Just finished Made in Abyss, probably best show i have ever seen.
Just finished Made in Abyss, probably best show i have ever seen.
it was ok, solid 7/10
It was alright, I guess.
couldn't make it past first episode
The character designs and furry shit i've seen really put me off, should I try it?
Nah, the furry shit is unbearable. Not to mention pedo stiff and pissing.
Yeah its like best of Ghibli but with guro
It was a madoka, 7/10 very ok.
What the fuck, I'm a furry now - send help.
there's one "furry" character who shows up only for the last 3 episodes
her furry condition is only due to a horrible genetic mutation and is very much portrayed as a curse
Madoka is better
I thought it was very good, but not great. For instance they did a very bad job of selling me on Riko's strengths. Reg is basically just babysitting her when it's apparently supposed to be a partnership.
She's good at cooking.
I liked it, but the characters were made in annoying, cliche way. 7/10
I'd rather watch porn really
YuYuYu was better
It was disappointing as far as adaptions go. Pace is waaaaay too slow.
>walmart madoka
typical normie response
Just because people don't agree with you doesn't make them contrarians.
I enjoyed MiA but it was largely because of the OST, background art and good direction. The manga doesn't live up to the anime to be honest.
Literally a shitty Madoka ripoff, complete with uninspired mascot characters and god-awful CG combat.
Hated it whenever it was just Riko and Reg. Ozen and Nanachi carried the show hard.
The furry is actually the best written character and only reason to watch it. The first 5 episodes are a chore, though.
Oh, I forgot to mention the dumb and meaningless asspull ending.
I liked it and it is giving me FMA vibes, looking forward to season 2
at least YuYuYu characters had a personality.
Baby's first dark anime
That used to be Elfen Lied
Read the manga
TO THIS DAY. I don't know what drove me to read it to the ending.
You must not have seen many shows.
>Character has literally any reason to do something
Bondrewd is a downright evil dude
>very much portrayed as a curse
But it's literally called the blessing of the abyss while all other conditions of ascending are called the curse of the abyss.
He also caused me to reread it a few times.
People wouldn't be saying DIDNUFFINWRONG every time Bondrewd comes up if there was actually any question if was doing something wrong or not, that's just how it goes. It should be obvious to anyone watching or reading that Bondrewd left his humanity and whatever morals he may have had a long time ago
He really didn't. Progress requires sacrifices. And you can't stop progress. You can't stop the future.
She cooks and is really knowledgeable about a lot of shit. She's saved them a handful of times by actually knowing field info
I don't really get why people think this should be a partnership.
The point is that Riko is a red whistle and would have died near the second layer as expected, if she did not have a special grade relic (Reg) with her.
The entire point is that she's kinda smart and obviously has drive but her body can't do it alone since shes a dumb little red whistle
it's really a deep and intellectual story
Ah, an excellent example of its captivating plot. Not to mention piercing narrative.