Can we all agree that Flampe did nothing wrong? Luffy himself said it was perfectly fine. Katakuri should be grateful for his little sister's help.
One Piece
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Katakuri is a lame pelican eel.
What'll be Chopper and Nami's reaction to Luffy after this fight? After he beats Katakuri or loses to him.
I can tell Sanji would just curse himself again or something, Carrot and Pedro would be sleeping, Jinbe and Brook would just scream Luffy-Kun, Luffy-San and sweat over with Jinbe carrying Luffy to the infirmary.
Can't exactly put my fingers on Chopper because he's the doctor and I don't know how he will handle it and I can't see Nami not doing anything being one of the core members next to Zoro and Usopp.
Who will be her voice when the anime shows her?
Like that user said last thread, Luffy's gotten more durable compared to Doffy, and the reaction probably won't be any different compared to Zoro on Thriller Bark.
There's a lot of fucking stupid people in this general.
Also a lot who have never boxed either for exercise or sport.
All you have to do is rewatch the Usopp vs Luffy fight to get the difference between Bullet and Pistol.
>Bullet=arm stretching punch to the gut with the intent of shaking up the opponent's breath
>Pistol=arm stretching overhand punch with the intent of fully committing the arm's force
>You have to wait months to see Katakuri in the anime
She did everything wrong, woman.
>you will have to wait even more months to hear sugita singing the donut song
Then what's pic related?
So it'll be the crew saying how they'll grow stronger so that Luffy doesn't have to haul ass everytime? I can get behind this, maybe this will be the moment where the rest of the crew gets convinced to learn Haki? I'm kinda disappointed Nami didn't show any signs of haki this arc though, I thought she'll be a Usopp parallel from dressrosa.
From the moment Katakuri showed her his face onward she did everything wrong. I hope she'll apologize so they can make up later.
The closest she's had to an extreme situation on par with what Usopp went through were Sanji and Luffy fighting and the threat of torture while Luffy was ripping his arms. Arc isn't over yet though, maybe she'll unlock it when she uses Zeus again?
Flampe proved herself unworthy of the title of "best little sister". Turning on her brother just because she looks different, even though Totland is supposed to be a place where all peoples of different races can live together in harmony. How is Katakuri any uglier than a Mink? Or a Fishman?
Katakuri might be half fishman though.
A hook punch user, with the intent of blindsiding the opponent if he's not careful. Bullet and Pistol are both straights.
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Katakuri is a cute pelican eel
Does she really need that upgrade? She still got an upgrade through Zeus.
Pudding getting bullied for having 3 eyes is even dumber. Even Big Mom thought she was ugly, fucking hypocrite.
Usopp needs Haki upgrades the most, Future Sight and putting hardening on his arsenal would make him as deadly as his dad.
Impossible, we know for a fact that he has the same father as Oven and Daifuku, and they have no Fishman traits at all.
So next chapter earlier this week?
Usopps haki will develop greatly. The whole reason he developed it in Dressrosa was because he didn't lie for once when facing Trebol & Sugar. He said exactly who he was.
Rayleight stated the act of not doubting is strength. Usopp's lies and Sogekings mask is a form of doubt. Usopp is developing in terms of being true to himself.
It's sooner than you think user.
We've reached chapter 855 in the anime, and Katakuri first appears in chapter 860. So we should see him sometimes in between 5 and 10 weeks from now.
>Usopp needing hardening
He doesn't. Usopp excels not in power and speed but technique/utility. Hardening would do nothing for him.
Why would it be?
Why wouldn't it do anything for him?
national holiday on the 12th
Whoever did this should have stopped there, none of the comments below top this.
We still don't know if hardening improves the special effects of his attacks, given that they're not mere pellets. Talk to me when Oda makes explosions use hardening for some reason, or poison gas, or spicy sauce, etc. And if that's true, that would mean Usopp has to have the best hardening haki in the crew.
But he and Robin got involved with the Tontattas in the first place because Usopp said he was Noland's descendant. Not to mention he tried to run because he forgot who Robin was.
It's only till after he got his memory back that he took action without doubt.
Fuck that whore
Truly worst girl
How is that dumb? You're telling me in the world we live in, you can not fathom why someone would get bullied for having a feature that is not seen on anyone else? Bitch how many fat people do we have in this world and they get bullied? How many people with glasses get bullied when it's something so common? People get made fun of for their fashion. You seriously think it's dumb that Pudding or Katakuri got bullied for their features? Come on man.
Oh yeah. It's the 11th though but yeah. You're probably right about an early release.
I don't see why Armament Haki couldn't extend to all of those if it can be put into swords and simple bows. It'd make those attacks even more effective.
>for having a feature that is not seen on anyone else?
Totland is full of people with sharp teeth like Karakuri actually.
But it's not just the teeth. It's the fact that his mouth is huge which is why he's called pelican eel. His mouth is actually stitched up.
Nope. He confronted Trebol and Sugar in the port when Robin was a toy. It was all for the dwarves, complete strangers when normally Usopp would only do that for the crew.
I'm talking about his statements regardless. He said "I am Usopp! Sniper of the Strawhat pirates!" which wasn't a lie for once. Also this lead to the Strawhat grand fleet as the toys learned of their saviours.
>yo wassup bitches im alive
i mean, that user is not entirely wrong about linlin
Quite the contrary, He's gonna appear in episode 825
But episode 825 is anywhere near the tea party. Are they going to ruin his introduction?
Toei´s imagination is dead, they should atleast introduce Flampe talking about who is the best brother. There is enough material to make actually interesting fillers
>There is enough material to make actually interesting fillers
Indeed, in the tea party in particular, they should definitely exploit it as much as possible and create new dialogue and new interactions between the characters. Especially since in the manga it's nothing but a montage showing off the atmosphere, they have the freedom to do literally anything. It's not like they've never done this before. I hope they will.
And America is full of fat people but they still get shit on.
>not animating One Piece yourself
Why did you post Usopp user?
Will Sanji hatefuck Pudding and how hard will it be?
katakuri is fucking based
is this going to be the next luffy v lucci?
Is it weird that a minor antagonist like Katakuri has more background and more character to him than major villains like Crocodile and Akainu?
well he's going to be the next strawhat after all
Will Sanji's lust be satisfied?
Luffy vs Lucci was always shit, it cannot compare to Katakuri vs Luffy.
>minor antagonist
He's this arc's boss you moron. BM is just an advancing wall of doom, this arc's birdcage. She's hardly a character narrative wise.
I hope we get a full flashback and not that one page.
Hell no, his next target will be a kimono bitch from wano and then a giant from elbaf. Although he may never be able to fill his biggest lust after Reiju.
Blackbeard has an ex admiral as ally on kuzan, luffy will get Katakuri as an ally an strawhat after this arc
>this arc's birdcage
I prefer to think of her as the Buster Call
it has already surpassed luffy against lucci, in terms of pure enjoyment of the actual fight, since a long time ago. at least for me
Same thing really. Call it an island destroying device with a time limit.
I never really saw the Buster Call as anything special, it's just an armada of ships blowing everything up.
Pelican Eels look fucking hilarious. It's actually a pretty good insult for Katakuri.
Lads, how can I achieve Katakuri mode?
It's pretty intense when you realize what exactly it entails. 5 vice admirals, and 10 navy ships, blast an island into non-existence. Remember just how powerful a vice admiral is, the upper echelons of them should be comparable to Sakazuki and Borsalino, since if a vacancy opens up in the Admirals one of them would get the promotion.
It's not just an insult it's most likely the actual fishman genes he inherited.
Would take every girl he's ever lusted after at once to completely satisfy him?
in case anyone wants to edit that pic of "one piece in spongebob episodes"
>it's most likely the actual fishman genes he inherited
I think you're reading too much into this
What do you mean he has more background than Crocodile
>Supports his family
>Mocked for his appearance
>Luffy's Mom
Well I guess we don't really know much about either of them. I think Doffy is one of the only fleshed out villains, and he's shit.
Well I think you're a moron. How else do you explain this mouth? He's the same as Dellinger, Jack, and Chimney is all.
Right, but it's just an insult kids came up with, like "big nose" or "stinky feet". Even if he's a fishman of that species, the kids don't know that, they're just insulting him for his appearance.
>I think Doffy is one of the only fleshed out villains, and he's shit
Delete this.
>How else do you explain this mouth?
The same way I explain BM natural strength, the genetic lottery is a bitch in One Piece
I never said they knew.
Katakuri is obviously fishman themed in retrospect. He realized this himself. Just look at his weapon of choice for fuck sake.
Sanji is going to die a virgin.
Him and Pudding would both pass out before he could even get his dick inside.
There's several characters with weird teeth and no fishman genes. And Katakuri's twin brothers are completely normal.
Your line of thinking an mine aren't mutually exclusive.
How do you know Bartolomeo is 100% human? Did you send his DNA to 23&me?
>and Katakuri's twin brothers are completely normal
They're not monozygotic and one or even both of them could be hiding two dicks for all you know.
Why is Luffy so obsessed with beating Katakuri? His priority should be running away, not beating the stronk guy. He has never displayed such personality, is Luffy Goku now?
Because if he wants to be the King of Pirates he has to be the stronkest guy. There's people even stronger than Katakuri out there, and Luffy is gonna reach a point where 10 of G4 ain't gonna cut it any more so he needs to get stronger
He's always been Goku and Krillin.
To become pirate king. A pirate king accomplishes two things he really wants
>strong enough to protect friends
>allows himself to be free and explore the world without anyone stopping him
Luffy knows he needs to get stronger in order to defeat Yonkous and become Pirate King. Hence why he chose to come back for the sake of training his haki. He also displayed open admiration for Katakuri a number of times. Which is why he's so focused on overcoming him and was happy to be aknowledged by him.
So Katakuri is basically the best character in the series at this point, right?
>Rosinante's gun is facing the correct way
Imagine fucking ruined.
>How else do you explain this mouth?
Well yeah. Though plebs will disagree.
This scene is going to be amazing in the anime.
Glasgow smiles don't have long teeth and enough of them to go all the way up to your ears. Katakuri's mouth is obviously not anormal human mouth that got torn. He was born this way.
Early chapter? When?
rank doesn't mean much in terms of power
Barto was able to beat a VA offscreen before the tournament
Kuzan and Saul had a very one sided fight despite both being VA
Well either way it's clear that his entire bottom jaw is separate from the top, and the stitches are only there to keep it partly together to give the appearance of a normal mouth with scars running up the side.