Scanlation thread. What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Scanlation thread. What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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Nekojiru Udon needs an editor for the remaining volumes (I know v2 is translated, don't remember if v3 is translated.)
I'm mass uploading ded groups to Mangadex. 600ish chapters done so far.
Just about started, so don't get your hopes up.
Seems like a waste of time, they said they have a Batoto backup now + you can just dump it onto their FTP.
Wasn't aware of the backup, but everything on the FTP server still has to be manually uploaded.
Plus I'm using it as a break from what i'm currently doing, 15/27 chapters done and I'm trying not to burn out.
FTP is for old releases that you don't care about having uploaded anytime soon. Holo runs a script whenever he feels like it. No way am I uploading all our old releases one by one.
Holo's a bit busy putting out the fires in his metaphorical server room, last I checked. Site is growing nicely too.
Do you know if sort order will be added? I'm not really following the news.
I haven't bothered trying, since I don't have anything I need to upload ASAP, but the manual uploads are just done via HTML form + POST requests, right?
Wouldn't it be fairly trivial to automate as a user?
If you absolutely have to have old releases up, sure you could automate it. I'm just using it for new releases.
What chapter rippers/DRM tools do people want the most
Currently, in all honesty:
Is there a working one for Only one I have on hand is EBJ.
You can rip AZW files with Calibre.
Nothing. Hail retirement! It's so good!
You'll be back eventually user, there's no escape.
Editing some ero-manga.
You faggots need to stay in your containment board. The mods moved you to /h/ for a reason.
>It's not scanlation if it's porn
Have your (You) and begone.
Eromanga scanlation is still scanlation. It's not like they're dumping their manga here.
Wew lad, you wouldn't have said anything if he'd said "manga" and posted exactly the same image. Fuck off.
Isn't there some python script floating around? I dunno if it works, though.
Good luck I guess.
>only 640
Seems pretty dead. How'd you get the stats?
latest 5Toubun no Hanayome chapter has over 6000 views in 3 days
Franxx gets a fuckton.
Good luck user
I really like that art style.
Also reminder to everyone to save in PNG8 and to run all your images through lossless compression. Save bandwidth, save the planet.
I have been doing that recently, it's like magic. Looks like a png, weighs as much as a jpg.
Which one looks better, middle or right? Left is raw for comparison.
I think that Wild Words is too fat for this one, since all the following bubbles are pretty thin, and I don't want to distort the font or make the text go over the bubble too much.
Should I use another font?
I just tried that and it saved me 20 whole kB on an 8-page chapter. Is there a program besides pngcrush you can recommend or other options than the default?
Right is better than middle because the middle font isn't very readable.
pngout can generally produce better (smaller) output, but it's also considerably slower
That means you've been doing a good job already. It's more useful for dumb people with 2mb pages.
Right > left, but calm your tits with that shoujo line spacing.
Thanks, I'll go with that then.
PNGGauntlet too, according to their site
>Combines PNGOUT, OptiPNG, and DeflOpt to create the smallest PNGs
I tried PNGcrush before and it sometimes made the images bigger.
I'm trying to scanlate a pixiv manga but the resolution leaves a lot to be desired (most of the pages are something like 600x800). Do I just work and release in the same dimensions?
Depending on how clean the originals are, I've had some success just waifu2xing stuff. It wont look pretty, but 600x800 isn't pretty either.
could you share a page?
If it's made in that resolution, then chances are it's also made to look good in that resolution.
>I just tried that and it saved me 20 whole kB on an 8-page chapter.
In general, additional png compression, if scan is clean and saved in png8 (17-256 colors) with photoshop, will give you something like -1 MB on every 50 scans. It might not look much, but once you go over 500+ scans (which is like 2-3 volumes), and if you have to think about storage and traffic, this -1 MB/50 can become very useful.
>Is there a program besides pngcrush you can recommend or other options than the default?
The effect that optimizers have are often pretty minimal. What's important is to save properly in the first place. I hate having to go through the hassle of fixing an incompetent release that is 75-100MB+ when it should be a tenth of that if saved using proper settings.
correct resolution will do more
if every page is 3000px high you're at a disadvantage
>if every page is 3000px high
It's beyond retarded now, but eventually we will have to go there once 4-8K become a norm. And you still can shave some odd MB here and there.
That actually had the most impact out of the ones I tried. Thanks.
Nothing wrong with retardedly high resolutions, but I'd downscale them to somewhere around 1600px if I was going to host it on a reader. Keep the full res in a download for people who want it, though.
>there's people who edit scans in RGB, with scan as a layer, then save it using save as
>some special kids in addition to this also don't choose compression
Then they cry that the chapter is soooo big and takes soooo long to upload with their shitty internet. Imagine being this retarded.
>>there's people who edit scans in RGB, then save as jpg with maximum quality because they tried to save it as png before (see above) and it obviously was too big
>mfw I convert them to png and then to grayscale in a matter of a few minutes with convenient tools, and they still smaller than initial jpg
>save as jpg with maximum quality
I wish jpg didn't fucking exist.
Is that to say you don't save your color pages in jpg?
I do, but considering the ratio of color to grayscale we'd still be saving more bandwidth as a species.
Which series would you like to see translated? I've been thinking of picking up Ping-Pong Dash but desu I'd rather ask delinqanon do the TL.
EBJ digital and minimal redraws are a requirement.
>Which series would you like to see translated?
I was just thinking the other day it's surprising translations for Zonbicchi stopped. It was pretty well received around here but I guess the puns were a pain in the ass.
Oh jeez, user. That looks like an awful lot of redraws.
Maybe something like Hero Hearts then? Digital manga by the same guy who did Senyuu, very simple art.
I'll never understand why people do such extensive redraws when you can usually just typeset first and just have to redraw what's left over. Feels like an ego thing more than anything.
Convert non-color pages to grayscale
*EXPORT* as PNG8 (not save as, export strips off useless data)
export color pages as jpg
use .zip (not rar,cbz,etc)
use Photoshop
Any other technical stuff I should know before I start my grand journey into scanlation?
For one thing, you're preaching to the choir.
For another, that user didn't mention anything about redrawing before typesetting.
If anyone has an ego thing going on in this thread, it'd be you.
Don't do it
If you plan to work in groups, you may find it important to pay attention to your people skills.
That goes without saying in work environment, of course, but everything will be done remotely, most likely on different schedules, and almost guaranteed to be through text. Then add in scanlators' anal retention and attention-seeking behaviors.
If someone has sloppy work, you can gently try to correct them. If someone has late work, you have to put up with it or find someone else.
Also, try to streamline workflow as much as possible. Photoshop actions are your friend. Learning/changing keyboard shortcuts is your friend. Keep notes. Make sure you can undo your work, by backing up files and working on multiple layers. You will probably find it faster to clean all the pages, then typeset all the pages, and then redraw all the pages, instead of doing each step for each page, but find what works best for you.
These are basic, basic tips, but I don't like leaving them unsaid.
Thank you for trying to save my soul but I fear you're too late.
I would prefer doing this solo but if there's something I'm really bad at or dislike then I'll consider groups. Less stress, drama and socializing when you're working alone. Guess I'll look into PS actions and doing/cleaning all pages first then doing the next step to all pages seems good to me. Thank you for the tips.
Oh, one thing that I'm wondering about is SFX, I don't care about translating them but some groups either put a TL next to them (or a *) or just replace/redraw it with the TL. I'll obviously TL all the speech out of bubbles and other major things but do people care about the SFX being translated? Feels like wasted effort if no one cares.
>but do people care about the SFX being translated?
A little note in the margins can be nice if the sfx conveys something that you couldn't normally understand via context clues, but for the most part no one is impressed by redrawn sfx. And personally I think the goal should be to minimize changes to the original art.
It's a minority, but yes, there are people that care. The amount of sfx varies from series to series, and if it sways your opinion at all, you may want to consider that a higher density of sfx means they're a bigger part of the manga's "character," so to speak.
It's ultimately up to you. You can release shit translations on shit scans and people will still read it, even if it's begrudgingly.
>I would prefer doing this solo but if there's something I'm really bad at or dislike then I'll consider groups.
Believe me, I understand, but if you find people that can deliver quality work, you extend your reach a lot.
I do both.
I see, I agree on both trying to minimize the changes to art and some SFX being a part of the character. Guess I'll put a TL note in the margins if something pops up, thank you.
I'll see how this goes for now and if it looks like I need help I'll look for groups. I just really dislike socializing/bantering/etc and would prefer to do shit alone but I realize that might not be so easy. Guess I'll find out.
Don't. Quite often, the results are disastrous if your choices are out of whack.
Thanks for reminding me just how bad Helvetica's typesetting is.
The leading and tracking on the left one is shit
I'd be nice to see someone finish Kiichi!!, Sekisei Inko, and píc related has a few chapters left.
>I'd rather ask delinqanon do the TL.
Why's that? Shitload of classic delinquent manga need some work, dude won't make it on his own, isn't he gone also?
What makes it bad? Aren't most other groups worse?
Why .zip?
>but do people care about the SFX being translated?
I do
Rar/cbr is retarded, cbz is just a renamed zip.
7z is a better alternative for compression, but the big downside is that not everyone has 7zip installed. Older WinRAR's versions couldn't read them, but I haven't used that for several years.
Most people use Windows or GNU/Linux, and both work with zip out of the box, it probably also works for Macfags, so it's the safest choice.
Most SFX are apparent just from context, not to mention the fact that they're just onomatopoeia. Which means a couple days of learning katakana is all you need to read them. At that point you'll recognize the common ones pretty quickly. So you'll see ガラーン and know that it's the sound of a sliding door, for example.
I'm making an automatic scanlation site with opencv. I'm sick and tired of wating for you scanlators to translate my mangos. I'll automate you out of the process.
I care, even if it's just a note. I just include the note unless I can't make heads or tails of the SFX.
To be honest I prefer cbz to zip because my file associations are set up to open cbz in my comic book reader (and I get thumbnails as well). Saves me a rename, especially if I've gotten the scan from a torrent where I'd have to make a copy to rename.
I do the same but I'd guess we're edge cases, and I can see cbz confusing people that don't know about it
Just use CBX Shell for thumbnails, you won't have to rename anything.
Here we can talk about new series that scanlators picked up?
New Aki Irie work, Hokuhokusei ni Kumo to Ike. Very promising and I hope they keep with it.
I tried converting some random page from JPG to PNG-8 and the resulting PNG image is a bit darker than the original JPG. Can anyone tell me what did I fuck up?
And this is PNG version.
Color Settings in PS.
A way to avoid this is to convert the image to RGB before you export it.
He can still save it as grayscale when he unfucks up his color settings.
Color Settings - under Gray
Change "Dot Gain 20%" to "sGray"
He can just batch convert it afterward using external tools instead of doing this fuckery in PS.
Can't seem to find that option from the list.
You use save for web, since it gives you control on number of colors and other stuff.
>Any other technical stuff I should know before I start my grand journey into scanlation?
Switch off color management and uncheck convert to sRGB in safe for web. Learn how to use actions and text tool/typeset in general (I've seen some retards center text with space).
See that nifty "More Options" button on the side?
>it's Nth "softsubs for manga/automatic scanlation"
Keep trying, I believe someday in the distant future someone will do something actually useful.
Didn't think it'd open up more option for the already existing list. Oh boy I sure feel like retard now.
It doesn't work though, still getting the same problem.
The softsub concept will probably never work because it's a massive target for Japanese companies, since at its core, it's a public raw host/reader.
Check if your current file's profile is "sGray". Changing your color settings only changes your default grayscale mode; your files might still be stuck in "Dot gain".
explain, please. What other attempts at this have there been?
i feel like hardsubs would be fine with regards to training a machine learning model and having people correct it.
Yeah, the original file was still stuck in Dot gain, reopening it works.
Thanks for the tips.
Saihate No Paladin.
I can translate but I need a team.
Anyone interested?
I see, I'll be using save for web then, thank you. Switched off colors and unchecked that, does pic related look correct or is there something else I should change? Actions are basically doing more than 1 thing with 1 click yes? You record some thing(s) that you need to do anyway but next time(s) it's just 1 button press. Actions = macros I guess. For typesetting I'll practice and try not to be a retard.