Manga is supposed to be a visual medium...

Manga is supposed to be a visual medium, why doesn't this fucker write a book if he wants to plaster his text all over his pages?

Honest answer, he wants the most money for the least work, it's not hard to understand

Maybe he's only good at writing dialogue

dude he's deconstructing manga lmao

Came to say this

God i'm already getting headache

>X is supposed to be a visual medium
This meme again. Manga is a visual medium and a textual medium. I could assert "hurt durf manga is a textual medium so what's with all this fucking art?" and my argument would be just as strong as yours.

Except that this dialog could have been conveyed far more concisely. Then again the real text may be much more concise, it is a mangastream translation.

>mangastream translation
Think you're a little confused here

Togashis new strategy is shorter hiatuses but to run out the clock on work by filling up pages with text.

Genius really

>Except that this dialog could have been conveyed far more concisely. Then again the real text may be much more concise, it is a mangastream translation.
Yep, don't forget you're reading a shoddily put together translation. Wait for the Viz release to see something that's probably more understandable.

Later on we're going to see a shit ton of spooky action at a distance and all of this spoken shit is the setup for it to make sense. He's telling us what the matrix is so pew pew guns can be funs. Like he has every fucking arc.

Exactly this

>I could assert "hurt durf manga is a textual medium so what's with all this fucking art?" and my argument would be just as strong as yours.
No you couldn't, stop being a braindead Togashit cocksucker. What defines manga is the visual aspect, so much so, that it's completely possibly to draw a manga without any text, and still convey a story with just art alone, whereas the reverse it's simply not possible. Gon (ironic isn't it?) by Masashi Tanaka is such an example, as well as Age of Reptiles in american comics. stop pretending the guy is some kind of genius without shortcomings.

shutup brainlet I bet you havent even read HxH

Even if the Viz translation is better, it is still a 99% textual chapter/arc. There's few "scenes". That's why I like the Exam Arc, Togashi knew how to balance better art and text.

I'm up to date and it's far from perfect, but it's not shit either, just overhyped by idiots. Sometimes it's not even fun to read and it turns into a hurdle when it cramps all that pointless text in small panels, even aesthetically. What would you like to discuss? I'm actually being very charitable since your reply is a complete non-sequitur to what I posted.

>not a visual medium

What do YOU read with, your butt?

Checkmate, atheists!

>I have short attention span: the post
Not his fault that American education had failed you.

in all seriousness I agree
I've been trying to read through GI and Chimera Ants like 4 times and its painful with all of that text

You know, it's valid to like HxH and still criticize certain problems that the work has. And it has. As much as you do not want to believe.

Read nigga

Based Togashi putting brainlets on suicide watch.
Firstly, I read books. Secondly, Togashi's art is nothing to look forward to. If you have an issue with this at this point in time you must be retarded.

Nen itself sort of poisoned the well, really. It's not exactly an uncommon thing for the characters to explain powers and combat abilities, but with Nen it's required since it can't really be understood visually in many cases.

It's why everything becomes a slog anytime Chrollo does anything.

Togashi's problem isn't using text in the manga medium, it's being a lousy mangaka in general

A single paged filled with talking heads, using seven panels to convey what could be achieved in five, no body language AT ALL.

And worst of all, 6 out of 7 panels were facial close-ups - and Togashi had not even the patience to at least vary their facial expressions

This is an atrocious page of manga story telling. Togashi is laughing on his way to the bank and it pisses me off

LOTS of manga have this issue, even some western comics. Even anime.

Just talk talk talk, and all that's animated are the mouths, usually doing as little movement as possible besides swapping between open and close each frame. Compared to say, Disney or Bluth, et al., which has characters talking and other, non-mouth animation happening.

HxH requires at least 150 IQ to truly understand.

>a manga with an author that goes through painful lengths to explain each and every action, motivation, train of though and even emotions each character has in lieu of expressing himself through the advantages of the medium he chose to partake in somehow requires high intelligence in order to be fully understood
Togashi thinks you're such a dipshit that he needs to do all the thinking for you. Let that sink in.

>All that's animated are the mouths
I think that's the one major flaw of most anime out there, that's why liked anime movies as they often have more fluid movement and less static shots

ITT:Retards actually thinking reading poor translations makes them smart

togashi is just insane now
it was a mix of overwoking and backpain
absolutely melted his brain, he has no idea how to finish the story without dying first

So user, which translation is supposed to fix garbage visual story-telling like this monstrosity of a page in OP where a bunch of talking heads vomit text with the same wooden expressions in a million poorly thought out panels?

So you cherry pick one page from a chapter during an arc that at its core, a murder mystery. You do realize that mysteries require information and on top of the visuals we also have textual information to set up the rules and climate things will play out in. Go read kindaichi case files or something, this isn't new, bad, or uncommon.

Christ, we had a ninja choke a guy out in his cell and later confront a dragon. What do you want here?

He's not that good of an artist and can't (or won't) maximize the properties of the medium to make his series work.
The 2011 anime fixed a lot of these problems by having consistent, quality animation with well drawn backgrounds, updated character designs, a memorable soundtrack, good directing, etc.
Then people who fell in love with the anime go read the manga and delude themselves into thinking that it surely must be good since the anime was presumably a "faithful" adaptation.

Let's not pretend that Togashi is new to these boring shots of heads talking to one another on end about whatever dull topic. The man has either no sense for art (not true because he's shown himself capable of drawing impactful panels and fights before) or is just doesn't care enough to put in effort to the series' visual aspects.

Manga is something you "read" not "watch" or "view"

mfw some hxh chapters have more text than a fucking volume of other manga.

>people still using nigger stream's translation as a bases

That's how I feel about capeshit honestly