
This Saturday we'll be getting another Kubo interview with TBS Radio:

What are you looking forward to hearing from the Troll Master?

Is this faggot going to do anything anymore?

Either finish Bleach or stop showing up to events.

>Either finish Bleach or stop showing up to events.

Bleach has ended over a year ago.

he should tell us if Matsumoto and the ice boy fucked and produced offsprings.
Also if he ever does another manga he should team up with a writter he legit likes, but it's not like he will be able to do so now that he got his arm wounded.

I look forward to him bringing muh nigga Starrk back.

Using up all the time talking about Zombie Powder and not saying a thing about Bleach

He'll repeat the same shit he always says and no new info.

Man, nigga must be rolling in money seeing there isnt a new series from him. Any news on his new series or something?

He got an injury drawing for bleach, iirc he wanted to take a break but got told no.

I know, but it's been like 5 years since the end of Bleach.