Then retards like you would by crying how shit writing is because facility doesn't have any guards that can prevent 2 kids from stealing extremely powerful and dangerous mecha, why security didn't shoot them etc, etc, etc.
Because you simply want to look cool and thus you shit on eerything that's popular. A typical action of retarded kid who simply wants to fit in on Sup Forums. Unfortunately it won't happen because your statement about
>EVA ripoff
tells everyone that you're simply too new.
Franxx NTR
This has NTR? dropped
>they could have had Hiro and 002 board it by force
There are armed adult soldiers in the base, they wouldn't have made it to the mecha. Also Hiro's priority was to save his friends, fighting the base won't allow him to get there on time.
I thought people enjoyed stupid beta MCs getting c ucked
Was it just me?
Self-inserters are getting buttblasted
NTR metaphor
Blah mah NTR blah blah blah.Nishigori is just trying to teach you to grow a spine and stop being so afraid of getting rejected or getting cheated on.
Face your fears anons. Ride Strilezia. Be hopeful about the future, learn to feel joy through challenges and successes alike, free yourselves from your shells. You might just find love in the end and come to know the true meaning of faithfulness in relationships.
That is Nishigori's message. All encoded in the fact that Strelitzia is the name of a genus of flowering plants that are commonly known as the "bird-of paradise flowers", which signify all of the above in flower symbology.
You have been threadfully reminded.
People are saying Hiro got cucked by Mitsuru
Shitposting is the only good thing about DitF so far, people who take it seriously are ruining the threads' potential.
>Atsuhi NIshigori
>IM@S director
Expect boring as fuck show if there's no Imaishi input.