Is legend of the galactic heroes as good as people say?

ive been craving a good political thriller like code geass, and I heard this anime is one of the best of all time.

is this worth watching, and should i watch the anime or the movies first?

Other urls found in this thread:

K-ON is objectively better.

>ive been craving a good political thriller
LotGH is great, but don't expect genius-level politics and philosophy. Its a character-driven story first and foremost.

>comparing a space opera rivaling star wars to a short slice of life show with shiny eyes.

Is nothing but fujoshit where people talk about how manly they are and lead many homoerotics scenes.
start with "my conquest is the sea of stars" because that is before anything important happena nd you get the major idea of what the show is gonna be.

is that real? if so I might give it a watch for dialogue like that alone.

>posting a k-on! character
o the irony

>ive been craving a good political thriller like code geass
If you want something like CG then I'm not sure LoGH is what you're looking for. Couldn't hurt to give it a try anyway though.
It's not real.

It's not a thriller.

Is not real but this is, damn you Yang "use blacks as shields" Wenli.


Yang "no blacks on my FPS" Wenli makes the show go around because of his ideals and loyalty to the concept of freedom.

No, it's boring meme garbage. You still have to watch it because it's a classic though.


>don't expect genius level politics and philosophy.
says the guy who has never even opened a book on philosophy in his life.
this show has more about life, politics, and philosophy than any other i've seen.
i would definitely recommend legends.

>code geass
You're too smart for LOGH. Watch more Gundam or any other Sunrise politcal thrillers.

this thread is full of pretentious whiny cunts who complain if it isnt fujo pandering shit, yuri pandering shit, or waifu bait pandering shit.
most likely half the posters in this thread watch k-on and think that any show you have to use your brain on is shit tier garbage that caused their head to hurt.

Stop fucking whinging and listen to this


It's decent, for a lot of people it's their entry level show into more sophisticated anime so there's a lot of nostalgia-glasses around it, but it's definitely worth watching seeing as the current translation of the novel is mediocre. The novel is the better experience but if you can't read moonrunes you'd be better served watching it. As others have said the political and historical themes and references are very basic, and serve as a backdrop for the primary focus of the story, the characters.

>not understanding that that was the point

calm the autism pal

>It's decent, for a lot of people it's their entry level show into more sophisticated anime
Name FIVE(5) sophisticated shows. Anime just can't be "sophisticated".

Violet Evergarden

Leiji Matsumoto
Osamu Tezuka
Yoshihiro Tatsumi
Yoshiyuki Tomino
Keiko Takeyima


>ive been craving a good political thriller like code geass
>code geass

Drop it OP, Guilty Crown is more up your alley.

If Code Heads is your bar for political stories I'm sure you'll be impressed.

Personally I really like LoGH but since it's what I'd call a "traditional story" it isn't my favorite.

Watch two movies (My Conquest is the Sea of Stars/Overture to a New War) and then the show. The second movie is a more detailed version of the first 2 or 3 episodes.

>nostalgia-glasses for a show that nobody watched young

>like code geass

Are you kidding? LOGH is the epitome of "I'm 16 and this is deep" anime.

Yang is a FUCKING RACIST. literally every fucking time sir Louis Mashengo is on screen yang refers to him as "that" like he's some sort of fucking object but he's not okay?! I love how he just tries to brush it off like "oh I know who he is I just meant why is he here?" but if thats what he meant why does he always say "whats that?"?

>this show has more about life, politics, and philosophy than any other i've seen.
It's the best... among anime.

That's totally irrelevant. The vast majority of people that have watched LOGH first probably watched it within the past 5-8 years or so. Nostalgia is for things you actually watched as a kid on TV or something.

Is this the one with Ryo "BIGU BANGA ATTACKU" Horikawa?

I highly recommend it. It's more political heavy than code geass.
And it has the best characters imo.

No need to devalue the medium. Only books have deep discussions about serious stuff, let's not pretend movies or even theater is much better than anime in regard to depth. They do have better dialogue though

I agreed with you until the spoiler.

If your comparison is Hollywood blockbusters, sure, but I'm not seeing any anime with better dialogue than Shakespeare.

>picking one of the best writers of all time
Most theater is nowhere near Shakespeare's level.


Don't listen to any of the retards trying to devalue this show as "babby's first deep story". It's legitimately a top tier writing job.

Not as good like Legend of the Legendary Heroes.

The writing failed in a lot of regards. For example, you're supposed to hate Reuenthal for being a worthless fuckup who got millions of his own soldiers killed pointlessly, but the writing went over the heads of some people who ended up defending him anyway.

It's the second best anime of all time.
The first is of course Evangelion.

Reuenthal didn't fuck up nearly as hard as a whole host of genuinely completely incompetent retards like the old nobles.

one of the best damn things I've watched

LoGH is better than Code Geass in terms of everything. Better characters, better dialogues, better battles, better music it hasn't any of the magical or high school gay shit with green or pink haired bitches. Anime can't get more patrician than that.

amazing! I guess i'm watching this now

>like code geass

op here, didn't like evangelion , felt too dramatic and childish.

hope LOGH isn't similar

whats wrong with code geass?

are you a negro amigo?

No, it's shite for Sup Forumsshitters. They circlejerk over it because they have power fantasies.
Star Wars was also awful, LotGH is worse. If you like LotGH, then you don't like anime.

You haven't either, obviously. You know nothing about philosophy, and watch very little (because people who like LotGH don't like anime)
Think you know a lot? Which British artist managed to inspire both phenomenology and mystical antiphenomenology, with equal credibility on both sides?
No it's not, you're just 15 and impressed by damn anything.

It's pretty damn good, though to me it gets a little worse as the episodes go on. Still, worth watching if only because of the soundtrack.


Hope you're not implying that S;G or spicy wolf is better.

Not an answer. Try again. Two more chances.
This should be easy for a 'life, philosophy, and politics' experts like yourself.
English, and late 18th century. That's all you get.
A pile of shit is better than this Sup Forumstard garbage.

>LOGH worse that Star Wars
Opinion discarded

But Yang respected Mashengo, it's Yang himself who put him to be Julian's aide at Phezzan.
I wonder if something happen after Phezzan, or they just changed directors with someone who had a weird racist sense of humour. Mashengo was a smart and levelheaded man, who always discussed sitation with Julian. But after Phezzan he rarely said anything other than "Muh fate"

Fuck off, westaboo retard.

>craving a good political thriller
>like code geass

oh god hhahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha

What do westaboos have to do with this discussion?

code geass IS a political thriller, whats your point?

Well I can see how it would appeal to a Sup Forums audience, but if you think that's the intended demographic then I'm pretty sure that's not correct. The story focuses on both the FPA and the Empire, and shows Yang and Reinhard as equals in differing environments. While the FPA is posed as plagued by inefficient bureaucracy, the Goldenbaum dynasty is shown as a highly unequal society. The Loengramm dynasty pushes home the point that a competent dictatorship is better than an incompetent democracy, but as time progresses it is shown that a rule by personality cult tends towards collapse. If anything, Phezzan is shown as more of an ideal nation. Regardless of its corruption, it functions well until its invasion. I'm not really sure where this "Sup Forumstard garbage" idea comes from. It's certainly not how people not from Sup Forums perceive it.

That just one retard user, usually Logh considered a precious darling of /his/

Why isn't this their banner?

me too. Converted.


he's not wrong, but i bet he would shoot gays and trans and ((Earth Cultists))) without hesitation

also he's living a white etho state

The joke is that it makes you think it's racism, but it's just Yang being surprised that, despite being in command, nobody informs him when people board his shop.

Code Geass and LOGH are nothing alike.

Most of those are wrong since they are going for different goals, not trying to be the same show.

>he would shoot gays and trans
Reinhard is clearly a person, who would have the whole drag queens revue as his admirals as long as they are competent and useful. Also he married a nonbinary lesbian.

LoGH and K-On!! are unironically the two best anime of all time

Still, I'm not glad they suddenly reduced Mashengo to "Fate" lines for some reason.

Reinhard tells him anyone who wants to rule the empire must win the throne with their own strength all the way back at episode 26 or so. He was fulfilling the true ideology of the new empire and striving for his own goals by his own will. This demonstrates a major flaw of Reinhard's ideology and let Reuenthal attempt to take the spotlight he desired for so long.


Having Reinhard's permission is nice, but it would have been better if he had had permission from the families of every innocent soldier who died because of him.

>a GOOD political thriller

Why does the japanese like Dvorak so much? I've heard this same movement in six different shows.

Your point? Admirals on all sides are more than willing to sacrifice those under their command to do what they believe is right. Joining the military means you are now beholden to those above you in order to serve the greater good of your nation/ideology. The fact that Reuenthal could get such a large scale force to appose their Emperor is a testament to his own charisma and force of will. In addition to all the "permission" he would never need in a society based on social darwinism.

>it hasn't any of the magical or high school gay shit with green or pink haired bitches
So you're saying it's shit.

Reuenthal soldiers could easily start mutiny after him, yet they choose follow him. So it's their own fault for being retards.

I watched it for the first time recently and found it to be really good.

Also this


>a show overrated by pretentious pseuds who think they're history experts for watching something that uses historical motifs on an extremely superficial level
>a darling of a completely historically illiterate "history board" that does nothing but discuss hitler and alt history all day

who would have thunk. Seriously logh is trash and it brings out the worst kind of people on this board. It's the ultimate proof that people who calim they like "smart" and "deep" anime don't really give a shit about substance at all, as long as it gives off an air of it.

>it brings out the worst kind of people on this board
Ok the rest of that post is relative, but that's incorrect. Waifuism and trap threads are objectively worse, not to mention evergarden and umaru threads.

Only lesbian could fall for that

That's HunterxHunter, buddy. 16 year olds don't watch LOGH, they don't watch old anime at all because it looks "dated" and boring to them.

>only books
The Wire does political commentary a million times better than LotGH could ever dream of doing it.
You're only correct on one of them, but let's focus on talking about the show that this thread was made for instead, okay?

>it brings out the worst kind of people on this board
Well, you are not exactly wrong, because sometimes it brings out people like you.

Not him, but I'm 29 and have seen well over 1k shows. LoGH is possibly my all time favorite, mostly due to its writing.

Logh is the best in a microcosm full of shit. In a world where european kino, poetry and literature exist, this series is only nerd trash. In fact logh has never been compared with truly masterpieces instead is compared with star wars, kek.

better watch a series of 12 episodes.

Well if you compare by target market I'd say it's closer to Star Wars than Dickens, but there are definitely a couple of good films and TV series out there aimed at the masses which feel like masterpieces, which will remain unnamed because I don't visit Sup Forums.

That would be Code Geass

only dogfights resembles to star wars while script is a nerd version of war and peace, same with the social theory that is a superficial view of Leviathan.

It's not a genius masterpiece as some 14 year olds claim it to be, but it's still ok.


It's a masterpiece. Not because of the political theory or strategy. Those are pretty good, though. The real reason is because it shows the way wars, governments and history affect different individuals, and are the result of individual actions.

Corrently revatching it, and this time I like it even more. First times many details have slipped from me, because it was hard to have so many characters in head. Now, watching it for a second time I'm revarded with a lot of nice details and easter eggs I missed at first. Like, I finally understood Oberstein's last words.

Also, I finally managed to finish that pic with tagging that one last dude. It was very satisfying.