So we all agree that this is the best anime of the season, right?
So we all agree that this is the best anime of the season, right?
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It's shit.
It's not AOTS yet but it's pretty high up there.
oops wrong pic
It's my favorite, but certainly not everyone's.
Next Valvrave.
Yeah it's great. Loving the atmosphere and character design. If KyoAni can keep up the 2560x1440 resolution, this will be the best looking anime this season. There's a lot of small details about the characters shown through visual direction. It's good.
reminder that violet wants to know what is love
ask your doctor if suicide is right for you user
FMA did it better.
No, seriously. It seems good and with potential, but it really hasn't showed us something else yet.
nai-n essu
looks like the gangs all here
GOD no!
The directing is horribad, the characters are also shit.
no because all I watch is Trigger anime because Trigger can do no wrong and is literally saving anime
Same, either VEG or the Junji Ito collection are my favourite of this season so far. I've come to learn in the past years that when Sup Forums dislikes something, I usually really like it.
Salieri's Neighbor, is that you?
It's not that good (there are like 4-5 shows that I can put above this) but certainly didn't deserve all the vitriol thrown at it. People just like to hate Kyoani.
I liked the third episode the most, will we ever see Carmilla again?
Not only it.
Of course, and it's not even close.
Sup Forums likes VEG, IRC crew just samefag spams shitposts about it like they do every KyoAnime.
>Sup Forums likes VEG, IRC crew just samefag spams shitposts about it like they do every KyoAnime.
This. About twice as many Sup Forumsnons have a positive opinion of VEG than a mediocre or negative opinion of it.
Shitposting aside, I like her show.
It deserves all the virtol it received and more. Kyoani took what that is a perfectly fine LN and butchered it into a story about a brain damaged girl wanting to turn into a typewriter. The most amazing part is that the director's last anime (Kyoukai no Kanata) was shit and yet it's still more interesting than VEG
This season has so many contenders I'm actually glad that I don't operate within these retarded confines of "best X of the Y".
No. It's one of the worst actually. The only good thing about it is the animation, and even that is overdone at points and makes the scene come off as jarring (like the curtsy in episode 4 which was so overdone to the point where it was unintentionally funny in context).
>he posted the poll he proxy-rigged again
It's shit. The animation is only what it got. Other than that it's fucking nothing.
>bland characters
>uninteresting overused plot
>boring main character
>"muh love"
Best drawn maybe, i don't think it's shit but franxx's has a much more interesting story going on and has good animation too. Violet looks beautiful though.
Remember when some dumbass posted a VEG poll here thinking Sup Forums would hate it, then Sup Forums loved it and he got so mad he made a Google Docs poll in response so he could edit the results spreadsheet to say what he wanted Sup Forums to say, but nobody even cared? That shit was funny.
This and sora yori have the potential to be 10/10s
Dropped at episode 3.
Is VEG 2 cour?
I just want to see Cattleya and that blond virgin boy fuck.
>thinking Sup Forums would hate it, then Sup Forums loved it
Sup Forums has always been critical of it but the general trend toward VEG has been increasingly negative as the show has plodded on with its artificial attempts at emotional development of Violet, the tremendous inconsistencies within the world, and nonsensical plot.
It is garbage.
I wanted to like it, but the characters are more stale than moldy bread. /aesthetics/: the anime, and nothing else.
Season has only one contender; If you do not agree that Yuru Camp is the best anime ever then your taste is shit.
Sorry I can't give any insights because I fell asleep from boredom after watching this shit for 3 minutes
Yuru Camp is a very good comfy anime but not exactly NNB-tier.
Sadly not, It's one of Kyoani's best visual shows but the story doesn't really stand out so far at least.
I enjoy it though, I was probably delusional in thinking this could kill Hyouka.
Sup Forums decided it was garbage before they had even seen it, just like they decided that all Kyoani shows ever made are garbage despite never having seen any of them. Saying it's garbage now is meaningless.
The reason Violet Evergarden is seeing so many negative posts here, other than IRC shitposting, is because, since it is KyoAni and has been hyped to death, many people who would normally not watch a slow-paced series are watching it. A lot of people don't like slow-paced series by rule, and while anyone who read the description of Violet Evergarden would be able to tell it was going to be slow-paced, people are watching it anyways because it's KyoAni and it's hyped. Thus, all the underage kids with ADHD are going BORRRRINGG because they're watching the kind of show they would normally never choose to watch in the first place.
On the other hand, you have something like Yuru Camp which you see only positive things said about, because people who don't like CGDCT/slow paced shows read the description, knew it wouldn't be their kind of show and simply never even bothered to watch it, since it's not KyoAni or hyped.
I don't hate it yet which is more than I can say for most shows this season.
kyoani could do it better
Stop lying. most of the people shitting on VEG are KyoAnifags themselves.
Kyoani gone downhill pretty hard since post hyouka. It's just common sense at this point that all they put out is garbage. KAesuma was a big mistake. They should just calm down for a sec and think what they are doing with adapting garbage uninspired KAesuma titles. Their KAesuma adaptations are turning out to be better than novels but still miles below their good shows
Nice damage control, but VEG is hated because it's shit. It's not slow-paced, it's poorly done.
>It's not slow-paced
It is.
I was about to post a serious reply but then it hit me - the user was baiting. The prescription is copious sage.
But it isn't. Hyouka is even better than this.
>let's ask people who still dropped it what do they think of the show
>most like it
What a giant shocker.
It looks nice but it's so incredibly dry. Not my thing at all.
It's fucking trash. The only reason people actually watch it is because it looks good. Take that away and it's really boring, nobody would care.
It's like those kiddies who think a game is good because it has good graphics.
Except in anime the graphics is the game.
That's really fucking stupid user, maybe you should consider suicide.
I hate the direction, so unsubtle and clumsy. People even said before airing that VEG would be some magnum opus kino but four episodes in it just scream amateurish.
It's too bad that it always only focuses on Violet learning stuff because of some worthless side characters I don't give a shit about.
What an amazing refutation. Then again, what else to expect from a brainlet who cannot appreciate the masterpiece that is VEG.
>So we all agree that this is the best anime of the season, right?
Sure, if you like your anime being smoothed over with plastiline.
This show will be forgotten when this season is over.
Aha, yep
good animation =/= good anime
Story >>>> animation.
Violet Evershit's animation can't even save its mundane story. 0/10. One of the worst anime this season.
>I read books for the fonts
This is you right now.
Ishidate is a talentless hack. The guy is completely tone-deaf as a filmmaker.
But he is a hollywood fan though
I watched it with low expectations with Sup Forums shitting on it but watched the first episode and almost cried. Its great, Ep 1 and 3 especially.
Even shitty gag comic adaptations are more enjoyable.
It's almost like when a studio develops an increasingly shitty track record, people start thinking their shows are gonna be shit.
There isn't any competition and it still isn't.
>Someone proxy-rigged the poll!
>Kyohater was gonna proxy-rig the "bad/shit" fields so we had to proxy the good votes!
So I take it we don't know what this shithole really thinks of VEG. Oh well, as long as we agree Sora Yori is good.
So what?
>great animation
>boring story with boring characters
It's the biggest disappointment of the season.
Go see a psychiatrist. Crying at any point in this anime is not normal. You might be suffering from depression.
No one flooded the poll with "bad" votes. The "great" vote flooding was obvious to everyone though. The proxyfag only started to also vote "good" after people pointed out that there is something fishy about the "great" votes.
>i've come to learn that i have shit taste
>t. Shounen fag
Yes. Unironically.
Then watch it raw and mute it. If things like dialogue, story and music don't matter you should be getting the same experience.
No, I am dead serious. Depression can be a debilitating condition. Please go get checked.
No. Fuck you and you're shite taste
>You might be suffering from depression.
I agree, but filename.
Honestly I'd rather shitpost about Franxx DEEP SYMBOLISM and NTR shitposting than digest this pretentious crap.
The RE:Zero of 2018
And why are you insistent on displaying your shit taste for everyone to see? Is that a habbit from watching all the shounen trash and vidiya with bosses loudly announcing their weaknesses to MC in pointles monologues?
Let's ask the threads, who apparently contain enough shitposters who clearly dislike the series such as yourself. You can't claim the demographic you yourself belong to doesn't exist or voice itself when here you are spouting off, you fucking retard.
I'm enjoying it for what it is, but I wouldn't consider it best of the season.
That woild be Yuru Camp but I'm enjoying VEG too
>be Sup Forums
>try and pretend like I'm from Sup Forums
>forget to rename my reaction images like a tard.
>suffering from depression.