If she asked you this, would you?
Overlord episode 4 is out
who am i to say no?
I dont know if Humans and Lizards are compatible in that way user
they are, russia made hybrid lizzardmen.
Some people swing that way but I'll pass too.
fuck off furfag
lizard arc over already?
What planet do you live in?
Man this show is dead.
How many lizards episodes are left?
god right wingers are so boring
Fuck off, furfag.
Fuck off a scalie scum
Last episode will be next episode, then we will have the kingdom arc
this lizard shit is the stupidest. I've skipped 30% of the episode already. Disgusting and boring.
I know you want those thighs so stfu
>skipping anime episode
pls kys
okay but only if she is cute
Why is she so smug?
What would be the best position to procreate with a Lizardwoman?
Welcome to the most boring and retarded part of the LN. You'll get another shit arc right after the furries.
It's easy to be smug when you're best girl.
None. Degenerate scum.
Really? Amazing, sugoi Japan. I appreciate your quality entertainment put forth so effectively.
There are at least 2 more episodes
I want to go down on that lizard
the next part is fine
Kill yourself you fucking lizards tarsh lover
>s2 is airing since the start of january
How did I miss that
No, you dragon dick riding, white knighting whore defender.
The next arc is way better then the lizards.
t. succulent
Just like how Zaryusu did it
Lizards killed this trash series
>isekaifags still mad that the focus isn't on the MC or waifubait
>comparing an almost complete full of shit arc (Lockmeier to the rescue) against the most disastrous part of the entire LN
wew lad
your shounen arc is save!
>The retard thinks this lizards shit make it less of an isekai
The absolute state of overlordfags
Probably that one user who only want "muh mc and muh action"
So considering we get 0.5 to 1 more lizard episode. How many episodes do you think we get for sebastian.
Please elaborate.
I haven't read the LN, is the next arc shit?
>muh action
Are you talking about the upcoming shounen arc?
Stay retarded, fanboy
>The absolute state of
hello Sup Forums
No, that would be impossible on several levels.
Albedo is so beautiful when she's not dripping wet and making retarded faces.
>muh lizard sex XDD a
Book of Erotic Fantasies.
Episode 6 would be the Kingdom's people, episode 7 maybe. How the fuck wiuld they fit everything since we also have Sebas vs the Eight fingers then Blue Rose vs Entoma
Hi. There are a lot of us filthy crossboarders you know, it's almost like we're on the same website or something.
To be fair it aint the best but still its better then the lizard arc. The one after is going to be good though with the raid on nazarick.
The absolute state of overlordfags
But the best girl is Aura.
hi i'm just here for crusch and don't care about anime thank you
>The one after is going to be good though with the raid on nazarick
This will be shown this season, right?
>look at me getting attention wow I'm so awesome XDDD
The LN introduces the beacon of all moralfags in the world. A literal white knight going around defending his "MUH PRINCESS". Instead of lizards, you have entire volumes dedicated to the white knight who also introduces power levels and a shounen series kind of feeling with it.
Inbetween you have the most moralfaggy guy from Nazarick rescuing a whore and going full cuckoldry.
Nice Sup Forums greentexting.
Entoma vs Blue Rose would be great. Should've left the insect eating her meal, goddamn Blue Rose
Well thats pretty the concern of people . It is shown in the OP but its probably going to be rushed or things are skipped.
That why allot of people wanted the lizard arc to only last 2-3 episodes and not 4-5
>tfw the author is secretly a reptilian overlord
>Calling shit a shit is now considered "wanting attention"
The absolute state of overlordfags
I don't mind people using multiple boards, but if you're on Sup Forums don't bring your shitposting habits from other boards here. Unless your from /tg/, because /tg/ funposting is great
Man the series really went to shit
Yeah imagine fitting these in on the remaining episodes:
>Entoma vs Blue Rose
>Sebas vs The Eight
>Jaldabaoth vs Momon
Aside from that ofcourse we will have the character's introductions
It's the only truly bad entry in the series. And Vols. 9-10 are better than every other volume.
I cant wait.
for season 3 to be announcedA man can dream
>tfw Vol. 10 is SO GOOD
>tfw it almost didn't happen
Thank you editor-sama
>they are, russia made hybrid lizzardmen.
Pretty sure the Jews predate Soviet Russia
perhaps ive made a mistake.
that was intentional wasn't it?
>having any N
this chart is not compatible with japanese lore, therefore can't be applied here.
Season 3 will never disappoint us
Fucking retarded zoophile shit kys
Where can this episode be seen?
I'm sad now.
>reptilian overlord
how do the blue rose even find Nazarick ?
Or is it a ruse by papa bones ?
Polymorph was a mistake.
I'm more of a Snake guy unfortunately.
>Without "Divine Intervention".
Japanese Gods can make Divine Interventions.
dragon semen stronk
I wanna see Gargantua get to fight something in the LN already
I forgot but what I know is the Blue Rose have a mission on the Kingdom, and Entoma also have a mission there, they just met her by coincidence eating humans.
i cant so no to alpha female
It's also at least accurate to D&D to the point that any species can have Half-Dragon individuals, likewise Half-Celestials and Half-Fiend except those templates are incompatible so you can't have a Half-Celestial Half-Fiend without breaking something.
Maybe he can fight the 30 lvl 100 golems PDL has.
That moment when Gargantua appeared and the Lizardmen shit their pants.
>another week for Shallchair
At least the normies will love the second part of this season and we will get SS3 thank to the sale boost.
I merely pointed the source of that chart.
>men in the kingdom arc
How's that shit taste user?
Well, Vol. 5 is pretty bad.
nymph, the slut race
Daily reminder lizards has more screentime than your favorite npcs
Is it wrong to have such a character in nazarick? Its pretty much opposite from the other characters which makes it a fine balance.
Its just a shame that the author doesnt do anything with it in the later volume's.
Although truth be told ye its pretty much straightforward white knight saving a princess.