Comfiest Anime Threads

Yuru Camp
YoriMoi (Sora Yori)

>Shitpost central, nothing of value gained

Did the bulliposting upset you too much?

>YoriMoi (Sora Yori)
What's comfy about melodrama?

Comfy threads, minimum or nonexistent shitposting, people actually talking about anime/manga instead of sales and consolewars.

>Sora Yori
It's not bad, but far from comfy.
Drama bullshit.
Just by reading description can already tell it's a fujobait garbage.
>not including Shirou's cooking adventures

Seriously, what the fuck. At least the second half you got correct.

No, those threads are awful.

Ah, you meant threads. Disregard , I'm tired and retarded.

Partially due to insecure fans who can't stop invading VEG threads.

But no one is talking about sales and fan base wars in Franxx threads.
It's just been best girl posting and bullying since Saturday

I don't know about you guys but I enjoy the livestream threads of DBS and Franxx , they can reach up 15 posts/min which make me reminisce of other trainwrecks. No they aren't being forced, everyone is having fun in there.

>tfw too dumb to understand comfy threads
I mean, no shitposting is nice but I wouldn't call that comfy.

>Why do you like this anime?
>It's comfy.

Takunomi is comfy but I feel like there are five people watching it, so I can't say anything about its threads. Same with Ramen Daisuki.

>No mention of flying witch

Yes, and?

Yuru Camp episodes seem to end too fast; I need more.

thanks for the pic.

Over-rated animes for this season:
- PopTeamEpic
Used by its fans for trolling, thinking other people got hurt by sh*t postings, while actually other fans are amazed on how low the quality is.
- Franxx
Another Emo-MC, taken much ideas from Evangelion and Infinite Ryvius (don't bother, most of you don't know it).
- Death March
Isekai no# 103 with super MC
Redeeming factor: Zena is cute
- Toji no Miko
Mai Hime 3.1
Unpolished graphic
- Overlord
Isekai no# 104
Like watching other people playing a DarkSoul RPG game.

Why are Comfy Anime the best?

>emo mc
At least watch it before you try and shitpost about it please

>trying to force show drama
>posting Yuru camp at the same time
I don't get it?
It's a great show. How can you enjoy it while being a mouth breathing cancerous retard at the same time? Yuru camp is too fucking good for scum like you.

> I don't want to leave
> I want to leave
> she is the one for me
> but I am afraid that I will be killed
> What actually my life is for?
Can confirm that I watched it now?


True comfy partitions know which anime is the comfiest

You confirmed that you haven't watched it.


Do everyone a favour and blow your brains out

anyone know something like yuru camp but not shit? i like the idea of camping.

I refuse to believe you don't like Yuru Camp.

There is no cure for shit taste.

I like koiame but the threads are garbage

>doesnt understand comfy
time to go back to the planet you came from

thought that was a penis when scrolling

>YoriMoi (Sora Yori)
Is this person sleeping or comfy?
Wrong! She's deceased!

Seriously though those threads are very dead. Which is strange because the show's amazing.

>YoriMoi (Sora Yori)
Forced drama.
Dyke trash.
The threads are shit too.

>YoriMoi (Sora Yori)
>Forced drama.
Get the fuck outta here.

>muh MOM

How is that forced? That's the character. It's the entire premise.

Mitsuboshi Colors is the best anime this season

Nobody gives a shit about the mother. High schoolers going to antarctica? Broken idol bitch dragging them along because they were nice?
Fuck outta here.

You really can't suspend your disbelief despite everything being pretty god damn grounded? It's a story about passionate people doing something out of the ordinary. It's not CGDCT and was never meant to be.


Sup Forums is slowly being divided into two camps. One that thinks any show with a plot is melodrama, and one which thinks any show featuring female characters is moeshit.

You mean between Sup Forums and Sup Forums?

Every thread is comfy, if you're not weak subhuman.

AAA Here is My daily dose of Slice of Life tards autism

You're definitely retarded if you've been on Sup Forums long enough to post this and you still don't know what fujobait actually means.

I'm watching Ryvius right now. It couldn't possibly be more different than DarliFra.

Don't use my daughters for shitposting, you mong.

What about manga threads?


can one man truly be this retarded?