Complains about DBS animation

>complains about DBS animation
>thinks that DBZ was any better
When did you realize that nostalgiafags are hypocrites?

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When people call the current pokemon gen characters lazy and hail gen 1 as great.

They're retarded.

The difference is that you have to cherrypick bad moments with Z but with Super you have to cherrypick the good moments

Not really.

Yes really, all your examples are the cherrypicked shit you see in all the threads

You don't notice these things as a child.

How much are you paid per post?

I'm pretty sure being over 30 years old and still having better fight choreography makes some cherry picked freeze frames more excusable

I don't think there's been a single good dbs fight that wasn't just a hair color change or "yatatatata"

Why are anons so retarded?

I really wanted to say One Piece has the most cancerous fanbase om Sup Forums, but I can't. At least they stick to their threads. Meawhile, Dragon Ball spics create a new thread every second.

Tell you me, you son of a bitch, why couldn't you have asked this question in one of the many Dragon Ball Super threads. Did you really need to create a new one? Are you really thay desperate for replies? Do us all a favor and get the fuck out of Sup Forums and never come back.

they you go, cherry picking again

>Complains about animation
>Post still image
Anyone that does this deserves a ban

Super consistenly looks worse on a regular basis, whereas you have to go out of your way to find something from Z that looks even half as bad.

This is genuinely great, he looks like a secondary Wakfu character.

This frame doesn't even look that bad desu

Stop crying, Pedro

i'd post the full webm, but i don't have it

As someone who just watched Z it's pretty clear that "it looking bad" most the time like Super isn't nearly the case. One moment where the character looks questionable isn't nearly comparable to the constant look of being off-modeled Super has.

That well animated 2% of the Cell saga


Goku vs Cell is 14 minutes or so long, 7 minutes of Super-tier bad animation, 7 minutes of animation that blows anything in super away by many miles. So yes, even if at it's worst DBZ can look about as bad as Super, overall it blows super out of the water.

>thinking DBZ looked anywhere near as bad as Super does

How does someone stupid enough to defend Super's animation even manage to function? Do they have a caretaker?


How did you do that? I know this scene but I don't remember that "impact" effect

looks like Kai?

Kai adds shaky camera?

This argument only works if don't account for how much animation has changed. It's been over 20 years. You think Toei would've figured out their shit, but they didn't.


>still looks better than anything in Super


You only just realized Dragon Ball has always been shit?


holy shit your right

When will nostalgiafags realize that these fight scenes are better than Z?

>Complains about animation.
>Posts an image.

This death sentence crime.

>Still there

Long weekly shonen always is irregular on terms of animation.

DBS at its best looks pretty fucking good, shame its rare.

Sorry for the shit song

What’s funny is he has the audicity to call others spics despite making questionable errors himself. Poor Pedro.

I don't understand how any of this is supposed to look bad for a tv animation.







DBZ being "bad" is just a meme.

>whereas you have to go out of your way to find something from Z that looks even half as bad.
That's not true at all, go to the dragon ball wiki and pick a random page, it won't take long until you see some QUALITY frames from DBZ.


>there are people who don't want the next Dragon Ball series to use 3D assets

every animation has blurred or simplified frames.

The problem is that Super has bad still frames and mediocre animations.

Just look at how flat that shit is, even though it's just characters talking


ArcSys method is too demanding. It takes them about 3 months ish just to make characters and in game they still animate in per frame basis with heavy manipulation.

honestly I'd prefer it if they didn't animate per frame and just used traditional 3D animation

Oh look, one of the very few fights in DBZ with decent animation.

As great as FighterZ looks in gameplay the way they animate during the story segments leaves a lot to be desired. Even then I'm sure it would be more consistent and better animated than what we got with Super..

well then it gets the weirdly smooth animation vs stiff lip flap kind of thing.

Also for making some of the more dynamic stuff, you need to manipulate the model on per frame, like how kid Gohan and Trunks had their hands enlarge for their level 3s to create better perspective.

DBS looks like shit but DBZ does as well.

The repeating kickboxing jab-kick spam animation present throughout the entirety of DBZ is some of the most boring shit to watch.

>10 second of rapid fighting per episode makes the whole show shit

gay amv

To be fair DBZ had some fights where the camera would just pan to different parts of the background and have boom sound effects. Namek was especially bad

DBZ had some nice art to go with it so it gets a pass

I believe the technical term is ATATATATATATATATATATATATATA

Even so, I still think it would save a lot of time and give more consistent results.

dbs has shit fighting animation, all dumb zoom out to avoid any real fighting animation

>nice art
Namek was fucking hideous looking.
People always call Super lazy but the only reason Namek looks like it does is because Toriyama wanted to make drawing the backgrounds as easy as possible.

Name them.

I just feel that DBZ does a better job of showing impact in some scenes.

again, it takes 3 months ish to just make the characters. Also the animation in the story mode gets a lot of flak for looking bad and it's because they took a lot of shortcuts for it since it wasn't the main draw of the game.

As you can see, it's little bit too smooth and even per movement. This is also why tween was rarely used in flash for good animations

Its pretty well known DBZ animation dropped between namek and cell saga, but even then majority of the episode looked good as to where we have pretty much the entirety of super looks bad.

It looks great at the moments it's supposed to, big attacks like beam struggles, 20x kamehameha, goku turning ssj, goku vs frieza in general, vegeta's combo vs recoome, big bang attack, super vegeta, final flash, gohan's first kamehameha, goku going ssj3, etc. The big moments that are supposed to leave an impact do so because they pull all the stops to make these moments stick

>Super shows ONE scene from DBZ in a flashback
>it looks noticeably better than the rest of the episode
>then plays the same scene, except it looks like shit
No. DBZ wasn't that good but Super's animation is just that bad.

Only late Frieza and early Cell games have any kind of animation drop, although what did change was the art style.

why couldn't they do the same for this, quality change too jarring?

ha ha that looks fucking hilarious

Was Trunks head always so fucking big? He looks like a trollz.

it's different than anything they've done in DB sure, not better. it just makes me sad that they actually reused this animation in a later, more important fight. the lines and rotating camera are really fucking uninteresting

man, it really isn't. I liked it when I was a kid but now that I'm nearing 30 I just can't watch it without cringing. It's one of the worst written, worst animated, worst voice acted, worst anything series ever. I'm sorry.

>"alright boss we're done with that vegeta scene!"
>hmm the episode is already heavily could we draw out the vegeta scene even more?
>let's just fucking show a flashback

the flashback was pretty much buu's elimination from the show. he was there in spirit and got BTFOd in spirit. if he ever appears again it will be to fuse with uub

Super looks like shit and uninspired compared to DBZ because of art style and direction.

The problem with super isn't the animation, it's honestly mostly the art-style. Some of the earlier episodes actually did have just complete shit animation, but as the series progressed that mostly stopped happening. A lot of what people complain about being "bad" animation in Super, is actually quite good on a technical level, but due to the bad art direction, and the animation style clashing with what people have come to expect from Dragon Ball they call it bad.

I think you're the one mistaking art for animation.These
are from the latest arc and are terribad. Super only improved the art, but its animation is still trash.

that's a pretty bad opinion

There's still lazier animation in general conpared to dbz, you chucklefucks can't seem to notice the finer details in animation that dbz had that dbs lacks. Look at in super the smoke will be a static frame spinning around but in dbz each frame gets animated to give it a flow and it sways with vegeta as he exits it. Its even more laughable when they outright copy moments from dbz cause the side by side comparison is so embarrassing for super

Trunks' hair

Was DBZ even 10% as guilty of reused animation/scenes as DBS is?

I swear, at least 33% of episodes in the current arc have recurring scenes or animations from previous episodes, and then they pretend people won't notice

Yes DBZ reused animation all the time but its a little more forgivable since it was traditional animation.

Recent Toei shows only get better by actually not watching them. They have shitty work conditions and massive outsourcing for absolutely everything now and back then. It's not a surprise that the better animators and animators do their better work outside of it.

Goku running on Snake Way was used like 5 times, they mirrored it at one point.

Toei are the gods of reused animation. Some episodes of Slam Dunk had like 3 min. long recaps plus constant flashbacks.

It did have a lot of reused animation, particularly any scene where a character is powering up an attack. That said, the direction of DB/Z was much better in general and the animators schedule wasn't as restricted as it is on DBS.

Yes, but it was cel animation and that was the norm back then, every series did it.

Reminder that we will never have as good art. choreography or screen direction with the level of quality again

Even some random mooks and namekians' fight are better animated than even the best of Super.

Alright Superfags can you post a VIDEO of DBZ looking as bad as Super? I always see cherry picked frames, but how about a video? I can post plenty of ones where Super looks like trash (some have already been posted).

Also please do tell me how you justify important character duels in Super being much worse than filler battles between unimportant background characters as per

We all know that isn't going to happen, user.

The difference is that DB was from the fucking 80s, and DBS looks just as terrible despite airing post 2010.

A lot of the fights in the Buu saga were well animated.

Of course DBZ has some shitty animation here and there. It had nearly 300 episodes and came directly after Dragon Ball which also had about 150. It mostly looked good or at least average, though, which is pretty commendable for such a long running series. Super, on the other hand, never looks just 'average'. It looks like shit usually with some good animation sprinkled in here and there.

But the biggest problem probably isn't even the animation, but rather the fight choreography. You might not like Toriyama's art but the guy was a genius at drawing great choreographed battles, and these were a solid base for the anime (and Toyotaro's manga). The fights in Super look uninspired and boring as fuck compared to the original series because they don't have Toriyama's blueprints anymore.

What does age have to do with anything? Do you think people didn't know how to draw 30 years ago?

Not him but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that they don't know how to draw today.


is there any character smugger than kid Krillin?

If the animation was as good as the level 3's and the Dramatic Intros/Finishes, then it would be the BEST looking DB series. Easily.

>Was DBZ even 10% as guilty of reused animation/scenes as DBS is?
thats not a problem or issue, problem is super fucking reusing scenes from dbz