Anime titled "Saga of Tanya the Evil"

>anime titled "Saga of Tanya the Evil"

>main character isn't even a bad person

I mean shit, the worst thing he did was be a dick to the guy at the beginning and dole out harsh training/punishment to her troops. The MC is sociopathic and a bit selfish but far from going out of their way to be "evil", just doing his best to live his new life with the situation he's in.

Well the original title is just Youjo Senki which roughly translates to Military Chronicle of a Loli.
Never said the MC was that evil. Just a high functioning sociopath.

Fuck off, newfag.

Keeping up the edge I see.

>high functioning
not at her height


That's why i kinda dislike the anime. If you read the manga or ln you can see her though process, she isn't nearly as much of a psycho as the anime makes her out to be.

Blame the localization shitters at Yen Press and CR for the retarded title. Just call it Youjo Senki and forget about the rest.

It was for western press to pick up. They were hoping people would think this show was basically "I can't believe my Fuhrer could be this cute?" and get a bunch of free publicity.

Didn't really work. Would like a second season though. I like the manga, but the battles are much easier to understand when animated.

Basically this
Localization is almost always retarded garbage

Nah, blame Kadokawa.

Lots of Light Novels have "English Titles" in Japan, that are probably more like subtitles. For example, Danmachi's has "Familiar Myth", which is probably what Yen Press should have named the localization, but of course they're stupid like that.
Both CR and YP decided for Youjo Senki to use the English subtitle, even tho it's pretty silly.

>in very obvious WW1 analogue

Its a weird mix. They have a huge amount of WW2 tech kicking around, and the Trenches don't really stay as static as they should.

>Would like a second season though.
They're doing a movie, aren't they?

Is this actually real

Doesn't Germany lose?

she's a little bit evil


>Kadokawa strikes yet again

>anime titled "Saga of Tanya the Evil"
>main character isn't even a bad person

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck...
Called Rhine no akuma, devil of the Rhine, outside of the empire; gleefully bends international law to slaughter civilians; high-handed bloodthirsty rants on open comms; being X declares that she is escalating the war; perforates a man with the firearm his daughter gave him for christmas; selfish/cynical motives;

She is literally everything wrong with the world but not a bad person, really makes you think

ITT: My favorite character is Tanya Degurechaff. She's intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor.

>being X declares that she is escalating the war
>caring about what the literal god of jews says.

>perforates a man with the firearm his daughter gave him for christmas
Not like any soldier knows the entire backstory behind everyone they kill.

you see, evil is subjective, what may be innocent or harmless for someone might be degenerate to someone else, she is a soldier, and a good one at that, for her country she is a hero, but for the rest of the world she is a monster, a real life similar example would be Vlad Tepes, considered a monster and the inspiration of Dracula, but a national hero in Romania, she is evil, in the eyes of the rest of the world

Sociopaths are generally considered evil by non-sociopaths, once their sociopathy is revealed.

Rerugen or however the fuck you spell his name thinks she's the devil incarnate. When Tanya's hopped up on meth and Being X, she's a demonic butcher on the battlefield. Why the tagline isn't Saga of Tanya the Devil, the world may never know.

>devil of the Rhine
Because she's so efficent at killing mages that every enemy pisses himself when seeing her magic signature, it has nothing to do with her being an acutal devil.
>gleefully bends international law to slaughter civilians
She wasn't gleeful about. It's an atrocity, but you can just as easily blame the republic for using civilians as living shields in the first place.
>high-handed bloodthirsty rants on open comms
She only does these to impress the higher-ups.
>being X declares that she is escalating the war
Being X is escalating the war himself, he wants to break her after all.
> perforates a man with the firearm his daughter gave him for christmas
What do you expect a soldier to do? Just do nothing and let that Sue guy kill her?
>selfish/cynical motives
Can't aruge with that.

>the Devil of the Rhine
not like real life soldiers can get chuuni nicknames
>The Beast of Omaha
>The White Death
>The Red Baron
just to name the most known ones, and they were regular dudes that were too good at killing

She's evil because she's ugly and all ugly people are evil

This is weird.

no bully Tanya is cute

I always figured that the title was based on the fact that Tanya's side loses the war. Thus the victors write the history and Tanya will eventually be remembered as probably the greatest villain of the war (since the empire doesn't go full nazi)

>The MC is sociopathic and a bit selfish
>but not a bad person
Don't ask me how I know you've never left your room in your entire life, OP.

He would've never been in the situation if he didn't tip his fedora so hard. Who cares if Being X is God or not?

Do you not understand the point of perception vs intent here? Are you a narcissist?

Tanya is considered evil because the things the salaryman inside her loli body does are craven attempts at advancement/escape for one, and near (or actual, with the civvies) war crimes for another. She's a piece of shit, the tragicomedy of the narrative is she constantly Catch-22s herself and rails against a "God" that gives her the isekai cheat power to do so, and the satire is that subhumans who enjoy isekai will unironically justify her being a piece of shit because she's a cute loli and reader self-insert character.

all i see is a bunch of projection

Oh yeah, this is the LN written by a commie that Sup Forums ironically creams itself over.

How did a commie end up writing a novel series that glorifies capitalism and fascism?

>anime titled Little Girl War Record
>she's actually a teenager

>Not triplequoting
Get on my level scrub

Couldn't finish Season 1. It wasn't bad, but it just lacked engaging characters. MC was neat but can't carry the whole show. The battles feel formulaic and without meaning, and are not very interesting.

>Blame the localization shitters at Yen Press and CR for the retarded title. Just call it Youjo Senki and forget about the rest.
>>anime titled "Saga of Tanya the Evil"
>>main character isn't even a bad person
She is basically D&D Lawful Evil. She doesn't enjoy fucking over other people, she just is self centred and helps herself.

Now of course, I don't think it is fair to call her evil outside of D&D context. She obeys the law and never get out of her way to make someone else miserable. Everything is only done for a purpose, other people's misery brings her no joy.

The novels are awful and required massive adaptation effort to make a good anime out of it.
Kadokawa/nut decided to go with the "evil" angle with the facial expressions and other stuff. Its not very canon but the canon isnt very good so.

>Ze flies
Are they trying to make a bad pun with German pronunciation, but doing it totally wrong?

Tanya is evil because he tipped his fedora too hard, literall athiests tend to be evil by their very nature.

Proper name is Saga of Tanya THE CUTE

They are and it's not a recap movie, will cover new material follow from the show.

Literally the only character in the show that isn't either evil or stupid.

That is from the enemy perspective.
also while not necessarily evil it does take a bad person to commit legally not war crimes

You have some horrible reading comprehension if you think it glorifies Tanya

>9 years old

The story is longer than the anime.

She gets taller. She also gets a bigger bust.

>Blame the localization shitters at Yen Press and CR for the retarded title.
I think the english title was chosen by the writer itself. So if something, you should point your hatred of the title towards the writer.

>she's actually a teenager
Do you know why it is called "teenager"?

>Zir name is
What the fuck is Zir? It isn't german.

I think she's 12 by the time the Dacians invade.
It's only a matter of time now until puberty kicks in and salaryman has to deal with his new body craving dick

There's a lot of people that think it's WW2.

Might not be the intent, but it's clearly the result.

I don't remember when they invade, but she is confirmed 12 in volume 4 and turn 13 somewhere during volume 5.

Also 幼女 means little girl and not loli per se.

>Might not be the intent, but it's clearly the result.
Not the guy you responded to, but I have a hard time seeing the books glorifying her with the author describing her as he do.

>Not evil
>defys god

Nice bait.

>being X

Nice try, Being X

Because it's an interwar conflict

She's evil because she's german. You need to understand this.

>She's evil because she's german.
Makes sense. Germany has given us Merkel.

Is this supposed to be a gender neutral pronoun?

I thought it was trying to do a German accent.

if this is following the same general plot as the web version the empire loses in appearance only, they have to pay reparations but get to keep their army as-is and all their territories. Tanya is the one who suggested that plan to Zettour behind the scenes because she remembered how a truly defeated empire humiliated by the treaty of Versailles would have given rise to nazism and she wanted to avoid that. Zettour basically sacrifices himself by taking all the blame by saying he was the one puppeteering the war. He does that because he is an old man while Tanya still has her whole life to live (but also because Tanya is super influent and he fears she could become a warmongering empress if her role is brought to light). Tanya's death is faked and she goes to the US under an alias with the help of the murrikans who want her war knowledge.

>German accent is gender neutral by default
Oh wow it all makes sense.

But it doesn't look or sound like german at all.

Threadly reminder to be careful before buying Tanja's merc.


That's why I said "trying", a typical phoney German accent has a lot of Z sounds.

>I thought it was trying to do a German accent.
They are fully capable to pronounce he and she. It's the "th" sound that becomes iffy, hence the "ze" stereotype.

>challenges a wicked god and is capable of surviving on her own when almost everyone in the world is after her
>somehow a villain

>tfw have a speaking disorder that really doesn't show in German at all, but makes me unable to pronounce "th"-sounds properly, always making it sound like I have an ultra-stereotypical joke-accent

She's a "German".

She doesn't.
In the latest novels she's mistaken for a kid by the Japanese ambassador.

>a kid by the Japanese ambassador.
She technically still is.

If Being X wanted her to suffer why did he give her OP magic?

Too bad nobody bothers to read those.

But they won the war. Newfag better go read the novel or manga to get that bit of info.

He gave him magic so that Tanya would be guaranteed to go into war via forced conscription

She's 17. So no. She's definitely not a kid.
She's perma loli.

Hitler fought in the first WW war.

It hurts more to have a lot a talent and keep failing and/or losing than having no talent and failing.

>she is perma-loli

Wait, last I read she was 15 and that was like volume 9. Did they do a time skip?

Tanya isn't a good person and that's why I like the series in the first place.

X doesn't want Tanya to suffer, but to be fair if you've only watched the anime it's something they get spectacularly wrong.

In the LN and manga though, X isn't out to get Tanya, that's only Tanya's misunderstanding (and keep in mind a recurrent element is that Tanya/Salaryman basically misunderstands everything all the time, which is why eveything she does to be sent away from the front line just makes her look like more of a warmonger). X just wants Tanya to believe and be saved.

In fact at one point Salaryman outright asks X about the magic thing and that's the answer he gets.

Because he deliberately wanted to make a contradiction in the form that, he being a higher being can perform miracles, thus giving Tanya the power to perform magic. It is a way for him to force her/him to recognize Being X absolute power.
It's not about revenge, but to prove his omnipotence.

I was under the impression from the Manga that Tanya's side lost the war, because of those post war pieces which show Journalists in England trying to work out who she was.

she fired live mortar rounds at her own troops in "training" and lured factory workers with her loli voice so she can tamaya them
not saying these are the deeds of an absolute evil person but it's also not very nice

>But they won the war.
>better go read the novel or manga

You should probably follow your own advice. The war isn't over in the novels yet. We have spoilers going far beyond what is in the novels.

This is a bit of a spoiler but based on the web novel (which may differ from the actual thing), as the brit journos say the empire lost the war but only on paper, they got to keep their army and new frontiers and administration and all. Tanya's role in it all was erased and her death faked, all blame was taken by Zettour alone to protect her and she is in fact behind the empire's fake loss plan too.

Ok, thanks. It's a series I'm happy to have spoiled because no matter how much I enjoyed it, that stuff with the Journalists in the future made me super salty

>people itt think the light novel is the OC
>they call other people newfags

Irony has no limits.

Being X is a pretty cool dude huh. I wish I could reach enlightenment and hang out with him.

>people itt think the light novel is the OC
What the fuck are you even on about?

>she fired live mortar rounds at her own troops in "training"
After showing them how to deflect them, plus they could drop out anytime they wanted. As her saving Visha from the avalanche shows they never were in danger of dying

>lured factory workers with her loli voice
They were at war and laughed off a warning by the enemy. That's on them.