I miss them so much, Sup Forums

I miss them so much, Sup Forums.

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I'm alternating between praying for an OVA, and hoping that it never gets made. I don't think I could handle it.

SSR has ended, when will tkmiz publish a new manga?

I tried watching this, but I don't understand the appeal. Is it just moeblobs in an unconventional setting? There didn't seem to be anything more to it than that.

That's basically it. Probably the most overrated show of last year.

I wish I could just run away with Yuuri.
Leave everything behind and be happy with her.
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate all weapons.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows the way.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on an international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, regardless of circumstances.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.High intelligence.
40.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
41.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
42.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
43.World's greatest riflewoman.
44.Quick reflexes.
45.Great at holding hands.
46.Greatest artist of her time.
47.Not too picky about things.
48.Great with pets.
49.Talented singer.
50.Can hold her liquor.

But I guess this is it for now.
51.Possible descendant of Aryans.
52.God emperor of Dune.
53.Know how to FUSION.
54.Understands the complexity of human nature.
55.Cute giggle.
56.Understands the concept of death.
57.Probably fertile.
58.She would never abandon a friend.
59.Very hygienic.
60.She is extremely genki.
61.Very cute when intoxicated.
62.Defines life itself.
63.Can survive long periods without proper nutrition.
64.Understands how valuable food really is.
65.Very resourceful.
66.Highly empathetic.
67.Theraputic, helped her friends cling to life.
68.She is very photogenic.

Chito and Yuuri don't know anything about the world whose ruins they're scavenging, so we get to watch them try to piece together what life was like before. The entire world is slowly grinding to a halt around them, and they're just trying to enjoy it a little more before the end. It's mono no aware.


Glad I'm not the only one.

you didnt protect the smiles ,user

Endearing characters, great atmosphere and themes, what's not to like? I don't like SoL in general but it was just a good show. It had some depth and meaning beyond cute girls doing cute things

Post-apocalyptic slice-of-life. If you aren't into either of those things then I don't think you'll enjoy this show at all.

did they ever have smiles to protect


Stop making shit up Yuuri.

What have I ever done to you?
Will you ever stop posting such scenes of violence against the one I love?


Deutschland wird wieder erweckt werden.

They're so ugly

They've joined to robot girl and the Saikano cast in apocalypse heaven.

W...where is Chii?

>no new manga
>just randomly post pictures of the girls on twitter
>starts a pateron
>give me money or the girls die
Would you pay her ransom?



Sokky for hurting your feelings. My post was taps of affection but the guy below me was full of malice and very mean spirited!

It's YKK crossed with Blame.

It's ok I forgive you.
I just wish people wouldn't post pictures of Yuuri abuse.
It makes me sad, because I know that Yuuri is to be cherished and protected.

Yuuri‘s large frame makes her more susceptible to bullying, but will only make her stronger in the future. One day, she will do the bullying.

Yuuri would never do that, she's too nice.

Except when she gets too exited and hits Chitose with nice stick.


252,121,189 HITS FROM CHI-CHAN

How did it end?
I'm not emotionally stable enough too watch it

>How did it end?
They went to sleep

Anime ended in positive note.


made in abyss is continuing so you never know.

Anime ends with them meeting mushroom aliens/genetically engineered creatures. Manga ends with them meeting their maker.

>watched the show wanting to see one of the two girls get riddled by a gang of psychopaths wielding MG-42s
>wanted the story to delve into a Gakkougarashi/Made in Abyss/Madoka suffering rollercoaster
>nothing happens

Why even watch?

Watch Hakumei & Mikochi if you want more non-suffering potatoes little boy

I love the post-apocalyptic part, I just don't like the slice of life attributed to it. It feels wrong that nothing happens in the story from start to finish, and it starts to become surreal with all these creatures and robots.

It's not surreal from beginning? With continent-sized miles high multilayered city with somewhat working infrastructure?

Considering it's Tkmiz, with high probability girls would die anyway.


That's interesting to hear.
Are you going to be doing some more animation work, Tkmiz?
>頭の中で嫌な言葉が自分に向かって悪口を喚きつづけてる どうすれば楽になるのかわからない
I wish I could help you Tkmiz, I wish I could make your life complete.
I love to hear everything you have to say Tkmiz, it's all very interesting.
>がんぼりってなに ツイッター辞めたい
It's ok if you do, I will always be here for you, my love.
Honestly, it would save me a lot of trouble, though I do not know where else I would get your artwork.
Poor Tkmiz, how much sleep do you get?
Maybe you would sleep beter in my arms.
You really are like a fish.
>この作品には中身がない 誰の人生には何もない 青い空には雲がない 空々しいたわごと ぬるい沈黙 つららのような他人 宇宙誕生の瞬間 プランク温度の輝き
Tkmiz, there is something to everyone's lives.
You are the light of my life.

>That's interesting to hear.
It'll be more interesting to hear if you actually visited that Wikipedia page, dear gay user

The only source of information I need is from Tkmiz herself.

Not everything has to be some grimdark edgy bullshit

Wait I thought tkmiz was female why does the wiki say she is actually a guy?

People like to lie.

>They both suddenly wake up, eyes wide open.
>Why did it suddenly get so fucking hot?
>In a panic they jump out of their beds and remove their coats.
>The heat is actually their blood vessels giving up.
>Both girls do their final dance, the Paradoxical Undressing Dance of Death.
>Finally exhausted and naked they collapse on the snow, face-down ass-up.
>Their upturned, exposed butt cheeks quiver one last time before they find eternal peace.

What does it say?

Tsukumizu, Japanese mangaka. Male. Born in Toukai-shi, Aichi. Graduated from Aichi University of Education.

user i've been waiting for Tkmiz to open a patreon ever since i finished the manga because i want to throw them my money but i cant afford the import fees of the blurays or any of the merch.

>check source
>Its a random completely unrelated twitter post
Sure user.

Isn't that the box where they died? What are the black pillars surrounding it? More tombs?

There is an edit history and a conversation about that, you know.

So what exactly does Yuuri smell like?

4 years of never using soap.

>so what is this like moe girls in Apocalypse slice of life ? Sounds dumb nothing happens where's the big fight scenes and the loli ryona ?
Made in abyss might be more your speed friend. The absolute fucking state of nu-Sup Forums can't into evocative social commentary , philosophy and endearing characterization set to beautiful scores and a deceptively simple character artstyle juxtaposing beautifully detailed backgrounds without a loli squealing "Kyaaa hentai oni-chan" or fat anime tiddies flopping around. You lot make me sick

Flan Wants to Die official serialization when?

I meant the tweet.


>Whatever but that Tsukumizu article on Wikipedia really is shit...

I know its sad to think that this great manga was not written by a cute depressed girl but instead a weird tranny pervert but if you can read Japanese the evidence is pretty damn solid.

Nobody understands legit depression and nihilism like the mentally ill

Posting true ending again. The power of yuri magic saves the day!

Shoujo Shuumats was really Sakura no Sono all along?!

Yes but it would be preferable imo if it wasn't the type of mental illness that lead to tweeting about wanting to masturbate in little girls panties.

They are perfect breeding material. Just put a collar on them, train them, and in just 10 years you'll save humanity.
Of course, you also have to breed the offspring.

What does it say?

"So as long as our consciousness is filled by our will, that is, as long as we are entrusted with the obsession of various wishes and the hopeless hopes and fears accompanying it, in other words, we are the subject of motivation As long as we will never have permanent happiness nor peace Will we pursue something or try to escape from something or will we struggle with disasters or try to gain enjoyment , These are essentially the same thing if one thinks. Regardless of whatever form we are going to put in demand, it is eventually the same, but constantly filling our consciousness and moving consciousness is a concern for such a will But without peace of mind There can not be any true happiness. Thus, the subject of motivation is"

We aren't missing much to be honest, all they did was wander aimlessly and gab on about really stupid shit. Fuck the taters, I want to see more about the world war and the men who burned the world with their unstoppable death machines, now that would be interesting.

You have to be 18 to use this site.

Now whats it mean?

Funny how some of the fans of SSR manage to be even more pretentious than the show itself. How many mental hoops does one need to jump through to convince themselves this shit is anything profound or groundbreaking? "Akshually SSR is about truly DEEP philosophical and social commentaries like how war is bad and stuff, plus it juxtaposes cute characters with a dark setting, which makes it super unique because no one's ever done that before, you just don't understand because it's so DEEP."
Go suck your beloved tranny author's cock if you can't handle the fact that things you like aren't perfect, and maybe read a book while you're at it, nigger.

from time to time, I would be going about my day and then I would randomly find myself thinking about them

the sun might be shining, or I'm riding in a vehicle and it reminds me how sometimes the sun would shine on them, and how they rode their vehicle

I think that's how you know you had something special, when the time we got to spend with them revisits you in your present

You sound a little upset.

What did she mean by this?

Isn't that from Madoka?



rip little potatoes

I want to fall asleep while smelling Yuuri’s hair.
I probably has a very comforting smell.

SSR is a great nihilistic SoL.

>Maybe read a book
Butt-flustered PHL-111 dropout detected. Bet you've only read Dostoevsky and get your terrible opinions from The School of Life. I benchpress intellectual lightweights like you.
Go read Proust, Camus, and Turgenev before posting on Sup Forums again.


[please let this become a copypasta]

Did necklace user ever come through?

At least they had fun.

That's from interstellar.

not sure but i saw an user talking about a nuko plushie in a dupe thread that 404d


my bad it was a plush keychain they were making

>Nuko plush keychain
Bruh where

Remember when potato meant this ?
Isn't it confusing ?

I wasn't talking to you, bitch.
Adorable how you think namedropping super underground obscure authors you're just so sure only you've heard of on top of heaps of presumptions will cinch that internet argument you absolutely must win after you've already shown what a colossal inbred moron you are. Truly amazing that you can filter any form of literature through your brain and still believe SSR has some profound narrative behind it, all those books you're so proud of having struggled through were clearly wasted on you.
How nice it would be if your fart in the wind became a copypasta, that way everyone can be made aware of what pretentious pseudo-intellectuals populate this cancerous general, not that we need a pasta for that when you're so proud to flaunt it of your own accord but I suppose it would be convenient in a sense. Looking forward to your inevitable damage control response and book reccomendations, don't keep me waiting too long.

Sweet, a new copypasta.

you're right, only hyper autismo mega retarded shit like this becomes pasta

No one in here would care about it if the characters were boys instead.

I'd unironically like it more

SSR with boys would be like The Goonies with girls.

I don't see it having much practical use as one as it's quite specific but you can force it and see if it catches on if you wish.
I must disagree, plenty of insightful comments have made the grade for posterity's sake. Wish their were more of those and less of the peenus weenus variety.