Why are tomboys so hot? Isnt a tomboy just a boy with a pussy?

Why are tomboys so hot? Isnt a tomboy just a boy with a pussy?

>answering your own question

The idea that you wont have to deal with women retardation as much
protip you still have to deal with it

What kind of faggot would be sexually attracted to a girl that looks like a boy. That's literally gay.

>But somehow being attracted to a boy that looks like a girl is not gay according to Sup Forums.

Guess I'm a faggot then, because I love them.

Why does liking tomboys have to mean also liking reverse traps?




A cute boy with a pussy and you don't even have to tell yourself that traps aren't gay

Isn't a loli just a boy with a pussy?


No they tend to look like little girls, user

No no no, THIS is a boy with a pussy.

A tomboy is a cute girl with interests in masculine hobbies.

not really. tomboys usually have very nice, feminine bodies under the boyish clothing. That's part of what makes them great. They're not boys.

I'll make it simple for you.

If you like the trap in the middle, you are gay. If you like the reverse trap, you are reverse gay.

I bust my nut to that doujin so many times.

>liking tomboys

The traps really turn me off from it.

Super rare art. A good picture of Lina.

Would that actually work? If I called a tomboy a man, would she show me her pussy?

real tomboys are gigawhores who fuck all their male friends which they have a lot more than normal girls

Not always. Some would just be hurt so you should call them cute instead.

This. It's gay to fuck girls. Heteros fuck men.


Feminization fetish without gay sex

Should tomboys be pure or slut?

There is some merit to his argument.
Little Girls are more sporty and gritty than their post-puberty counterparts.
t. used to be a kid

Unintentionally slutty

>Little Girls are better than their post-puberty counterparts.
Why are you telling us the obvious?



You tell me




Because they have low self esteem so it's easy to generate dependency on you.

Do tomboys usually like boy stuff, like videogames and cars?

Do fishes usually like wet stuff, like salt water and algae?

Many fishes don't like salt water.

what the fuck is this man, I can't even fap to this
that's just cute af

Sometimes they are engineers and mechanics.

Generally speaking!

Well, they don't really have much choice, everything's wet down there. there are species of fish that go on land, instead of doing fish things underwater and I think they have more to do with tomboys than the other fish.

Tomboys acknowledge that they are girls. They like to be girls and they are girlish even, even if just few. A boy with a pussy is a transgender man aka reverse trap.

Tomboy childhood friend wrench wenches are the best.


>a transgender man
>reverse trap

Thats not what a reverse trap is.

You fucking people. Does everything has to be an argument?

If you like anything in this page you're a total faggot anyways


I'll stop with the pointless arguments when I get a cute 2d tomboy girlfriend.

>If you like pussy you're a total faggot

I'll have you know I get very passionate about fish.

Sakura, please!

>guy in a female outfit that behaves like a girl and intentionally hides his manlihood.

>reverse trap
>not just that but with girls

Please, care to explain.

m..my heart

friendly reminder tomo's back next week

Tomboys =/= reverse traps. The key defining feature of a tomboy is that the act like guys and/or have boyish interests. A tomboy could have long hair, a fat ass, and huge tits.

is that from sword art online? the art style looks like it but I cant remember that character

A trasngender is someone who goes and gets their genitals mutilated. Dont care whatever the newage PC corruption calls them. Anything less is a cross dresser and nothing more.


You being serious?

Tfw Tomo's Tomos



I know that feel.

enlighten me please, senpai

>gender dysphoria is mutilating your genitals

user pls. Gender change is actually how gender dysphoria is treated, not a symptom.


She didn't deserve that end in the novel.

tomboy butts

No, thats how you give in to a person with mental disorders delusions. It does not treat them, help them or improve their lives. In fact it leaves them in an even worse place because they are will mentally handicapped only now they have freakish mutilated genitals and are stuck on hormontreatments that drive them even more insane.

>Gender change is actually how gender dysphoria is treated
I don't think cutting off a dick in working condition is a solution for whatever mental issues a person has.

For the love of god, source that

Anyone posting on Sup Forums is already a faggot, so you've lost nothing by enjoying the glory of tomboys.

If memory serves me right, it's Momoiro Days which is a collection of cute vanilla stories. That file is page 157 in particular.

Thanks. I got the page from the filename but not the source

Explains why so many people here love tomboys.

>Why are tomboys so hot?
They aren't.

>mutilating fragile people is supposed to treat them

most females are written badly
>muh feminity
>muh romance with mc
>muh fanservice
tomboy ignore those and have a personality instead

The appeal to me is that they're down to earth, which is pretty sexy, considering most women these days are stuck up/entitled/over dramatic/ idle bitches who can't even grace you with eye contact, much less a few words.

According to the WHO, gender dysphoria has no other treatments since long-term studies have proved gender dysphoria is triggered by a wide range of personal experiences and hormonal conditions, and gender change has proven to be the most successful way to provide life quality to those patients.

I don't know about your opinions and how do yoy reach to those conclusions. But I'm sure as hell that I would rather listen to a worldwide organization with a bunch of specialists working behind and with a lot of experience

Just like in real life.

boy is ugly

Posting in epic thread

Consistent abstract models for what constitutes a tomboy are vanishingly rare and deceptively difficult to ascertain philosophically. Empirically, the vast majority of purported tomboys are actually frumpy sexless women and would-be thots, with all the worst most awful traits of femininity that make women unsuited to being written idiographically as characters, let alone protagonists, merely submerged due to mental defects. But even once the empirical cruft has been dispensed with, even if there is some kind of general agreement that the sample of tomboys subject to inquiry is at least polythetically representative of "tomboys," there will be virtually no agreement on what conceptually determines the essence of tomboyism. Many men will strongly emphasise and even sexually prefer epiphenomenal traits like inclination toward physicality, or the dangerous red herring of not wearing makeup (let alone wearing "minimal makeup," a common secondary characteristic of the worst sort of basic bitch thot, the basic bitch thot who proudly asserts that she isn't a basic bitch thot). More thoughtful and less thot-fooled are the men who will try to isolate the necessary and sufficient characteristics of the ideal tomboy, either ideal-typically or in esse, proceeding dialectically between morphology and ontology.

I say the Who needs to stick to their shitty music

What kind of faggot thinks that isn't hot?

But once you have discarded all thots, you have necessarily entered into a dangerous no man's land of completely insane women, strange Jewish women who fall in and out of love with you seemingly at random, crazed big-titty Catholic girls who defy every stereotype about capricious femininity you've ever known but then break your heart and leave you in the end anyway, sports bra-wearing Chinese lesbian sadists who only date you because they hate women more than you do, loathsome hags whose antics and vagations conform to no ideal type, and whose unique essence may eventually include fist-fucking a lipstick femme pillow princess who is actually straight and confused herself. The true tomboy is the intersection of planes that logically cannot meet, the masculine in the feminine. To write the tomboy protagonist would be to write the protean androgyne, Shakespeare's muse and Coleridge's ideal, whom even they glimpsed only dimly and infrequently. It would be to catapult humankind into the next stage of our evolution, the merger of being and becoming only dreamt-of since we first began to think. If you achieve even a dim echo of this, a silent place of contemplation free from thots, you will have helped to clear the way for her appearance.

/lit/ can be fun from time to time, i discovered this there last week

could you be bothered to help? I can't find anything

Makoto from IdolM@ster.

Sauce on this one? Plxxox

Mostly because it isn'nt written in
>tfw reverse trap fan

could you be bothered to use your brain? At least try

I said the name wrong. Filename is more accurate.

Yeah, because its not politically correct to tell them they have a mental disorder and treat it as such. So they see no problem with transvestites having the highest suicide rate in the world, its around 50%.

>Gender change is actually how gender dysphoria is treated
That's the worst way to "treat" gender dysphoria because most people regret it years after.