Precure thread

Precure thread

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So what's the verdict on Hugtto? Worth watching or should I rewatch Doki? I saw a baby in the OP and I hate babies.

It's one episode in, mate. Maybe give it a few more weeks before getting a verdict, no?

Pretty solid episode, I liked how Hana didn't overreacted to her transformation. but, every season goes downhill at mid season after the extra cure joins so, I won't say precure is saved, yet.
No jump made it lost points though.

You can't judge a season based on the first episode.
>should I rewatch Doki? I saw a baby in the OP and I hate babies.
Doki is one of the few seasons that has a baby.

mana makes up for the baby though

i missed the epsiode.
[CommieRaws] Hugtto! Precure - 01 [41130CEF].mkv

>every season goes downhill at mid season after the extra cure joins so
Why? Can't handle the short shift in focus to develop the newcomer?

No, because is never done well.

I wish I was the hamster
>that music after the henshin
hotter than the baby desu


Sounds like a shit tier opinion to me, but eh.

Finally some non shit stock footage


w-where's her belly button?



Kigs are born in a different way, so they don't have belly button.



Not too sure if anybody got to see these last thread but Bungunomorii released the coloring books. Same user from before leaving the links:

I'm super duper excited to color these whenever someone gets them & Hug-tan looks cute a long with the hamster!

I'm glad Precure is finally cool again. Maho and KrKr were babyshit.

The CHAD Hamster!

I'm just happy it's already cool and doesn't look very badly animated

>when you're 13 and your new baby needs milkies

High fidelity.

They look accurate to the show, too.


Magical boobs expand?

I await the myriad of comparisons between him and Kero-chan

I'm kinda sad that with All Stars gone forever we'll never get to see the Hugtto team interact with the Heartcatch's

This episode left me highly bothered about precure's future. It was perfectly directed and paced, but I highly doubt that it is fitting for little girls. It is a fucking disaster.
It was horrible from the very beginning. The first scene has about Hana cutting her hair herself. Her new haircut was ugly as hall and it is anticipated. You can't possibly make a good haircut without a theoretical knowledge, several types of scissors and a water spray. It would have been OK if her mother fixed Hana's haircut, or if Hana was bulled in school, but she was told that she is cute. I had enough of such problems with my kid and would surely forbid her to watch such a cartoon.
The second problem was Hana's suicidal behaviour. Baseball ball can kill a person and you should never try to catch it with a head. It would have been OK if Hana was hospitalised, but she wasn't punished at all.
The third problem was about Hana being late at school. She was punished but not hard enough. And the Yellow one wasn't punished at all. Being late at school was shown as a cool act.
And finally the ending dance. Kirakira had it pretty simple and ease to execute, but Hugutto's was pretty hard. And the rhythm was pretty broken. I am sure a lot of little girls was fall and hit their foreheads.

I am sure this season will have a huge drop in popularity. I don't know what Bandai have been thinking allowing Toei to make such a horrible episode. They highly raised their lower line in two previous seasons and they were almost perfect. They should have known that everyone who creates anime is an otaku and a lolicon. Such people shouldn't have freedom to create.

Literally too long to read, have a fuck off.

I too wish Hana was bullied and put in the hospital, I have a huge fetish for shit like this

3/10 for the effort. Take a fure

I like this fresh pasta.

>late for class, zero fucks given
>smiles wistfully when blue says hana is cool for getting right back up when she falls
>only answers questions when she feels like it
>delayed start to reflect her uncertainty
>best core storyline
Who's possibly going to be more interesting than her this year?

Besides Lulu.


Star wars memes do this.

Just look at this fucking giant

Also will be carrying Harry in her hoodie for most of the year. I wonder.

Wow, he's a real bull! No wonder Hana's already a mother at her age!


that must be QUALITY, theres no way the dude is THAT big.

please don't use such lewd words in precure threads it makes me uncomfortable about my fetishes

Wow I'm surprised he didn't break her while they were making Yell and her imouto.


What are the chances she grows back out her bangs?

What does this say

Why did Rikka transfer schools?

considering not even the henshin grows them I'm assuming last episode at the very most


The henshin grows more important things.

Looks more like that chick from SS if you ask me

But Mai has purple hair

That's Minami

>long blue hair
>super young looking
I dunno, particularly on those last two, she seems more Rikka.

No I meant the other one. If I meant Mai I would've said Mai.

But Saki has orange hair.


I can't believe they're teaching little girls what chad dads look like.


I meant this bitch
yeah, just googled her name

Splash star is the most underrated anime of all time

It says you're not living your life right.

Why? Do you want him to breed you or something?

If only it could have gotten a S2 where Kaoru and Mikaru became real Cures

So unpopular you can't even remember the characters' names.


Already ordered them.

Will you scan them?

Mikaru makes more sense than Michiru. It's not my fault

Of course


I want to rape Hime


I want to rape him too.

You and I both brother

God I miss that sharp hair aesthetic.


Stop this

Where's the breastfeeding fanart?

Are these subs or a raw?



Does anyone get some real /u/ vibes?

Definitely with Pink to Yellow and it seems like Blue to Pink.

I wish Makopi's va would stop singing, she's always sounded like shit

Hey this blue ball isn't going away itself.

>is CommieRaws raw

>are these subs or raws

>Rikka lookalike is gay for pink

Utterly shocked.


She's asking for it.

Meant for

Erai-raws aren't actually raws
Commie is a fansub group

Wow, how brutal


Here's the webm of today's fight. Of course, spoilered.

The baby was okay, only cried when she was about to get killed.

I wonder. There are closed captions if you can read nip though, in the usual place.

Hug-tan kind of sounds like it's saying "hug you". It's cute

seriously, the dude who makes the schedulings at toei must be a retard.

>Start superhero time with the beginning of a story about 3 magical girl caretakers against a magical evil corporation.

>A guy gets murdered by a hero 5 minutes into the next show, and for a good chunk after that we see said hero Despairing like theres no tomorrow!

they should have put, first Cure, then Sentai, Then Rider.

Or Rider, Sentai, Cure could have worked fine too.

Damn News shows, those things are what will destroy the minds of american kids everywhere!