The Argument for Bleach

Ok to start off I know this isn’t the best series and it can be somewhat lackluster but I rewatched a few episodes and couldn’t help but feel the nostalgia. I miss this show even though I pretty gave up on a few years back and skimmed through the manga last year but I feel like this show deserves an anime to finish the final arc. Bleach itself is much better than a lot of these newer series imo who I might add have sold less than what bleach has sold when bleach was at its low point.

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I agree the filler are what killed this show I personally like this show for nostalgic purposes

Bleach vs Black Clover in 2016 (which ended up getting an anime)

Bleach sales in 2016 + lets not forget the money made from the mobile game brave souls

you guys miss her? I miss her

shame she ended up renjfag she deserved ichigo



If the love action is a succes then maybe shueisha will stop being faggots and let pierriot make it.

the live action is coming up soon let's hope it does well