Why is the soundtrack so underwhelming? It sounds like Hotline Miami, unlike to the old-style satan and darkness stuff from the manga. They should've primarily used some heavy stoner metal, instead. Very, very big missed opportunity. It's not a bad soundtrack, but it isn't how Devilman should be.
Why is the soundtrack so underwhelming? It sounds like Hotline Miami...
>Heavy Metal
As if you know better.
Metal? Seriously? Nah, thanks.
This is a great cover and a better execution than I ever expected but it's not dramatically better than the original or anything, if at all. It's weird to me that it's so popular.
>This is a great cover and a better execution than I ever expected but it's not dramatically better than the original or anything, if at all. It's weird to me that it's so popular.
What exactly do you mean by "dramatically better"?
I mean it's interesting that people seem to completely ignore the fact it's a song that's been around for decades. I prefer the original version, though for Crybaby it wouldn't have meshed nearly as well aesthetically.
He learned nothing.
Well, okay, you have your personal prefernces. What your point is exactly?
I enjoyed the rest of the ost from what I've heard but I HATE the remix of the Devilman theme they used with a passion.
They should've used this: youtube.com
Seriously, these guys rock
the baton scene was genius. animate one scene, replay it 8 times, and save money while brainlets call it "emotional and brilliant"
>reading comprehension
It's weird to me that it's so popular relative to the attention the original theme gets. I realize most of the posting and Youtube stuff are from people that were unfamiliar with the song (and likely Devilman in general) prior to Crybaby, but I still thought this would have been accompanied by at least some recognition of the original.
People act like the new version came out of nowhere and reinvented anime songs or something.
>reading comprehension
>general assholery
>but I still thought this would have been accompanied by at least some recognition of the original
Well, the original theme is pretty lacklustre, so no wonder.
>People act like the new version came out of nowhere and reinvented anime songs or something.
Show me those people, please.
>Well, the original theme is pretty lacklustre, so no wonder.
"Debil" means "retard" in several european languages (from Latin "debilis" - "de"+"habilis").
Each time I hear "Debiruman" it sounds like they're singing about Retardman doing his Retardpunch and Retardkick.
It's pretty great.
Konya Dake is the best song to come out of anime in the last decade.
Sorry, man, but the groove in the cover so much better than in the original. That's why people like it.
Same. And still I can't stop singing it.
I thought it meant weak.
Lacked any real passion behind it and I was digging the vocals at all.
*Wasn't digging
shit taste, OP
I don't love the vocals either.
Maybe you jut don't like the genre ? Actually, the soundtrack has a lot of different types of songs anyway.
The old OVAs have some great songs, but then they have pretty generic 'of their time' rock songs that ....sure I don't hate metal, but they are just dated.
It makes sense they would want to include songs here that feel now and fit 2018. That's why they use electronic music and rap , because that's our new rock n ' roll these days.
I'm very late to the party, but I just finished watching this
What were the threads like for this when it first came out? I personally thought this anime was great.
Once the manga gets an official English release I will buy it, solely so that I can read the MY FATHER DIED part whenever I take a shit.
A lot of praise, a lot of shitflinging, a lot of memes.
I like it a lot though I don't think if quite replicates the successes of the manga. I'm glad if feels distinct from the manga even if I like it sginificantly less, though. I didn't want a slavish adaptation.
>heavy stoner metal
>hurr time loop end
Jesus fuck, way to take all the wind out of my sails.
What's the problem?
A couple of things:
-It makes the struggle to save people not just hopeless but pointless
-It dooms mankind to repeated torture because lol fuck satan
-It ironically undercuts the tragedy of Satan killing shcler one and only love because they'll meet again in the next loop
I agree, the soundtrack was much better in the manga.
Crybaby doesn't really give us an indication of how the reset will go. I interpreted it as being a sign that their war might have been fruitless and pointless but that hope can persist and things can be tried again.
I think the note the manga ends on is more poignant and resonant, though.
I'm a mangafag, and while I didn't care much for crybaby, I like what it has done. There are more people getting into the manga, and there is more discussion around the series in general. I just wanted more content overall and my standards were set pretty low once I heard it was going to be a netflix series, so there's no salt here.
You struggle anyway though even if it's hopeless and pointless.
Dutchfag here I had the exact same thing.
That and imbecile (in bacilus) were always related to physical disabilities though. Only later latinfags coined it as retard.