Fate Extra Last Encore

Why is Shinji so handsome in this?

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Because he's always handsome?

Beauty comes with age I guess.

He's eight years old.

>first head tilt of the show is done by Shinji

It's only natural that best boy does the first head tilt.

It's a Shaft show, of course everyone will look gorgeous.

He's 1008 now

>Nero had all the time and chance to do it
>Shinji still gets the first head tilt

I'm proud of him.

Shinji is supposed to be a popular pretty-boy.

Who are the 2 others? What does it mean?

She got the dramatic side-glances instead.

Never did I believe I would look forward to friendmaker Shinji in anyway

Body, Mind and Soul is my guess.


Reflection maybe

>tfw you read some of the gist of where Last Encore is going and it's fucking dumb and probably worse than the original Extra now

So far my main complaints are that they basically butchered Hakunos character(I didn't even think that was even possible) by basically making him a one note NIKUI machine to the point where he doesn't react to Neros flamboyance. Also it's a grail war where participation is obviously optional and grants the winner anything but apparently a shitload of people have apparently dropped out and given their servants to fucking Shinji.

It's shit

Hakuno had no character in the first place so it's an improvement.

Mind, Body, Soul?
Hate, Love, Gay

I loved this episode, especially the bath scene and all the "BUY THE BDS!!!!!" they implied.
I bet it's going to be even more fun when I understand what happened.

They didn't 'butcher' Hakuno's character because this Hakuno is clearly not the original Hakuno. Their names are spelled differently.

We really have no idea about this Hakuno really. His rage seems kind of justified with him in some loop of losing and reviving with the moon cell npcs anger and hatred clinging unto him.

makes you wonder what is up with Game Extra/CCC?Extella Hakunos and how they ended up outside the loops

>unless this all gets retcon'd into Extella/Zero

They didn't job to Saver & Twice the first time and got the job done. A simple gg no re

subs fucking when

I'm looking forward to all the usual SHAFT changes

Dropped cause Male MC and Dead Hakunon

>dead hakunon
Dumb tertiary.

Back to /u/ little faggit.

Don't let the door hit your ass.

They might be the female and male version of each other but they have different likes and dislikes, different expressions on the official art. Also it's not yet confirmed that Male is Female on the anime. How is saying Dead Hakunon dumb or tertiatic.


Does shaft shows nipples in BDs? This is important.

What group is translating this and where to get, I can't find it fucking anywhere.

Pls help

There are no subs for episode 2 yet

What the fuck are you even saying

If it's anything like last week, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for subs.

Ep 1?


I want Tomoko to suck my dick while looking up with those baggy eyes.

Do you rike it?

She's not dead

You either never played extra or are meming hardcore when you say this. Their character wasn't some intensely hardcore dramafest or flowery prose dropper like Twice was in Extra but it was definitely there. In Extra Hakunos character is basically a normal person who starts out feeling powerless,unsure and uncertain but eventually finds strength and conviction in their servant due to their servant successfully keeping them alive in the face of danger. They didn't become s complete fanboy/girl of their servants though as they poke fun at them and try to keep their characteristics under control.


I dont understand ANYTHING
and yes I played the PSP game.



Shaft bullshit ruins the whole thing
prove me wrong,you literally can't


Now that Shinji has done a headtilt is he finally cool enough to be loved by Sup Forums?

Will we get a new Death Face every episode?

You're in the same boat as everyone else, secondary

>Rider: "Won't you sell your servant?"
>Hakuno: "I won't"
>Rider: "Oh? and why is that?"
>Hakuno: "Would you turn gold into mud, just to live?"

Of course he's going to get that honor, he's voiced by Kamiya.

Is that from the episode?

I was hoping for some femMC first, but now i'm absolutely charmed by maleMC. Glad they gave him some development




Wrong. He said
>Would you sell gold for mud?

Okay that makes more sense

If that's what he says it does sound very Hakuno like.

D-does this air in AT-X too?

looks like a blue kircheis that's prone to head tilts

What about proving your claim instead?

it wouldn't be any different because there aren't any nipples in the first place

Was it after Nero ran out? I swear that line would make her wet.

I hope they don't use the game osts. I dont want to listen to the osts and think of this horrible anime.

This is literally the best fate anime since zero, though?

>since zero
Apocrypha was still airing last season

Yeah and it was fucking trash

I still didn't watch the heavens feel movie, but it's hard to believe that zero was better than it.

Secondary here, I'm liking LE much more than any other Fate anime. Also Zero was a snoozefest until the second season.

Apoc damaged the Fate brand more than anything.


Weird, because it made me even more of a fan

>Have a self-insert for beta faggot
>Beta faggot self-insert en enjoy the show
Checks out, the show was meant to hook retards like you.

do you actually understand the words you spout


>guaranteed replies

>siegfag is back

>Sieg not self-insert
Oh boy
You are right, time to leave.

Nice triples have a (you)

This. You can't self-insert into someone that fucking unlikable.

I like how everyone looks desu

Why is she so perfect?

Wada's a much better artist than Takeuchi

Wada has a very cute style and Shaft nice poses, outlines and lightings/coloration.


You can if you are also unlikable

So a bland generic isekai mc.

It's amazingly close to the original art.
It's rare you see something transfer to anime this well.

Not him, but the MC is a real scum coward. He doesn´t want to die, so he does detective work and finds out weakness and strenght of his opponents so that he can kill them easier when they fight for real. He admits that he is killing them all without having any wish of his own other than wanting to stay alive.

Is unique enough to have a asshole coward MC.

That's not what being a coward means at all. And you're not an asshole for wanting to survive.

>Let me fuck you over even though your wish is for the greater good
>Please don´t kill me, I don´t want to die

Killing for survival is not being an asshole. It's not like he had a choice.

Could have just died if you got no ambitions, you respawn anyway.

>since zero
No, that's Unlimited Blade Works.
Don't tell me you're one of those guys who skimmed the VN (or didn't read it at all) and just shit on it to earn brownie points.

That line of reasoning is dumb, even Shiro would not let himself die without fighting.

I don't know about the anime but I just want Tamamo with Zabiko!