ITT: Post manga that caused you to feel

ITT: Post manga that caused you to feel

Usagi drop and Love so life

feel what? normalfag life stories are not really interesting

Highschool DxD made me feel something

>welcome to the NHK

Tasogare otome x amnesia touched me in places I didn't know were still there


>Welcome to the NHK novel

>doing drugs
>talking to females
>not normalfag

this is unironically true though


satou is indeed a normalfag. yamazaki is the one with the robot spirit

I swear you r9k meme fgts are real retards sometime. How the fuck does having a conversation with a girl mean your life is good? If your only problem in life is no gf you are a normalfag and satou had more problems than him being a virgin

satou was a failed normie.
he got laid with hitomi and graduated hs. not a true robot

Clannad After Story.

You know the scene.

>uh me talk to girl now me life is great and pussy crawls to me now

fucking To you, the Immortal made me cry 4 times

i didnt say that. i said he was a failed normie
prove me wrong


Im not bc this whole idea of a robot is fucking retarded and you fgts at r9k change what make you robotic like every 10 min. A loser is a loser stop trying to make yourself special. No better than those normies who say they have depression and anxiety that causes them to have mental breakdowns like 2x a day

Don't listen to these fags OP reading is cool, pic related it's my favorite story about the future of Western Civilization

Bakuman. made me feel every emotion that exists

I fail to see how this is a bad thing.


You mean like that tissue that connects your scrotum to your anus?



this desu

I think it's entirely appropriate that robots can't even truly succeed at being pathetic

Open wide!

Kokou no Hito

try googling what he's doing + manga

it ain't that


Real human bean.

Most of Sup Forums doesn't even know this now


This one

I know this is normalfag shit but damn, this made me feel legitimately depressed at times.