Darling in the FranXX

Bully Ichigo to help with the pain of waiting 5 more days

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The madman is at it again.



>Doc: "Boy, you will NOT be sleeping tonight."
>Hiro: "What?"
>gets dragged by 02 into the nearest bedroom
>it's Ichigo's bedroom
>Ichigo is tied to a chair in front of her bed, 02 is wearing the lingerie that Ichigo bought even though its too small, furthering Ichigo's feelings of inferiority.
>Hiro doesn't even notice that Ichigo is there, he is too fixated on 02's demonically sexy body.
>He doesn't notice Ichigo gagged while bound to a chair until 02 asks her if she can see exactly how far Hiro is thrusting into her.
>02 tells Ichigo that Hiro is bottoming out at his hilt, as if they were a perfect fit made by god.
>After Hiro has passed out from 15 rounds of making love to the sex version of apollo creed, 02 sits there smug with Hiro's head resting in her lap stroking his hair and gives the smuggest and I mean smuggest look at Ichigo, who has cried all the tears a human can physically cry

Migrating this from the other thread if discussion is to take place here.

>Mean spirited
>Partner killer
>Ugly horns
>Basically a demon
>No sense of personal space or shame

I think we have a very skewed perspective of 02, she was cold to her previous partner. I'm not even sure if she acknowledged him. Likewise when she was eating she outright ignored Zorome's overtures to be her pilot, I think her VA said that she suspects that 02 hasn't even bothered to memorize the names of the rest of Hiro's squad.

Looking back at the first episode, maybe we can see how 02 opened up to Hiro in relative short order. Her first exchange with him was pretty cold, making a comment about how she thought he was dead. About the time 02 realizes that Hiro was trying to save her she begins acting friendly, becoming increasingly bubbly until she pounces on Hiro at the end of their conversation and licks him.

The way she treats Hiro is pretty different from how she treats others.


Will 02 figure out next episode that Hiro thinks he'll die the next time he pilots with her?

That he wanted to pilot with her anyway?

If you're gonna save them, name them properly

You guys bully third best girl too much.


Some things never change, do they?

Ichigo a best!

More doujins when?

>everyone but hiro treats her like a demon
>Oh GOSH OH GOLLY GEE WHIZ must be 002 being a bitch!

you forgot the best part
>02 gently rests Hiro's head on the pillow and walks over to ichigo to piss in her mouth, asking ichigo if she can taste Hiro's seed in her pee.
>during the whole ordeal Ichigo is never broken, as described she can't take no for answer and that is why she suffers so much. For true despair there must be hope.


here's a miku


Smug bullies

02 is shitty waifubait meant to pander to otakus

I cannot wait for when she turns into a cuckquean

What did they mean by this?

>Not even 5 episodes in.
>Over half the girls already have dedicated panda folders.
Be strong my dick.

>02 very personally monitoring her Darling's piloting session with Ichigo

I didn't remember this part, just the bit where 02 tosses her hair back and smiles in triumph when the mock battle ends with Ichigo very clearly being unable to arouse her Darling. Delicious.

So I've been archive crawling for no reason then.


>02 acts as Hiro's fluffer, lewdly talking to him so he can pilot Ichigo

Agreed sluts Hiro deserves something better than that slut

To be fair, I think 02's default personality might be kind of bitchy. The first comment she made to Hiro was kind of cold, it wasn't until after she became increasingly aware that Hiro wasn't afraid of her that she really started opening up.

Admittedly, it's easier to be standoffish with other people when you're used to being burned.

You guys wouldn't be bullying Ichigo if the genders were reversed, she'll remind you too much of yourselves.

hello ichigo

How many more times are you going to use that pasta

So what episode will be the turn to grimdark?

I really love 02 and I want to take her to the see the ocean.

>I think 02's default personality might be kind of bitchy
I thought it was good in ep2, since Ichigo was pretty hostile as well, but after the scene where she respected Hiro's choice, Sterlitzia's smug smirk made 02 seem like a bitch. But in fairness, 02 wasn't present for that scene, so she might still be on default ep2 bitchiness.

We still don't even know what that smugness meant. I mean, most obvious is of course her rubbing it in Ichigo's face, but she seemed to like Ichigo to an extent, or at least find her interesting.
I'm actually curious on how that develops.


>If only I was a girl, people would treat me differently.
Just cut your balls off already, it's not like you're ever going to use it.


She likes faithfulness. Just like how she dislikes the thought of having to ride with other man besides Hiro, she doesn't like the thought of seeing Hiro piloting with another girl. She just let Ichigo do that because she was sure she wouldn't be able to handle him.

Post more Ichibully

And watch the betrayal in her eyes as Hiro holds her head beneath the water till she goes limp.



>Bridge guy
>Dr. Frankxx

Dispute this

>A certain night Ichigo was trying to carry out her secret ritual.
>Stealing into the laundry room, she searched through the boys' underwear.
>At last she found it: Hiro's briefs.
>Her heart begun to race, and her mouth began to salivate, when she saw that it had a stain, a stain bigger any other before.
>Back into her room, her lonely room now that Naomi isn't there, she puts her fingers to her pussy.
>Then she brings out her prize, puts it on her nose, and inhales strongly.
>She opens her eyes in surprise.
>Her mouth expresses her bitterness.
>"This isn't right at all," she shouts in her heart.
>That scent she's so familiar with, that she can't do without every night...
>It's still there...
>But something else has mixed with it.

>The next day, she gets a new roommate, and that same stench settles into her room.
>Save for that one spot in her rommate's bedsheets, of course, where his scent gathers time after time in large wet stains, until no amount of washing will be enough to clean the pungent and unmistakeable smell of cum.

She's too successful to remind me of myself.


>Bridge guy
Who is bridge guy?

>nana that high
No! She might be kind of a cunt but her tits are amazing!



There is literally no path this show could take where a character like her survives, whether she stays a cunt or redeems herself.

>07 and 08
There's no way they aren't former pilots is there?

Do you think they'll actually fuck? Like, I realize the whole Franxx thing is a metaphor for sex but do you think they'll actually have sex and then maybe go on to pilot the Franxx better than ever


Go back to your containment thread. Emilia is worst girl by the way.


>HUUR hory sluts are so original and better despite being shit

I think 02 was just proud and happy that she her Darling chose her in that scene, and she needed to gloat a bit about that fact. She's oddly possessive, but then Hiro is the first person she's encountered who can be her romantic partner.

I appreciated how the smirk indicated that 02 was actually a little worried that she would lose Hiro, if she thought Ichigo wasn't a threat at all she wouldn't have considered her enough of a rival to gloat over.

The kids mentioned not believing single digits existed. Its possible but it would be odd to spoil something like that so early.
At the most it would be a fade to black they aren't going full Valvrave

Try again

TFW Ichigo gallery has more images than 02 gallery on panda

>tfw 02 snowballs Ichigo after sucking off Hiro
>Ichigo cries salty tears but secretly enjoys it
>swallows and masterbates to the thought later

It might happen or at least they might allude to it.

Most of the art on panda of 02 increases her bust size

I love it

When will we get more comfy 02 and Hiro scenes?

Must suck that your girl of choice lost twice

>Messing with her perfect figure
Absolutely disgusting, This artist gets it.




Indeed. Not that I mind really big tiddies.


What does it mean to "snowball" someone?

I knew the lesbo lovers would scoop whatever they could out of this show.

Hiro will die.

But his soul will chose to go back in time, the time when he was happiest and he will be a child before episode 1.

Ichigo who loves Hiro, wants to be with him too and wants to be in a time when Hiro would love her, but since he already loves 02, she'll go back in time before Hiro is born and become his mother

And some stupid cunt already made a 6 page futa comic of Strelizia

Take cum in mouth and put it in someone elses mouth.

>not realizing its the age of oni girls
Stay forever under your rock my man

>Ep 4 made NTR, cuck, peg posters commit sepppoku
I loving it.

Hologram live concert when?

I'm really looking forward to this now. I want to see if they do any kind of ceremony to officially add 02 to the group and the other's reactions to it.

Isn't the only other good Oni the Fate/go girl, hardly an "age" made of 2.

What art book are these from? Are there more?

>That one user that got tricked into watching it because he thought it was related to flip flapers

Post new comic pls

Why does she have a pink suit now?

So the golden band stays.

Why are the details pink though? Shouldn't they be red?

If episode 7 is Miku/Zerome episode does that mean the plantations aren't going to touch until episode 8? I'm assuming they're going to develop the cast a bit before the plantations kiss and introduce more characters.

They'll come back when the inevitable drama hits and then fuck right off again when it gets resolved.

Which of them will turn bi for the other first? Necessary to unlock the threesome ending.
Reckon 02 is open to whatever rocks Hiro's boat. Ichigo really does seem like an M, her "leader" status notwithstanding.

Nope. But the fate/go girl is not bad either.

The idea is that she's going to stay at the plantation and officially become Hiro's partner at some point. There's a few other images of her in the white suit floating around.

>24 episodes
>Three arcs of 8 episodes each.
Sounds good to me.


They could be different when put into animation.