Is it a boy or a girl?

Is it a boy or a girl?

it's a gun

you would know if you watched the show

A cute boy.

That's a gun

Motorad stabiliser.

boy (female)

It's whatever your dick wants it to be.

i want to fuck kino!

She's a young woman.

Who cares, you can fuck both

To be honest, I think if Kino was a boy then I'd still fall in love with him (her).
It's confusing...

But if he's a boy we can't reproduce...

I having a child really necessary?

Sounds like something a faggot would ask


user, I want children too, but if Kino can't have a child then I'm fine with that because I LOVE HIM!

How come there aren't more Kino no Tabi threads on Sup Forums?

We had threads when the new one was coming out and they weren't great.

How come despite having my favorite body type, kino manages to be so unattractive to me?
I'm 0% aroused by this image, I can't even find her cute.
I think it might be the face.

Might be homosexuality.

Might be heterosexuality.

A girl. The best girl, at that.

Whenever I see you fuckheads lewd Kino it makes me glad there's not that many of them.

Why is lewding Kino so taboo?

kino is for hot sweaty sex and insemination after not showering for 3 weeks!

How can you not want to lewd Kino when she's just so cute, beautiful, and handsome all at the same time?

She's cute, cool and beautiful which is why you should post her being cute, cool and beautiful. You do her a disservice when you act like she's some run of the mill whore.

Kino is for impregnating during a romantic night of love making by a campfire and taking responsibility, promising to never leave her side for as long as you live.

Kino being as cute, cool and beautiful as she is is all the reason to lewd her. Love is both physical and emotional, so it's normal to have dirty, lewd thoughts of the object of your desire.

All the threads are always full of all this austistic shit ad naseu
Likely always by the same two people

You can lewd her deep with in the recesses of your mind in a romantic and loving context, but if your immediate though when seeing Kino is to post a lewd image and say "I want to fuck Kino" then that is not okay. If you had your priorities in order then your immediate reaction would be to want to hug, hold hands with or potentially kiss Kino.

I just wish there was more fan art of her in general.

i want to rape kino in the snow by gunpoint and sell her off to malnourished slave traders when im finished!

>then your immediate reaction would be to want to hug, hold hands with or potentially kiss Kino.
But that was my reaction in the beginning... Now I just want to imagine loving her even more and taking our relationship to the next level.

Imagining that should just be an extension of imagining a loving relationship with her. There's nothing loving about just saying I want to fuck Kino and posting her in an outfit she would never wear or behaving in a way she would never behave or with a fat old man and that's what typical posts lewding Kino come down to, and that is not okay.

even the LN illustrator can't deny that kino was built for sex

There's always some on Twitter if you know where to look (e.g. @hutamaru204, @yusaberry, @Gazella0527, @hayatopi, anyone who has Kino as their profile pic on Twitter, etc.)

Another good source for fanart would be 2chan. Look through their archives for their Sup Forums may board for Kino threads. Really though, most fanart would either be posted on Twitter or Pixiv.

Do you think that Kino's parents still love her?

Of course not, what kind of a question is that?

They're both dead to her, so it doesn't really matter at this point.


How old is Kino?

Somewhere in her late teens, presumably.

15 is the youngest approximation, 19 is the oldest.

You just might be faggot.

So are we going to get a second season?

Please wait comfortably. Kino is napping.

But I miss her and want to see more of her now...

You could always read the LNs.

I guess I'll do just that, but it won't be the same without hearing her voice.