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3x3 thread
All this just because OP has Tatami Galaxy listed?
no it's my own list, I just don't know how to make a 3x3 but coincidentally this 3x3 had it all.
Excellent taste. Wish I could have started Uchouten sooner. Need to start Intergalactic. XXXholic is great.
Very nice, I see you like good visual direction.
You like stories that maintain its tone and atmosphere.
cool kid club accepted
Whoever the artist is, Sup Forums needs your talent
Kyousogiga was only good as an OVA.
there's really nothing to say
You seem like a cool dude, I'd let you babysit.
1/3, I dropped Uchoten and Utena years ago bc I found them too boring, but now they're on a very specific "Shows That I Need To Rewatch With A Different Perspective" list.
Unironic 4/6
Film: 4/6, TV: 3/6, OVA: 1/2
1/3 for shows, 8/9 for aestehtics, is there really no other SAC frame with more gold in it?
Hello friends
4/6 +++ for Azumanga Daioh
What's bototom-left and mid-left?
Bottom left is Psycho-Pass.
Mid left is Shinsekai Yori.
Thanks, I've actually seen those just didn't recognize them.
Pretty good.
I don't hate this. That's the best I can say about this 3x3.
I don't even fucking know. + TDKR
Mostly okay.
I like everything here except for SSY.
You already know I like your shit.
The pics are a bit obscure. The idea was to go for things that look striking as their own individual images, but are still recogniseable for people who've seen the show they're from. I guess I failed.
Call me new but I can't put a name to a single one except for Uchouten.
Strong Sad/depressio
You like them crazy but not too crazy
Rate others. You might want to rule a country at some point in your life.
You enjoy fine arts. I wouldn't be surprised if you were an art major.
> I wouldn't be surprised if you were an art major.
I got tired of posting my normal 3x3, so here's one of my second favorite 9.
Didn't care for Tatami.
Lain and Boogiepop are great.
Couldn't stand TTGL and KLK.
I need to get back to Dennou Coil. Dropped it ages ago when I was new to anime.
I didn't have the stomach for Kaiji.
Manga version
>Excellent taste. Wish I could have started Uchouten sooner. Need to start Intergalactic. XXXholic is great.
Thanks, though it's not my actual top 9 (though some of the shows are among them as well). I just wanted to make a chart with sexy babes from artsy anime since I really like that combination
6/7 Good taste
19/19 Great taste
9/9 Great Taste
1/9 horrible
I wouldn't ever bother watching most of this.
6/6 good taste
4/12 horrible
5/6 I hated Shin Mazinger, but you still have great taste
>1/9 horrible
>disliking YuYuYu and Amagi while unironically liking Buranko and Ganko
you seem to be extremely biased simply havent watched the respective shows. my bet is the latter.
You missed me, again.
Literally what is good about Chocolate Panic?
Who the fuck hasn't seen YuYuYu and Amagi?
Learn some English and watch better anime, faggot.
I should think it's self-apparent.
>Who the fuck hasn't seen YuYuYu and Amagi?
you, apparently.
Keep telling yourself that, kid. You have no reason to think so.
Pretty good.
Worst in the thread.
That's pretty gooood
seek help
well that was a nice thread.
All me, btw. I haven't been here very long. Why are people shitting on my 3x3? I've seen almost 150 anime, and I think it's pretty good.
Is the false flagging really necessary?
Personally I don't mind Gatchaman Crowds and Rakugo, but anyone that legitimately enjoys Kemono Friends, Love Live and Princess Principal needs to be taken out into a field and shot in the back of the head.
hon hon hon
4/5 movie
4/4 TV
3/3 OVA
The fact it's all fanart makes it hard to identify some of these, though.
1/1 short
3/3 TV
3/3 OVA
3/3 Movie
Yeah, that was pretty much my exact thoughts.
Nice inspect element, faggot. Don't take so long next time.
Funny, I think this but in reverse.
>I don't mind Gatchaman Crowds
well then you arent really in a position to shit talk anyone, now are you?
You should consider killing yourself, desu.
Anyone who likes Kemono Friends is automatically stripped of their right to an opinion.
You should consider having fun.
What if they also like old pretentious anime though
Why stop there? We should be considering whether people that like Kemono Friends even have rights in the first place.
said the the guy who is sexually attracted to magical girls. wait, or am i to assume that you a girl? would fit that 3x3 better, thats for sure. a 12 year old girl. very cute.
3/3 short films
7/7 tv
4/4/ ovas
5/5 movies
Which one did you think was Uchouten
>said the the guy who is sexually attracted to magical girls
Are you not? That's probably an indicator that you're homosexual.
There's nothing "pretentious" about old anime, nor is there anything "fun" about Kemono Friends.
>Are you not? That's probably an indicator that you're homosexual.
no sorry, i am not sexually attracted to doremi or minky momo.
Topmid and bottom left.
feel free to call me a pleb and new.
>There's nothing "pretentious" about old anime
This is true. What's pretentious is the praise of old anime for being old anime.
The plebs are the anons rightfully called out by
who proceeded to post their normie collages anyway. Your newness has saved you from their sin.
>nor is there anything "fun" about Kemono Friends.
Is this the "hipster effect?"
Speaking of which, who was your favourite Senshi Sup Forums?
haibane renmei sux ayuss
No one does that, fuck off.
Watch Precure if you want to see a real fun anime. I don't find 3DCG retards barely moving "fun."
>Watch Precure if you want to see a real fun anime. I don't find 3DCG retards barely moving "fun."
I do and I like both.
user, i am not the one who fills his 3x3 with children shows in an attempt to appear sophisticated. thats you, so please take your leave.
Shit tastes as usual.
How can a blind faggot type?
Lurk two years before posting.
>i am not the one who fills his 3x3 with children shows in an attempt to appear sophisticated
What is your logic here? Just fuck off.
been here for 13. nice try. also why do you redirect people to Sup Forums of all boards? shouldnt that be Sup Forums, /r9k/ or something similar?
He's using the "no caps means you are ESL" meme because he hasn't been here long enough to pick up a better one.
Holy shit, you couldn't be any more obviously new if you tried.
the shows you have on that 3x3 have no positive traits. almost every single one of them also lacks thematic depth. the only "positive" thing about them is that they are somewhat "old". you like them because you think they are fun, but in that you case you completely lose the right to complain about anyone shit picks. doremi, sailormoon, minky momo are not any better than snk, naruto or inuyasha.
You must be ESL too if you can't spot the obvious grammar errors in these posts.
Blatantly untrue. Thank you for continuing to prove what a giant plebshit you are.
>This is true. What's pretentious is the praise of old anime for being old anime.
I've got Strunk and White open in front of me but I'm baffled.
your taste isnt sophisticated, user. if anything its pretty sad sight. you are no better than shounen-fags.
First time be gentle.
Like I give a shit what some subhuman who likes Kemono Friends thinks is "sophisticated."
>be guy who likes battleshonen
>wow get some taste and grow up
>be goy who likes mahou shoujo, the literal shoujo equivalent of battleshonen
>ha ha my taste is no absolute fucking garbage guys i watch shows for girls
you are in no position to comment on anyones taste. compared to the shit you like kemono and friends is a masterful character study that analysis mankinds most common fears.
5/6 (5/7 if the middle is Konosuba)
Katanagatari was kinda boring.
You're both pieces of shit with awful taste. Now, shut up.
It's Flip Flappers
I can understand that opinion.
Oh, right. I've been meaning to watch that along with Diebuster.
Post yours, faggot.
Lunlun, Princess Tutu, and Utena are some of the best written anime of all time.
Cardcaptor Sakura and Utena are at the peak of the medium as far as visual direction goes.
GoPrincess Precure and CCS both also have fantastic animation.
Every one of those shows has excellent characters and character design.
DoReMi, Minky Momo, and Sailor Moon are some of the best episodic anime series of all time, and are all cultural landmarks. They have episodes that truly do have thematic depth, others that are excellent comedy, and are overall incredibly flexible in their storytelling style.
Cutie Honey is literally the 70s in anime form. It has great character designs and background art, and the last episode is one of the few authentic pieces of psychedelia in anime.
I'm sorry you're too insecure to enjoy things that were targeted towards young girls, but your attempts to disqualify some of the best anime ever made with no real criticisms is laughable.
>best of all time, peak, fantastic
very substantial
>Lunlun, [...] and Utena are some of the best written anime of all time.
pic rel
>Cardcaptor Sakura and Utena are at the peak of the medium as far as visual direction goes.
ill drop the very commonly used "watch more anime" here
>Every one of those shows has excellent characters and character design.
all right, so do shonen then, as well as kemono and friends. if sailormoon, minky momo, doremi, or css qualify as excellent character writing, then digimon, dragonball and naruto sure as hell qualify as well.
>DoReMi, Minky Momo, and Sailor Moon are some of the best episodic anime series of all time
doesnt seem like a noteworthy accomplishment considering the small percentage of episodic shows. however, none of them even come close to being top25, thats for sure.
>I'm sorry you're too insecure to enjoy things that were targeted towards young girls
i think you missed the point. this isnt about me being unable to enjoy something like tutu, which isnt even the case, but rather your insecurities which is why you plaster your 3x3 is lackluster shows and hail them as "the best" when they factually arent even close.
>disqualify some of the best anime ever made with no real criticisms is laughable.
same can be sad about you unsubstantial approach while desperately trying to justfy your picks.
Literally one of the best shows in the medium. A transcendantal masterpiece of self-realized forgiveness, a rare and elegant meander through the vicissitudes of memory, loss, and the psychology and trials of recovery and finding a way forward again.
Your shit opinion has no weight here, friendo.
>your insecurities which is why you plaster your 3x3 is lackluster shows and hail them as "the best" when they factually arent even close
Stop projecting.
I have no idea why you keep bringing up battle shounen. I like plenty of battle shounen. The only one acting insecure is the faggot shit talking a bunch of shows he's never even watched.
>he said, after making similar accusations just minutes ago
>he's never even watched
choo choo, weve arrived at Sup Forumss final destination. all passengers please leave the train.
When did I ever say that?