How do you feel about Shalltear finally being useful to Ainz next episode.
Ainz is best girl
Pandora's Actor is best girl
If Shalltear is an undead why cant she control her emotions like Ainz? She doesnt even have a heart.
Aroused. Shalltear best girl.
Indeed. PA is proof that Ainz is a Nazi fanboy.
Vampires and Skellies are different user,Shalltear might be undead as well but she is fundamentally more human than Ainz.
So can she get so aroused she tries to rape Ainz just like Albedo?
Ainz is an extremely powerful undead. It might appear to be lust to others and to even Shaltear herself, but in reality is just undead submitting to a more powerful undead like the other vampire Evileye that "falls for" Momon.
EE wants Momon's seed though.
Are you trying to compare the levels of lust of a pervert vampire and a head over heels maiden in love succubus?
Uesaka Sumire is using her shalltear's voice in the 3rd track of her new single.
name of song?
will rubix cube fuck momon??
How many people has Demiurge already killed or sent to torture/farming camps?
6 million
There's a chance she's stronger than Momon.
aint that one of those Batman like situation that goes down to whoever was better prepared?
How many breads have you eaten in your life?
Not enough to make Ainz happy
Hundreds of thousands, probably more than a million. If the entire Holy Kingdom gets genocided that number might triple.
The only thing Ain'z Momon form has going for him is being level 100. The warrior transformation spell only changes his class, it doesn't change his spell set into warrior skills or anything. Also he just uses plain equipment whereas ZZ has hand-me-downs from players and is actually a proper warrior.
Since she is a raid boss I wonder what her opening/battle/death quotes would be?
What are the conditions to open the box?
Season 2 specials subbed fucking when
IQ over 300 and a hatred for all human life.
So what exactly is the payoff of her being sociopathic ? Considering she's even got Climb as a sanity anchor.
Am I supposed to look at her as a time ticking bomb waiting to set off the moment Climb dies ?
Demon Race change
Karma -500
You mean the PPP episodes? All 4 are subbed and on nyaa, user.
>payoff of her being sociopathic
This way she can open the box and become an area guardian. Also it doesn't matter if Climb dies since he can be easily resurrected
Oh fuck no wonder I'm brainlet
So guys how do you think Ainz or rather the Sorcerous Kingdom will handle the Dragonic Kingdom?
Does Albedo actually enjoy Renner's company?
Save it from Beastmen (probably with a bunch of those soul eater horses since a couple screwed Beastmen before), loliqueen will lust after skellyballs and become SKAOG's vassal.
Climb dying would be beneficial for her, cause then after resurrection he would be so weak, she would demand to take care of him, and then ride his balloney pony
Cant fucking wait for the toworrows episode
She probably will as soon as she stops being a disgusting human.
I want to fuck Climb.
Calm down Renner, your time will come.
Does Neia also want to fuck Ainz?
If she wanted to just fuck him, she would have already done it. Her sick obsession with him goes beyond just sex.
Maybe. She has daddy issues and essentially sees him as a father figure.
This. She's pretty much a yandere.
It is biologically impossible to lust after bare bones.
She wants to fuck his soul
No, she wants him to be her daddy and her to be his cute daughtfu. AND SHE WILL
She's going to die a horrible and slow death and you know it. If lucky. Otherwise she will be sent to the happy farm.
Funny headcanon, user. She'll obviously be fine and help her daddy skelly devastating the Holy Kingdom, which she already betrayed in her thoughts.
No she is going to be the second human allowed to work in Nazarick
>She's going to die a horrible and slow death and you know it.
Nah. Maruyama pussied out with Arche so you know he won't ever torture good natured characters. At worse she'll die.
She will be Holy Kingdom's area guardian.
Mark my words.
I am going to FUCK Shalltear
It's been forever since I watch this series, but I do remember the end of S1. Are the guardians supposed to be stronger than Ainz? I always assumed he was much more powerful, but then he had doubts about beating Shalltear.
Ainz is stronger and he knows all their skills and specs. Also Shalltear is a minmaxed OPfag since Peroroncino was a cheater
but arche died?
Guardians are level 100, Ainz is level 100 and his build was more roleplay oriented despite that he's in the upper mid tier of pvpers so he can 1v1 any guardian confidently except shalltear who is best 1v1 guardian so thats why it was clutch.
Making quality build is now called cheating?
>Min/maxing NOT be cheating
Any update on the Neia situation? She isn't going to die, is she?
dumb umaru poster
If devs can't balance for a shit and allows it. Yeah.
Tel me about Shalltear, why the fuck is her fang on the outside of her mouth whenever her mouth closes.
>he doesn't know
The LN is roughly adapted from the web novel and the WN is much edgier.
Fuck I wish that was me
because it's cute
>being raped and mind broken over and over again
>not edgy shit
no its not. In real life it would be disgusting
Okay then. You forced my hand, user.
Good thing it's not real life then.
>real life
Why are you here?
Is Overlord torture porn?
Thank god for Editor-chan telling Maruyama to fuck off with this fanfic-tier writing.
Not particularly. But the further into the source material you go, the more it approaches edgy fetish porn.
>monster in a maid uniform
So, Pestonya?
>Using a show of force to make the beastmen submit to his authority
>Giving the HK to them as a gift, so that they can pillage the whole kingdom
>Graceful beastmen pledge their loyalty to him
>Capturing the Dragon Empress, imprisoning and brainwashing her to make her spew out all of her knowledge of wild magics
Probably lupu
See You tell me.
But she ended up inserting herself into the novel. It is an abuse of power.
>Implying that anyone can self-insert as Albedo
Unless you are telling me that Editor-chan is a masochist slut who wants to be constantly sucking an absolute ruler's cok while sharing it with other girls and working 24/7 for him
You just described a woman in her most primordial state. Very common fetish for them, too. That and being gang raped.
>sharing it with other girls
The other girl is probably Maruyama's superior who constantly yells at him at work and is the prototype of Remedios.
Yes, I know being dominated is a common female fantasy. I just find Albedo way too extreme for anyone to self-insert as.
Thats just harsh.
>He hasn't read 50 shades of grey
The most likely pay-off is a scenario where she becomes the ruler of the Kingdom then effectively betrays the Kingdom to Nazerick, opening the box and changing her race to some monster while making the Kingdom a province of the Sorcerous Kingdom.
Basically you're supposed to look at her as a ticking time bomb set to explode and ruin everyone in the Kingdom's day when the time is right by betraying humanity.
For that to happen Neia must first become a cute undead. Otherwise she will age and can't be Ainz's daughterfu forever and ever like she wants.
But Neia isnt cute. Making her cute undead is just impossible.
You know who.
Unlife finds a way user
Unlife finds a way.
Fuck off my thread u fucking rat
Who has more mental issues, Clem or Lupu?
I thought next ep is about Kokytus duking it out with the lizards?
Clem obviously.
>Mare just silently brutalizing this lady
I hope they adapt this properly, it was a great scene in the LN.