Other urls found in this thread:
>you will never watch Concrete for the first time again
>you will never be the true justice
Peace. Freedom. Justice.
You can only choose one.
What is justice?
Not us Sup Forumsnon, not us.
You were there?!
I miss ConRevo so fucking much.
With BONES getting those Netflix partnership money, they might as well do a sequel.
I wish concrete revolutio were good instead of bad.
Freedom a best.
Eh? It was good enough in most cases, I'd say.
It had the incredible human man, after all.
I do fear that concrete revolutio isn't really that much popular in Japan or the West.
The show is too much about how baby boomers of Japan viewed the events of the 70s from their perspective.
Culturally a very important anime for history geeks that are willing to see what theme or issue each superhuman being represents as a mirror of its time, though.
It's awesome for history oriented geeks.
user, where are you? You and I, we must now..
Edgy Earth-chan is best Earth-chan.
The fugitive terrorist Shiba Raito will now hand over the Earth-Chan or face the consequences.
undisputed best boy
I understand the reference
Too bad he never had a chance with Mieko.
What would it even be about?
The story is concluded isn't it?
There's always a new story that could be told. After the babyboomers comes Generation X. The 80s, when Japan entered its economical boom, and everyone was thinking about how Japan will soon buy up the entire world, followed by the 90s, leading to the lost decade.
They should just do movie for the final 2 episodes. S1 was great because it had 3 episode finale, yet s2 wasted too much time on skijumpers and Devila/Devilo and didn't properly build up to the finale. Movie could have fixed that
Iron detective Raito
This. Also OVA episodes for Judas, Earth-chan, Grosse Augen, Bugmen/Campe, Mieko & Kaoru and fight between Jiro and magneto faggot wannabe like it was shown in ED. Would love to see some more of the RexFE in action against .
Loved the first season, but can't bring myself to watch the 2nd for some reason.
Never fear, Earth-Chan is here.
>Still virtually no lewds her
>Lewding Earth-chan
Good. This series is better to watch a 2nd time.
It's really a pity that there's no physical disc releases with all the foreign subtitles from Daisuki and the English subtitles from Funimation available.
What a coincidence, I fapped to Earth-chans butt today.
Stil believing in justice.
No. You are evil.
I carry you, frendo.
I still surprised how this show didn't catch on, it had a cool artstyle, good action and even an alright plot. What happened?
no one had any clue what was going on at first, not many caught on
In the end, it was too much the manifesto of a babyboomer's life.
Does anyone has the timeline and references charts?
It was my AOTY
>Concrevo thread
Dear diary, today, Sup Forums wasn't awful
>today, Sup Forums wasn't awful
Did you check the catalog?
relatively speaking then
>meme cubes
It was my AOTY, but the biggest reason why it didn't catch on was mainly this If you were here for the first episodic threads it was a spam of people calling it pretentious or saying they didn't understand because of it's alternative narrative scheme.
Show unironically needed high IQ I guess.
Kiko a cute.
Old hags can't be magical girls
Watching the show with Sup Forums definitely enhanced my appreciation for it. Seeing the image compilations of each year in chronological order helped a lot.
I do think that the show would have been a lot more clear to everyone if the subtitles had done a better job on the text whenever the time period changed. As it stood, you could barely understand what year it was they way they translated and typeset it.
It had too much going on. It had lots of great ideas, but the execution was incredibly poor.
She's still cute.
Sleep, Earth-Chan.