You're in the (art) club when suddenly a brown loli asks you to draw her like one of your French girls

You're in the (art) club when suddenly a brown loli asks you to draw her like one of your French girls.

Wat do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do I know the loli? If not, you ask her why is she asking you to do that. You never know, it could be a trap or something. When you have enough evidence that it isn't a trap. You start drawing her, but remember to be strict when drawing. If she even move an inch, you yell at her.

Jokes on her. I don't have any real friends

I'd draw her not brown.

[x] rape the maid


What's this from?

I post a shit translation.

Destroy her.

Nagatoro is many things, a loli is not one of them.


Mating press.


Too abstract, it just a shitty room now


Why is her face so disgusting?

She has a lazy eye. Don't bully.


The absolute state of Sup Forums

I don't get it.

A-Are you gay?

Draw her like one of my French girls.

>Wat do?
Ask where her older sister at

So, which cover is the best?



Senpai is PURELY for Nagatoro

Please explain.

"Your lip fang is stupid. Ask your author to draw a real one."

I really hate this bitch


I've made tons of copies from this sheet when I was learning expressions so I'm golden!

Tell her to go back to

she's a JK! a JK!!

white or blue

I l ike the yellow one. The angle makes it look more like she's leaning in to mock you, and the lay-out just looks a lot more clean too.

draw my waifu (loli) instead

2nd > 1st > 4th > 3rd

I had no idea Nagatoro was made into a regular manga. Thank you for bringing this to my attention.



I don’t think you know what that is, you autistic faggot.


holy shit

... went too far user...


360, tip my fedora and walkmoon away

i have no fucking idea what this is...



I didn't at first either but now I get it


only real reply: alright you want to be drawn, pick a pose and shut up while i get my art on, thot. I'll have to take some artistic license to make you look halfway passable.

Embarrassing lad

She wants the D. Retard

Is this Loss or something?

Yellow or blue.

Nagatoro really give a loss feeling, when I am in the school, have a beautiful brown girl how bully me, specially after I star a relationship with her sister, today after I start reading the manga I realize “why I don’t rape all of her roles until she die or get crippled?” This certainly make the 2 sides happy.

Young boys boys in this board, don’t make the same mistakes I make, the life is too short


I get it. You're pretty good at this.





plz explain

This is the literal definition of lurk moar

does this help?

Well no.
There are two possibilities:
I can't see it and i'm just stupid.
You all are just pretending it ilustrate something, and laugh at me as I try to think it out.
I just can't see it whatever it is.

How new to Nagatoro are you?

You lost me

oh fuck, now I get it.
My mistake was not trying to think about it in english language...
in the end, that wasn't that hard
thanks for additional clues

Oh mama

I tried. pls don't bully

Can I get an actual brown loli?

You didn't give enough attention to Nagatoro crotch... are you ashamed or smth?


Reminder Asuha will grow up to inherit her mother's body and Effie was best girl.

I tell her that Titanic is for plebs and she should go watch arthouse European cinema.

I can't even draw, expect pixel shit



impregnate, do not take responsibility