You guys only talk about animations full of girls

You guys only talk about animations full of girls

You like guys or something?

Well I mean. At least they're not complete abortion like Orphans.

I wish IBO was better, and didn't shit the bed so hard. It had potential in the first few episodes and then there was the whole "muh child killed somebody on the tele"

It looks more like he’s into birds. Stupid zoophile.

I thought the first few episodes were pretty lazy about exposition but they were better than everything from episode 9 and onwards. Never watched the 2nd season though, the first was enough to put me to sleep

Why did we need exposition?It could've remained smaller scale about a group of child soldiers running a PMC and trying to survive and coming to grips with the fact that they have to now make all the decisions and the consequences and dealing with the fact that they're sending their friends and family to die for money. Instead we got 20 episodes of "we're taking the plot device to earth" with a couple diversions of joining the mafia. The second season got my hopes up again of mafia/PMC drama (but in spaaaace) and instead we got the Mcgillis retardation.

Fact: shows with male protagonists are only worth watching when the male protagonist fulfills two specific conditions:
1. He's an adult
2. He has a profession / office, be soldier, bounty hunter, martial artist, doctor, etc.

counterpoint: nichibros

Nichibros is garbage.
Nah, I'm joking. Point taken as an exception to the rule.

Manime belongs on /m/

>complete abortion
some neat toys and an autistic protagonist are all I can ask from gundam

For all the flack it gets, it still was one of the most captivating shows I had watched in a while.

youre talking about danshi koukousei no nichijou?
oh man i loved that anime

Talking about guys is gay.

Most gundam shows are garbage, ibo being a prime example of that.

We're little girls, men are scary

>No. It's not time yet.

I guess Archer's contract with fate ended.

What about Kenshiro?

He's an adult with the profession of drifter/vagaond

Chromatie High School?

Ride on..


This stupid death scene is still a meme in Japan.

no wonder youjo senki was enjoyable

They tried way too hard to make it an emotional scene, but in reality Olga died like a little bitch