Is he able to beat Dogtooth or Jack?

Is he able to beat Dogtooth or Jack?

Fuck off

Jack yes Dogtooth No

No and No. And this is assuming that he'd have the same strength as current Sabo because they were meant to be equal.


No CoA CoO haki=shit tier

No, he is weak as fuck. He doesn't even know how to use Haki.

no. ace is a shitter in the new world for being a yonko commander

better question is would he beat my nigga enel?

Doesn't he have Conqueror's haki though?

Yes, but he sucks at everything else.

You need observation Haki as requirement to hit Katakuri and ace can’t use it.
Probably if he burn the entire area to cinder might work through.

No he's dead

Ace would canonically lose to the Kung Fu Dugong that learned haki in the new world.

He was one of a Yonko's commander, but not the strongest one (that would be Marko probably).
But I don't think he was strong enough to beat the Dogtooth from now, Cracker for sure.

Where did you all got the information that he didn't know haki?

Who the fuck is dogtooth

nobody used haki in the past because it wasn't invented yet

Possibly. Do logias need to breathe? The only way I can see him taking out Enel is super heating the air and burning off all the oxygen.

Otherwise it's a stamina round where Enel gets to stay kilometers away dropping Thors on Ace.

So does Katakuri

conqueror's haki is completely useless against anyone who isn't fodder

Nope. I think there was a One Piece novel out that gave Ace haki but even then Ace was a shitter.

Pretty sure Marco, Jozu, and Vista were stronger. Aceshitter would no doubt lose to Katakuri and Jack.

Are you trolling

no, it's obvious oda didn't plan it from the beginning and just expanded enel's mantra because he's a hack who ran out of original ideas

Ace is the weakest Yonko commander in the series. He just had favoritism and a lot of potential

Oda went out of his way a few times to show how Garp's punches hurt the shit out of Luffy, and Luffy himself would state that it hurt even though he's rubber. Even if it was for comedy purposes (the same way Nami beating him up was), it was obviously a hint.

Here's your (You), though.

I do think Oda fucked up on the Commanders "power levels", before the timeskip. Ace shouldn't have been a division commander at all.

Didn't Whitebeard have like 20 commanders or something? Guess it makes it more likely for there to be jobbers than if he had 3 like big meme

Ace was no doubt on the same plain of power as Jack and likely a good match but certainly no victor in a duel with Katakuri. Ace, holding the position he did in the most powerful Yonko's crew, would have HAD to have possessed a comparable level of strength to the other Yonko's best crew members. Idiots will argue this point based on their inability to reason and their experience of Ace being revealed at a time in the story when Katakuri and Jack-level power was unrevealed.

You fundamentally misunderstand WB and his crew. There is no evidence to suggest that Ace is on Jack's level. Consider the following, he stalemated Smoker and he lost to a pre-time skip Blackbeard. Blackbeard and his entire crew were one shot by Magellan. You can argue that Smoker and BB were bad matchups and you're not wrong but Ace got one hot by Akainu as well, at that is after haki had been introduced. Ace is presumably on Jinbei level which is maybe around the same level as post-time skip Luffy (without fear 4th). Luffy has never beaten a Yonko commander without help and has no chance to do so without gear 4th.

WB's crew is more quantity than quality. No one could go toe to toe with an admiral for any real length of time. Jack held off the leaders of Zou who had time to rest. There really isn't a comparison. If ace had time to grow over the time skip, he would probably have been on that level. But pre-time skip he's pretty weak.

Whitebeard's commanders weren't ranked by power.

He isn't able to beat anyone. He couldn't even beat Smoker when He Was captain.

People used Haki before, they just didn't yell "hey, i'm using Haki" and there wasnt the change in color to black like now
There is no reason to assume Ace didn't know Haki

Thank you speed reader.

Read the first chapter again