She doesn't really like a lame boy like Nishikata right?

She doesn't really like a lame boy like Nishikata right?

You guys don't actually sexualize her right? She's just a middle schooler.

She marries him
official merch has her undressing

She sexualizes herself. She's super thirsty to boot.

wait, you don't?


Of course not, she marrying him and having his children is just another long prank.

Are NTR fags going through stages of denial after being cucked out of their own fetish?

What does Takagi-san's breath smell like?

Why is her forehead so damn big?
she looks like an alien

You can "sexualize" her adult form.

She is a lewd JC.



Reminds me of a butt baroness


She reminds me of my childhood crush. Too bad she's with another man.

Yeah she doesn't like him, she love him! That's why they got married and have a child.

Did anyone else didn't like the sort of sequel/spin-off where they're married and have a kid? I mean the fact that it was teased before was nice , but having an actual series while this one is going seemed to take away the magic.

I wonder what sex with Takagi-san is like. Gentle femdom?

user my dick can only get so hard

Nishikata is quick to recognise lewdness.


she's really cute and aperfect gf material but i can't find her sexy , i did fap to her smug cute face tho

Yeah I got what you mean, that official chapter where we saw them as an adult and Takagi trolling the shit out of the readers on the last page was good enough for me.

Yes, getting a bit too old there, but still passable.

She ruined Takagi voice.

how do i get a gf like takagi

Honestly it took a bit of getting used to but I've grown to like it.

Talk to girls until you find one like her.

you don't because they don't exist

That's the only way.

no you can't. Takagi is the type that would approach you first and troll you for days once she's attracted to you. if she isn't she won't even come to you in the first place.

also tough luck if you're in burgerland. takagi will never exist in that feminist hellhole.

What, does she troll the shit out of both Nishikata and her daughter?

no, unless you're still 12 and below and living in Asia (with average looks), then yes

Yup, although its mostly both her and the daughter trolling Nishikata.

She has an oddly comfy, ASMR-like Takagi voice. I like it.

>lame boy
He works out, unlike you.

I tried to jack it to a Takagi doujinshi yesterday night but the series is so saccharine that I couldn't because in my mind it's too sweet to defile.

How is that possible? I did have a build up of other doujins, but I busted to a smug Takagi blowjob scene.

So what's Takagi-san's first name?

It smells of fluoride from the obligatory fluoridation they do in grade and junior schools

who's doujin is this? why is the art style is almost exactly the same as the manga?

the voice is perfectly fine

So remind me again why she has a gigantic fucking forehead.

She is sex on 2 legs


My god that doujin really hits the spot god damn haven't cum for a doujin that hard for a while


People who believe in love can go fuck themselves.

>that art
>ear kissing

Fuck no, and no one ever will.

Are you okay?

>he doesn't know

She did cum first, right? And Nishikata thought she was tightening up on purpose and just didn't realise it?

JC Takagi or MILF Takagi?

JC Takagi for middle school Nishikata, and MILF for adult.

Being this new

>MILF Takagi /ss/ing Nishikata

The author wanted to make it perfectly clear how hard NTRfags got BTFO.
Now he can die in peace.

It's comfy enough. Also cements that she actually likes him lots, instead of just gently bullying him every day for no reason.

this, ntr fags on suicide watch... I mean more than they already are normally.

I don't think there's anything inherently bad about what they're doing with the timeskip manga. It's nice. It's just not as good. But that's to be expected. The person doing it was picked from a pixiv contest, weren't they? The original manga being better is just a testament to skill and practice.

Positions of power often reverse in the bedroom. She's always leading him by the nose in daily life.
So chances are, when she teases him enough, he snaps and does pushups on her till they both faint. Probably spanks her while taking all his daily frustrations from work out on her rear end.

Takagi probably likes having her body told she's been a bad bad girl.

Yahiro Pochi

Given theirs and Chi's age, there's some doujin potential in just when they got married. Did she poke holes in the condoms during their last year of highschool maybe? Or did she decide to major in Housewife in college?

>this is her end game for all the teasing she does