human at the start).