I just wanna know one thing: did misato make it?

I just wanna know one thing: did misato make it?

Make what?

No she gets perpetually fucked in instrumentality by Kaji

Which half?

She died, and has the capability to come back if she really wants to. That's the only thing that's confirmed. Do you think Misato would just accept the comforting lie of Instrumentality, or want the truth, no matter how grim?

in that case I wish I was kaji


good point. for sure she'd wanna come back

This. You literally see her explode.

>the comforting lie of Instrumentality, or want the truth
that's a horrible description. instrumentality is something that was objectively happening in reality. the choice had nothing to do with delusion.

if I remember correctly just before dying she became lcl along with all the human race, then shinji and asuka start over the world, and most probably everyone else, unless they became like adam and eva and are supposed to populate the world again, wich would be dificcult since asuka now knows what shinji did while she was unconuncious but theres a little hope since she hugs hims cause now she understands his feelings.
also in the new movie 4.0 things may change

She dies but she still gets tanged along with Ritsuko and dead Nerv and JSSDF personnel. Also we see her in instrumentality reliving her college days with Kaji

People who recently died apparently get tanged too. You see that whole hallway full of people for instance turned to tang. And Rei specifically appears to Misato and Ritsuko as they die so there's even more evidence for that. Asuka also is around in the end and she died before instrumentality started.



Whatever you say man


All I wanna know is does he make it?

I wanna know how long Shinji was alone in between his return and Asuka's

I wanna know if he even was alone or if he came back at the same time as asuka and was still semi-godlike until the beginning of One More final.

I cri

grape-kun died last October user

The text in the H-11 drama card (bottom right) seems to imply they came back at the same time, or even Asuka prior to him.

>>“In the sea of LCL, Shinji wished for a world with other people. He desired to meet them again even if it meant he would be hurt and betrayed. Just as he had wanted, Asuka was present in the new world. Only Asuka was there beside him. The girl who he had hurt, and by whom he had been hurt. But even so, she was the one he had wished for….”

>spamming this unverified garbage every Eva thread

One day if you keep rewatching you can discover something about Evangelion too, anonymous!

This doesn't mean she can't come back if she chose, like Asuka.

Why would she come back when she gets to be with Kaji and her dad in heaven?

If this was the case Anno wouldn't have showed her grave.
She chose not to come back and stayed cuddled for all eternity with Kaji imo.
Or maybe people who died before the initiating sequence for instrumentality can't come back, which would kinda make sense if you don't want roman legions roaming around the wasteland.

Jesus watch the show, all the people who died before Instrumentality still get their souls collected by Rei.

Jesus read his comment again.

>Or maybe people who died before the initiating sequence for instrumentality can't come back, which would kinda make sense if you don't want roman legions roaming around the wasteland.
>Asuka comes back

All life, not only humans, are the descendants of Lilith. So he got tanged.

>he thinks penpen is a descendent of lilith

Wake up sheeple

> literally dies during the initiating sequence of instrumentality
Why else did you think I bothered mentioning that ffs ?