Why is she so useless?
Why is she so useless?
I don't even know who she is, so yea she's probably useless.
Because she's a gay nerd.
Don't call Häzuki useless.
She's like a gay Japanese witch so of course she's useless until the the final episode.
At least she knows how to warm panties so that whoever bullies her can take the pre-warmed ones in the morning and leave her the cold ones.
Is there even such a thing as Japanese witches?
I want to swap panties with Hazuki!
She spends so many hours putting on lip gloss that she doesn't have time to do anything else.
To allow character progression.
Because before the show started, Haezuki was paid a large sum to be useless for as long as possible to pad out the runtime.
What did Shizuka imagine here?
Naked Häzuki.
Remember when protagonists actually had to develop instead of being instantly and inexplicably OP
Why is she so cute?
She isn't.
Objectively wröng.
because she is in a terrible show
My wife Hazuki is so cute.
My sister Häzuki is so cute.
My yuri lover Häzuki is so cute.
My friendwife Hazuki is so cute.
My daughter Hazuki is so cute.
My casual acquaintance Hazuki is so cute.
My classmate Häzuki is so cute.
My mother Hazuki is so cute.
My grandmother Häzuki is so cute.
Muh bitch Hazuki is so cute.
My aunt Hazuki is so cute.
My friend Hazuki is so cute.
My boss Hazuki is so cute.
My former friend Hazuki is so cute.
Why is she your former friend?
My sex friend Hazuki is so cute.
My goddess Hazuki is so cute.
My little sister's friend Hazuki is so cute.
My onahole Häzuki is so cute.
My thread Haduki is so weird.