Hajimete no Gal

I'm reading the manga, and while it's a simple premise, it's working well on my dick

it's really a shame that the anime was so terrible, at least in my mind. What did you guys make of the anime?

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>it's working well on my dick
Only a matter of time before Yame doms the fuck out of MC
Hot as fucking hell

In the end this show wasn't even that hot and was a fucking waste of time.

I want to be dominated by Yame

Just a shame the MC is such an absolute beta, placing Yame on a pedestal and bending himself over backwards to do everything she wants, to fix every problem and be as accommodating as possible, out of fear of 'losing' her.

I'm not saying compromising sometimes and letting your lover have things there way occasionally is an especially bad trait, but if it's done to excess, it breeds contempt. If he grew a bit of a spine and put his foot down to the girls around him and let Yame know when she is being unreasonable, he'd be a much stronger protagonist and it'd probably magnify his pussy magnet potential by a factor of ten.


Nobody is reading this for the MC you retard

>Hey these early chapter are a little cute and give some credibility to this girl liking this piece of shit.
>Yeah there nice. Let's skip them so we can add in a psuedo harem.
Seriously it still would have been medicore but this show could have been a lot better.

I'm reading the raws of the untranslated chapters right now and the nigger and the fucking loli keep cockblocking me

Neenee is the only reason I paid any attention to this.


They picked the worst aspects possible to focus on.

What is sex with Yame like?

>Just a shame the MC is such an absolute beta
Did you not even finish the anime?

I am so glad the director got run out of town and will never touch stuff he worked on ever again.

>the director got run out of town
more on this please..also link/source

New translations fucking when

Just read the raws in the meanwhile. You're honestly not missing that much context

How the hell could people stomach a story about a beta even if you came for the tits?


Nobody is reading it for the story
Jesus fuck how dense can you be?

I was amazed by this chapter since Ranko finally landed in hot water with Yame.

No anime is worth stomaching for a shitty protagonist.