Oh, the horror!
Hakyuu Houshin Engi
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Tfw they could probably give this more episodes if not for the choice of the VAs
Here are your chefs for today.
>Unnecessary flash-forward again
>Taikoubou is already strategist
>Suddenly Bukichi who is absolutely unnecessary to the narrative now
>Flashback to earlier
>Flashback within flashback
>Episode slows down to establish everything about Tenka even though it doesn't need to
Who okayed this? Who thought this sequence of events was a good idea? This is literally the worst way in which they could have told this story.
I am happy Dakki got more screentime, but still.
>Scene before the OP is after Sennin War arc
Are they only teasing or going to do a "full" adaptation?
Guess the VAs.
They should spent the money for more episodes instead of wasting them for somewhat famous VAs for characters which are only going to appear in only 1-3 episodes.
What is the appeal of this show?
I actually thought it was fine. I was concerned with it opening with Taikoubou already being the strategist but the flashback quickly remedied it.
I agree Bukichi's introduction is too abrupt, though, and since they're going straight to the Shisei fight I guess he's just part of the team now.
Seeing a beloved manga be mangled.
>yfw the animation is limited because they're trying to keep in as many characters as possible and all the money is going to seiyuu
It seems Raishinshi is still most likely axed though.
His intro is definitely axed, but they could still just introduce him as another disciple of a Juunisen.
Outenkun is Okamoto Nobuhiko.
>No episode on February 23
>They are going to air a talk show instead
ep3 aired, only 5 posts. I dont even want to know how it goes in japan
It seems to have enough viewers but not enough actual BD/DVD buyers.
Makes sense. Who'd want to buy this? It's probably like here where most of the viewers are sticking with it just because they like the manga.
From my Twitter excursions Japan is rereading the manga instead and pumping up Dakkis.
Well there's a Freudian slip, I meant pumping out.
As they should be.
I too will be pumping out enough to her to fill a daki.
It was already popular in Japan, so there's a lot more reaction and discussion around it. But of course a lot of fans aren't happy with the cut content, so sales are fucked. I'd be happy with it just doing average honestly.
Where did he find jeans in ancient China?
Same place Dakki's kitchen comes from.
Yoko Hikasa
The manga is genuinely 10/10. Unconventional but very likable shounen protag with a big cast of unique characters. Mixes drama with light-heartedness well and the story is well-paced without any moments of lag with an ending that provides good closure. It was popular in the 90s when it ran and is still decently popular in Japan.
Most people watching are already fans of the manga. The first episode's terrible pacing pretty much turned off newcomers who now probably think the source material is just as bad, which is a real shame.
Did the mix the fights between Bunchuu's group and the random couple of yokai that could trap people in bubbles? Where those the 2 jobbers Tenka killed?
Yeah, I'd have a hard time believing there's many people watching this that haven't read the manga.
Same place you get a tracksuit.
Nah it seems they cut those guys out. Those two jobbers were just some literal whos, the guy with the sound paopei and the bubbles were supposed to show up after them but instead we went straight to the Shisei.
Wonder if we'll get this fight.
Holy shit the whales have boots
Awesome, ain't it?
Has anyone ever tried to rank characters based on their boots?
I think Ou Tenkun has the longest relative to his size.
Will big boots be common again? I need it
You sure about that cos I'm counting boots that go past the ankle and I'm seeing boots for days.
Reminder that this dude got himself a hot wife.
It's always the hot ones that have clown fetishes.
>Stars as a random subordinate
>gets hot wife
>inherits boss' super weapon
>Master said super weapon
>help out in the final battle and survive
How can a random guy win so hard at life?
I love that he was freaking out trying to keep up with the superhumans but still pulled through.
Can't really understand what's happening lol Everything just feels so random, all the characters coming out of nowhere, lots of weird flashbacks and then scenes from (apparently) the future, I have no idea what is going on
I'd be surprised if you did. The anime has crammed four volumes in four episode in the worst way possible. Just read the manga if you want to know the story.
Is it really worth it though? The anime has made me a little suspicious
I loved reading the Houshin Engi manga but this anime probably has the worst pacing I've ever seen. It's strange because the designs are good, the animation is good, the voice acting is good, the action scenes are good. It is clearly an anime with a reasonable budget and an experienced staff. Yet the scenes are cut and paste all over the place in the most amateur way. I don't understand how nobody in the production could see the faults in the pacing.
Why? If you find the characters interesting, like the general aesthetic then than should be enough to want to read the manga. It's very clear that the anime is wrecking this story and jumbling it all up weirdly.
100% worth it. Houshin Engi is a very under-appreciated gem in the English speaking community.
Thanks guess I'll check it out. The designs are really good and that's pretty much what caught my eye at first
>Dakki's stirring shit up in the human world, it's your job to stop her
>Okay, I bet I can outsmart her and free up all those minions in one move.
>Whoops Dakki wrecked my shit nevermind
>That's okay I'll look for allies
>Here's an ally there's an ally
>Meanwhile, Dakki is still stirring shit, pushing other characters (Ki Shou, Ko Hiko) towards Taikoubou's side in the process
>Bunchuu is on his own being asspained about muh Yin
Eventually all these characters are going to meet and reside in Seiki, the nation that will challenge the Yin dynasty. It's just telling the story from the different perspectives until they all come together. The series also just happens to have a huge cast.
I'm not excusing the pacing in any way, though, the manga's flow of events is 100% better and clearer, but I don't think the anime has been that baffling?
>Dakki will never kill you and turn you into hamburger
big shoes
Best boy
nostalgia bait for us houshinfags
So I guess it's safe to say the princes have been cut. I suppose it doesn't matter as they don't really have a role in the larger plot but I would have liked to see the older one sperging out animated.