Why is part two so much better than part one?

I don't get it. I had to force myself through part one, but now that I've started part two I'm having to force myself to stop. What changed? Sure, the pace seems to be much faster and I'm massively preferring Joseph to Jonathan, but the fights are still difficult to follow and often bullshit. What am I missing?

Part 1 is trying to be a shonen parody along with ripping off Fist of the North Star.

Part 2 tries to be it's own thing.

Because you're a mongoloid. The only good characters in part 2 are Joseph, Stroheim, and Wham. Every character in part 1 has charm, and the relationship between Jonathan and Dio is fascinating. Joseph is the only protagonist in BT who accomplishes anything, all the rest are jobbers.

I thought that it might be something like that. It seems like part one was trying to be good while part two is trying to be fun.

>What am I missing?
Good taste. Part 1 was great and better than part 2. Jonathan is either the best or the 2nd best JoJo.

Please enlighten me good sir.

I watched the first episode the other day. What the fuck is this garbage? Everything is rushed as fuck, Dio is such an asshole it comes out as comical and the MC is kinda retarded. How long does it take for it to get good?

Araki generally just got better as he went on. And part 2 generally lets itself loose compared to part 1 so it's not that strange that it's better with it going for its own identity.

>Everything is rushed as fuck
It's like you've never watched anime before. The Jojo anime adaptations are much shorter than I would have imagined them being while reading the manga. Part 2 is better (the manga at least) but part 3 is where it starts getting to what the series is known for. Part 4 is my favorite though but apparently the anime of it isn't very good.

I don't think I've ever seen a Jojo fan who doesn't think that Part 1 is the worst part. It gets better when shit hits the fan, but wait until Part 2 if you're wanting actually good shit.

And to show what I mean

Phantom Blood
>44 chapters
>9 episodes

Battle Tendency
>69 chapters
>16 episodes

Stardust Crusaders
>152 chapters
>48 episodes

>174 chapters
>39 episodes

Araki only came into his own in Part 2. Phantom Blood is cobbling Fist of the North Star and Anglo fiction clichés it's almost a parody.

>Dio is such an asshole it comes out as comical

That is the point. Also Part 1 is easily the worst part as Jonathan is so bland but Araki said that was done on purpose. Dio is the only saving grace of the whole Part. Part 2 is more fun because Joseph is such a great character.

Is it really fair to call it a parody? For one, it isn't funny.

Joseph is best boy

Advice for part 1: Root for Dio. It becomes much more fun.

I just wish the pacing of the Part 3 anime had been better. There were a number of fights that were really dragged out for no reason. Could've probably done it in like 10 less episodes really.

I'm glad they fixed that with Part 4, which was pretty on point.

More of a pastiche

>colored version

Episode 3. 1 and 2 try to set up Dio as an ass, then the rest is just story.

This, although him kissing the girl is pretty good.

It's not that bad, but I think Part 1 has the double trouble of being the beginning of a manga that didn't have many expectations and an adaptation by an anime studio that hadn't done much back then. By the end of Part 1 you could see many improvements in design and pacing.

Are you saying that the manga version of part one is better than the anime version? If so then you've only increased my disappointment, I've posted this thread as a manga only person.

In terms of writing it's rather similar, but the visuals are kinda funny. We laughed at gorillaface Johnatan when it came out.
At that point, some even said Araki was gonna hate it and cancel the whole thing.

>gorillaface Johnatan
Man, it's been too long since I've seen that.

Holy shit, this is perfection.

I have no idea what this image is supposed to depict.