Cute family!
Toji no Miko
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Take your meds Mai.
I want Kanami to suffocate me with her thighs.
I want to polish Ellen's sword.
It's only been 4 days since she left; try to keep it in your pants.
That’s not a family
Right: parents
Left: daughter
dumb bird
Yomi is sad. Say something nice to cheer her up, anons.
Ellen, Kaoru and Nene are so great
She's really cute and I want to hug her.
dumpster for Yukari-sama aradama juice
Dumb hair
Ultimate omega cute Yume is ultimately omega cute!
Freaky monster. She needs to be put down.
I want to see her gang raped by the main girls!
where are my Nodachi gifs!
I want to see her gangraped by Orcs!
What an adorable family!
10/10 design lowered to 7/10 by stupid sidetail.
One day you will regret your bullying.
I wouldn't want to be near her during that time of the month.
Homosexuals, please leave.
>Yuuna looks like your typical Pink Genki Mahou shoujo leader.
>Is actaully really good at lying and a emotional trainwreck
>Kanami look like your typical BATORU autist maniac
>Actually has a brain
What is next for Gokumi MC deconstruction
Homosexuals are the target audience of this show.
What about Saki, a quiet nerd who is actually a ruthless murderer?
More like DOJI no Miko.
What are you talking about? Saki-san is a very cute girl.
It's the other way around.
>99% chance to hit
Kanami was also kind of pragmatic in this episode.
I love that the fights in this episode were non-CG
I want to discipline this bored, good child with my D.
>You will never be greeted by Yumes angelic smile!
Kinda hard to imagine Yume being defeated by the main cast and then raped.
I never expected this to be this popular on Sup Forums.
I disagree, I'm imagining it right now.
It has cute girls, basically everything Sup Forums wants.
Some call it rape while Kanami calls it befriending.
>green fingernails
It's actually a pretty fun show to watch and discuss with Sup Forums.
Hiyori is learning and understanding her future husbando Kanami quite well.
Of course it's popular, it's about cute girls and women with metal phalluses.
Is there a problem?
Oh. Forgot my pic.
No, this's a cute family
damn aradamas
Best girl mind.
Reminds me of some autist from Devil's riddle
I love how caution Hiyori was in this scene. This is so rare in anime.
Ellen is made for fat and faceless oji-sans.
Hiyori is best girl.
Well it's a battle girl anime that becomes an urban fantasy thriller with a no nonsense pacing and a laser focus on a main plot. I imagine it will scratch a lot people itches.
It's an anime made to shore up and promote a mobile game. Despite that, it has a plot and cast that very quickly defies your usual conventions(e.g. actually has a plot and isn't just "here are the cute girls you can gamble money on to get a .png of on your smartphone doing things like bathing, fondling each other, and feeding each other cookies" and instead shits out a tournament arc in 10 minutes and gets the real show on the road very quickly). The pacing doesn't get mired down in indulgent infodumping; in a lesser show, we'd have spent episode one with elaborate explanations of utsushi, their powers, etc. Instead, most of it is just left to context and implication with the understanding that the audience is smart enough to pick up the details. It's almost like Shingeki no Bahamut in that it has everything stacked against it and can defy expectations.
Beyond that, much like how Yuru Camp threads are also with people succumbing to CGDCT voodoo and buying camping supplies, or Sora no Woto did wonders for the Calvados industry in regards to niche demographics, the show can also satisfy autism in regards to its depiction of swordfighting techniques, history and combat choreography.
Stop making shit up about characters just so you can self-insert as them.
What a cute boy.
See what?
Reminder that Jigen-ryuu is the strongest style of Kenjutsu!
No, that's just a jobber.
>he doesn't like that cute sidetail
She'll 1v4 them and shove those green fingernails in their asses
Yes. Kanami will become aradama to resurrect Hiyori.
cut girls doing cut things
I cropped it a little
>reigning champion gets memed on
>Kanami barely pays attention to Suzuka who is fighting seriously and gets away with it
>Yomi is just an aradama dispenser and doesn't even fight
No wonder Yume is a smug brat, she literally has no competition among her supposed peers.
Considering how the first episode did a 180 on everyone's expectations and the show's been pretty good so far I'm surprised it isn't MORE popular.
It's doing pretty badly in Japan IIRC.
>yume polishing her sword
>guards know that Yukari can pull swords out of thin air
>this is alright
Yume called the other three elites weaklings and Yukari didn't refute her.
Dumb birb.
I want to see her receive the Asanagi treatment.
I like that they actually show dismemberment in this show, even though the concept is your run-of-the-mill energy shield.
I hope the mobile game turns things around. It's one of the best anime this season so it's a shame it's doing poorly.
I especially liked the bear getting its ear bit off
cute autist
Wew lad
Cute dumb autist
>2 vs 1
That's not honorable.
It's 2v2, though.
Maybe just Yume and Yomi know about it.
did you speedwatch this episode?
Oh, was Kanami fighting someone, too?
She bit off, like, one crumb worth of cookie. How on earth did she chew that tiny bite for a whole second?
After rewatching the scene again, I feel like Kanami was fighting a defensive battle from the beginning, so Suzuka didn't really job.
is it just me or is kanami kind of a mary sue at this point. Shes the strongest, super friendly and never mean, always makes the right decision, can see better than everybody else. I still like the show but its kinda disappointing when the rest of the show is handled so well
These little dumb girls don't deserve their swords. I want to punch them until they can't use utsushi anymore. Then I can club them with their own swords. God, I love swords.
I can also cook very good. Would Kanami say that I'm amazing?
Stop posting.
>elite guards job including 2 time champion maki
What the fuck is this, bleach?