King Bradley vs Hisoka

Who would win in a fight?

Freddie Mercury solos

O my rubber meme would just ask his meme gum to turn into 10 bradleys and rape the real one


unless King Bradley is a god

Is this even an argument? Hisoka obviously.

isn't Hisoka really weak

Tom Selick as King bradley fucking when?

Uhh... No?

Did we watch the same anime?

>idiot hxhfanboy hasnt even watched fma

King could see through Hisoka's gum bullshit right?

o my rubber asspull

Seeing through it doesn't really help you combat it. Bungee Gum is a really good ability.

Hunter X Hunter babbies really are complete idiots who have barely watched or read anything beyond that overrated lump of shit.

Bradley stomps. His eye is ridiculously overpowered and he's a more experienced fighter.

>Seeing through it doesn't really help you combat it
Haha, jesus fucking christ you're retarded.

Just going by what's shown and said in HxH. Hisoka says if you know how it works it doesn't matter. We see several people who know how it works still getting their shit pushed in by him.

Totally depends on if Bradley's abilities count as Nen or not. If not, he has no counter to anything Hisoka does, and Hisoka godstomps. Conversely, I'm not totally sure Hisoka has the reaction times to keep up with Bradley, who is insanely fast and could possibly blitz Hisoka down if he isn't repelled by Nen

How about instead of making assumptions based on what you know about one side's source material, you either leave the debate or read/watch the other side's source material.

Actually nevermind, you're not a smart person, so naturally that doesn't occur to you.

I haven't read or watched FMA in since it ended, but aren't HxH characters stronger in general?

I have seen and read FMA. I'm not saying Bradley would lose, I'm saying that simply knowing how bungee gum works doesn't make it an automatic victory. The two stories have completely different fictional power systems, you can't do a straight comparison.

You're not only a stupid person, but unnecessarily angry about something so pointless.

How is Bungee Gum a really good ability? Both Killua and Machi came up with better use of their transmutation nen.
Not to mention really advanced users like Silva or Zeno.

Some people have better abilities but Bungee Gum is very versatile. "Good" ability doesn't mean "best".

Obviously, she wins

>I have seen and read FMA
Easy to say that, not so easy to prove it eh? This is precisely why you're a worthless idiot who shouldn't be in this thread.

Yeah what I meant to say was that only reason Hisoka seems so powerful is due to the contrivance of the author. No way he'd be favored in a fight against Chrollo who has a really special ability.

Prove that you've seen and read HxH.

Well Chrollo did kick his ass so I don't really see the problem there. Not just kicked his ass but embarrassed him. I do think they should have left him dead, though.

No, the strongest characters in FMA shit on the strongest ones in HxH

King Bradley probably, Hisoka has a habit of underestimating his foes. Bradley would capitalize on this and take him out.

The speed at which people move in HxH is much greater than the speed at which people move in FMA. Based on this alone and nothing else Hisoka would body him. Disregard the fact that nen destroys the bodies of people without nen if it comes into contact maliciously.

None of your clairvoyance powers matter if your enemy can enhance his speed and durability against metal swords and the like using magic (nen). There is a power gap between the characters of FMA who are peak human or 2x that and characters from HxH who can push 30 tonne doors like its nothing.

If Bradley can cut through the Rubber Nen then he wins, otherwise Hisoka can just attach it to him and do whatever the fuck he wants with Bradley.

Mustang would be a better match-up.

Hisoka easily. Even ignoring Nen crush he already will be able to easily mess with Bradley and kill him once he cant move thanks to Hisokas Hatsu.

Meruem would destroy any FMA character

Father literally becomes a demi-god at the end for a few minutes you fucking idiot.

t. retard
HxHbabbies really can't handle their favorite edgelord losing to a far better, more efficient fighter.

Considering how many one hit kill enemies there are I dunno. Although Final Boss Father could probably take him.

Wasn't Bradly cutting through tanks>

Are HxHtards really this stupid?

Father was slow, Meruem would just murder him time and time again every literal second.

Why are FMA fans so angry and rude?

Obito, the coolest guy.

HxH is their biggest rival when it comes to "respected" shonen manga so naturally they resent it.

Father was able to create a miniature sun in the palm of his hand. Meruem wouldn't stand a chance to that kind of power.

You do realize that in HxH mang it is stated that non-nen users are no match for nen users? How do you expect Bradley to win when Hisoka can beat him without even using his hatsu, using his hatsu would only make his fight easier.

>create a miniature sun
One of the Spiders can do that, and they're leagues below Meruem. However, Meruem took another miniature sun (in the form of a nuclear explosion) and it did actually kill him (in the sense that without help he would have died from it)

It kind of depends on the magnitude

By that line of logic something like Lord of Nightmares or Saitama loses to Hisoka because lolnonen.

You delusional HxH idiots are always worthless and a waste of time to argue with.

>One of the Spiders can do that
You are literally a complete moron.

Look. When doing this kind of crossover fight there's gotta be some leeway made for the fact that the systems in these universes won't match up.

I thought Bradley's body couldn't keep up with his eye

Father also has the ability to literally suck the life out of people simply by willing it and has a force field of energy around him at all time. Because he absorbed god and is supposed to be stupid broken.

The HxH fanbase shows yet again why they're considered the Rick and Morty fanbase of anime.

king bradley vs lelouch would be interesting.

>it doesn't count because it's made of nen
It's the exact same thing

It doesn't count because what you said is factually incorrect, idiot.

Ranking the Homunculi is more interesting? Wrath/Pride are the top tier and Lust being the shit tier. What about all that comes between?


Gluttony is technically broken and the most powerful since he just needs to open his stomach mouth.

> Saitama loses to Hisoka

Sorry idiot, doesn't work that way.

get that shit outta here


Probably Bradley.
With his eye he can see through Hisoka's trick, he's fast as a motherfucker, and I don't see Hisoka blocking his sword either.

The only thing you can do is Ad Hominem me, by that logic, if the fact that Nen won't work that way in the Hxh x OPM universe, Saitama's "Defeat everything with one punch" won't work either.

Having nen supposedly makes you much more powerful than not having it, because you can stomp people who can't defend against it or see it.
But /ourguy/ Fuhrer Bradley can probably see it with his eye, so Hisoka loses a pretty big advantage.
Gotta say Bradley, just because of the shit he was able to do and the resources available to him.

>The only thing you can do is Ad Hominem me
It's all you're worth with braindead posts like this Worthless trash like you has no place in this debate.

I'm gonna post this again since you either speedread it or completely ignored it due to having do appropriate reply...
> by that logic, if the fact that Nen won't work that way in the Hxh x OPM universe, Saitama's "Defeat everything with one punch" won't work either.

>I'm gonna post this again since you either speedread it or completely ignored it due to having do appropriate reply...
Oh, I completely ignored you because I can already see you're a complete retard. Was that not obvious?

>by that logic, if the fact that Nen won't work that way in the Hxh x OPM universe, Saitama's "Defeat everything with one punch" won't work either.
Sure, so you go by feats.

Saitama has defeated planet busters. That already puts him way above everyone from the HxHverse. I suppose your tiny brain will have difficulty accepting that as usual?

yet he lost to some midget

> planet busters
Should have realized sooner that I was arguing with a DragonBall Z/Super fan

So when someone correctly points out a character is capable of destroying planets, you resort to labeling them DBZ fans?

Just when I don't think you can't get any stupider, you find new ways to surprise me.

Did you even watch the show? Or can your ape brain only see fights without understanding context?

>Demonbane loses to Hisoka because he doesn't have nen
>Featherine loses to Dio because she doesn't have a stand
>X loses to Y because he doesn't have [insert local meme power here]

I love this powerlevel meme!

Ok let me try...
A poweful nuke to the core of the planet can destroy the planet
Hisoka can destroy said nuke
Hisoka is planet buster tier

For all we know planet buster or above is impossible in HxHverse since the earth is most likely flat.

I dunno, honestly. Hisoka is a classic shounen character who's pretty op, but at the same time Bradley can fight off tanks and immortals with just a sword, has a cheat-eye, is ungodly fast and is a better character, so I'm not sure that Hisoka has a chance against him.

He can literally die and revive himself. He is basically immortal and beats almost everyone in a fight. So let's say someone is stronger than him, he would have to defeat him consistently.

I remember Bradley murdering a guy who's not only immortal but also covered in nigh-unbreakable armor.


You really are as braindead stupid as they come.

>it's the "HxHfags can't stand another Shounen manga" episode.
this is pathetic.

>it’s the “FMA fans spit venom at another shounen manga” episode
this is pathetic.

The HXH fags are leaning on intentionally misconstruing arguments, and the FMA fags are leaning on ad hominem, it’s ridiculous.

and finally, you resort to "h-heh, i was just joking".

The absolute pinnacle of retardation and defeat.

>The HXH fags are leaning on intentionally misconstruing arguments, and the FMA fags are leaning on ad hominem, it’s ridiculous.
So, basically, FMA fans are calling HxH fans retards for saying retarded things.

Again, We're not the ones who take on BNHA, Naruto and FMA because we're insecure fuckturds.

Honestly Nen is kind of a clusterfuck of a power system that makes it hard to actually discuss any kind of crossover battle. But let's begin by saying that rules like "Only Nen users can defeat Nen users" shouldn't apply, just like how "Only stand users can defeat stand users" shouldn't apply for any kind of JoJo crossover battle, those rules only exist to make the main characters in their respective universes look like the coolest shit ever anyway. That being said, I don't think King Bradley would win against Hisoka, not necessarily because Hisoka is the "coolest clown" but because the power levels of the FMA verse are just really low compared to most other shounen. King Bradley would job badly for most characters, Father in his godly form is probably one of the few characters that wouldn't immediately fall over when facing Hisoka and actually stands a pretty good chance of beating most of the HxH cast except maybe the really high ones (Netero, Meruem, the chimera ant guards, etc.). But King Bradley? Nah, I don't think he could beat Hisoka.

Honestly, who gives a shit? Can we all just agree that FMA is a far better series overall?
[Spoiler]Bradley utterly destroys Hisoka at first, killing him.Hisoka then pulls some O my rubber nen bullshit and ultimately gets the win.[/spoiler]

>Honestly, who gives a shit? Can we all just agree that FMA is a far better series overall?
That's indisputable. FMA is better both as a philosophising drama and as an adventure series.

>FMAfag insults HXHfags
>Put equivalent comment on FMAfags before noting both sides are being silly
>FMAfags assume I’m a HXHfag and start up with the ad hominem

You do know that responding with vitriol only provides evidence for my point, right? Thanks for the angry (you)s, I guess.

Well, you've yourself admited that HxHfags were saying retarded shit intentionally, so what's wrong with calling them retards?

The FMA fanbase shows yet again why they're considered the Rick and Morty fanbase of anime

>replying to yourself

FMA is a manga where MC literally punches god and got his brother back thanks to the power if friendship. There is no one with taste who compares it to HxH.

Alternative viewpoint: FMA works better for the purposes of Sup Forums, HxH works better for the purposes of /tg/. HxH’s far stronger for worldbuilding and power rules and the like, but FMA is stronger when just taken as a battle shounen.

>constantly in BnHA threads shitposting
>did it with Naruto
>now doing it with FMA
>looks at OPfags as simpletons
>laughs at Black Clover
truly the worst shounen fanbase

>Can we all just agree that FMA is a far better series overall?
The absolute state of MALfags (aka FMAfags)

FMA's story is painfully generic and predictable; there are seven enemies and the heroes gradually work there way through each at them via one on one duels. That sounds like an excuse plot to a video game.

And literally the only argument FMAfags have is that the story is over. When people comment on HxH its in regard to its themes and how it subverted expectations, in addition to the arcs of the characters involved.

>>now doing it with FMA
Both sides are shit flicking at each other, don't pretend it's only one side

You just described DBSfags and BNHfags

you've antagonized every other shounen fanbase in this board, I now realize that you're the true cancer ruining Sup Forums