What to watch as a newaboo?

Hello, I kinda just got into all this. My childhood was DB/DBZ and Pokemon so I thought anime were filler fests without much substance. Except for Ganbare Kickers, that shit was great.

I watched FMA dubbed and then OPM, Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, Boku no Hero Academia and finally AOT subbed last year.

All amazing holy shit I can't stop.

Where do I go now? I'm over the edge and got proven wrong on what I used to think was just meme material and fan service.

Is it worth it watching normie stuff like Naruto, One Piece and the like? Or should I just chip away on the MAL top lists like I used to do when I discovered IMDB. Maybe even read the mangas instead? I don't know where to start.

tomodachi wa mahou

hotel mario
gravity's rainbow
morton feldman string quartet #2

>That spacing

try this chart.

Viper GTS

leave this place

>actually giving recs
You're as new as OP

Where are the newfag bully?

Don't bother. Anime as a medium of art is trash. If anything it serves as a good form of escapism for lonely otaku virgins and offers a lot of wish fulfillment, but if you expect well written shows or films with depth, character and artistic merit, look elsewhere.

boku no pico

This hurts to look at.

you should try sucking my cock dude

keit ai is pretty great


Time spent asking is time better spent watching, shit posting optional

i cant believe you guys are seriously spoonfeeding the OP. we have a wiki

>It's not the usual one
What happened to this place?

>Black Lagoon

There it is.
Pic related needs to be in that list

Well it already worked for you so keep going through MAL’s top ten, twenty, thirty. Though given how much fighting shows will recur on that list, you might wanna skip those. You did just go through Boku Hero. So skipping out on Shounen shows and returning to them later might be good. Just avoid watching shows of the same genre after another. Move it a step later in the list but get back to it. If the show doesn’t work for you four episodes in, you can drop it.

thats the only thing that bothers you in this meme chart?

Are you blind

He's new, whatever. Don't be awful with someone who can make correct sentences, it counterbalances the myriads of memelord

Sorry it's been a long night

If there are worse anime on that chart, then I haven't watched them.