Hakyuu Houshin Engi

Oh, the horror!

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Tfw they could probably give this more episodes if not for the choice of the VAs

Here are your chefs for today.

>Unnecessary flash-forward again
>Taikoubou is already strategist
>Suddenly Bukichi who is absolutely unnecessary to the narrative now
>Flashback to earlier
>Flashback within flashback
>Episode slows down to establish everything about Tenka even though it doesn't need to
Who okayed this? Who thought this sequence of events was a good idea? This is literally the worst way in which they could have told this story.

I am happy Dakki got more screentime, but still.

>Scene before the OP is after Sennin War arc
Are they only teasing or going to do a "full" adaptation?

Guess the VAs.

They should spent the money for more episodes instead of wasting them for somewhat famous VAs for characters which are only going to appear in only 1-3 episodes.

What is the appeal of this show?

I actually thought it was fine. I was concerned with it opening with Taikoubou already being the strategist but the flashback quickly remedied it.

I agree Bukichi's introduction is too abrupt, though, and since they're going straight to the Shisei fight I guess he's just part of the team now.

Seeing a beloved manga be mangled.

>yfw the animation is limited because they're trying to keep in as many characters as possible and all the money is going to seiyuu