Pop Team Epic episode 5

Disney always ruins good things

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the best one yet
the VA's were fantastic

How does a motor ramen taste like?

marileen moroooooooou


Nice watercraft

Dang those VA's do a good ED

Neat cruiser.

exquisite ship

>Ah, this is where it gets really long.
>Not just the neck, but the segment.
Best episode so far thanks to the voice actors.

Are the male VAs Sugita and Nakayama or am I mishearing?

Walt Disney's creations are public domain in Japan, he died over 50 years ago.

Close. It's Nakamura.

Pa, pa, pa...
Chin, chin, chin...

I can never get his last name right, but it's that pair of bros at least.

You practicing your Gundam motion dancing?

Oh Yeah...


I wish somebody would pat me and make me uncontrollably yell "Marilyn Monroe!" over and over again

Better than 99% of "not really incest" shoujo/shounen.

>Funimation is simuldubbing PTE
>None of the live action parts or skits are localised

BD when

Why is the OP so FUCKING GOOD?

I think it is more complicate than that.


bobu ne mi mi mi was yet again the best segment
I kinda liked the shoujo to my surprise, too.

Do you seriously think this was actually ruined by Disney?
I'm pretty sure that they did this on purpose because it works on several levels.
>Japanese meme for reference points
>People who know the manga recognize which strip this is supposed to be and can feel smug with themselves
>People who don't can see it as a joke about how vulgar and crazy that it needs to be censored

>male VAs didn't moan and yell MERLYN MONROE

Variety is good.

Sugita moaning is better

Thats the joke

Glad I'm not the only one who felt like that.

I really wanted to see that, but them talking about the segment during the segment was nice too.

Can someone update the VA chart?

Disney is notoriously stingy with their copyrights and who uses it, they're the reason US copyright laws are they way they are, because they're fighting to keep Mickey Mouse out of the public domain so they can keep him forever.
Disney JP is even worse/


Don't mind if I take and claim this cutie, then.

Of course, which is why I think they didn't even bother to make the steamboat segment.

fucking when?

Check the previous thread and find it by yourself. I'm not spoonfeeding you more than this.

>Mickey Mouse
I think 70 years passed since this was created? Should be public domain now.

I couldn't tell who did the better job this episode. The female VAs really stepped it up this week.

Sabbat was a good sign

Copyright expires in 2023 but it'll get extended again.

>all these posts disrespecting m**ckey's name
mods not doing their job

probably saving them for close to the end

Read the post again, Disney actively influences copyright laws in the US so they can keep Mickey for another 10 years or so

Fucking when?

It legally cannot. Not unless international treaties get revised.

I only watch male VAs

I should have known you were behind this, Mickey M***e

Disney, and pretty much every old media giants, will make it happen.

>yfw in the BDs all the female halves are voiced by Bob Team Epic, and all the male halves are voiced unenthusiasticly by BKUB

>when your show has an opening so incredible you play it twice every episode

US laws =/= international laws
Japan won't give a fuck. Enjoy Mickey manga published in a shounen magazine soon.

Who was the second VA. I recognized Sugita, but not the other

It's been happening since forever. Micky was initially supposed to go into public domain in the 50s but it was extended. In other countries they have their own laws and some of Disney's stuff is public domain in other countries. But in the US the copyright law keeps getting extended.

Japan actually will give a fuck because Disney maintains a branch of their company there and uses Japanese law to enforce copyright claims in that country.

Was Kobayashi Yuu and Arai Satomi voicing in this one? I know the guys from Gintama voiced in it.

Superlative Vessel

How can Iyo be so best?

Fucking when?


Disney is an international company, which has it's base in the US.
Disney JP might be another head, but it still follows the same body

Right after

>I want you to be my boyfriend, not my brother!
Why not both?

I think the one thing I'm looking forward to this year is the gachi version of the OP

Best girl


Is this game really that popular in Japan even after all these years?

please yes


she's fat

I'd drop an asteroid on Earth to make this happen



This is nothing new. They did a Death by Glamour gag in the 4koma

Boooooooorn to be huuuuuuungry

>people actually thought the neck stretching was an undertale reference
>nobody recognized the yukkuris
I'm getting old.

Fuck outta here, Ghost Banri.

male VA >>>>>>> female VA on this ep

You're making things up. Why would they give a fuck? Disney is not a charity, they won't get any special treatment. If something doesn't violate the Japanese law, the plaintiff will be told to fuck off by Jap courts and that will be the end of the story. Hooray.

>nobody recognized the yukkuris
You're retarded.

>I'm getting old.
Yes, you're the only ``oldfag'' here. Let me suck your dick.

I recognized the 2hus, I just didn't feel a need to point that out.

Haha, no. Disney co literally changed the law to fight this.

Disney rules the fucking world nigga, if disney says no it's a fucking no written in blood


>>people actually thought the neck stretching was an undertale reference
What is it, then? Someone said the original strip happened before Undertale but didn't provide evidence.

Not talking about here. I'm sure most people did here. Elsewhere.

Mickey can't be registered twice. When he expires in Japan, he expires and enjoy Mickey anime by Stutio DEEN to your heart's content. Disney branches here and there have no say on that matter.

Maybe in Europe but not in Japan.

user, Japanese copyright law is even more insane than American copyright law.

Oh, sorry for getting so aggressive then.


Disney is immensely popular in Japan and brings a lot of revenue to the Japanese economy. Money talks.

Yeah, projecting.

Does anyone know?

>that cut to pachinko during senpai's confession

Your argument seems pointless and boring but what exactly is he "projecting"?

Thanks a lot Sugita. Now I have to dip my brain into bleach to reset it.

You have no idea what your talking about but that's fine.