I'm sorry but this movie is too problematic

Koe no Katachi is dangerous because it is exploitative. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about deaf people. I don't. This movie certainly does not allow any greater understanding into the mind of deaf people is the point I want to iterate. It uses a serious problem as a plot device constantly and reduces Nishiyama to one-dimension. She is the textbook definition of a mary-sue as well as a damsel in distress. This is clearly troublesome when trying to explain deafness to an able-bodied audience.

Nishiyama's entire character is her illness. She is paper thin with her sole character trait being she likes to feed fish. She is so inhuman it is gross. Moe being used in this way is offensive. Including deafness or any other handicap into anime is an exciting idea, and I laud the attempt. Sadly, the execution is simply sickening. A personality-less self-insert male character who wants to repent for mistakes he made when he was a child falls in love with the object of his errs. It's inherently questionable to approach this topic from a romantic perspective because it's hard to sympathize with an object. And that is what Nishiyama is, an object. To be affected on, for us to pity, for us to see illness in a "new light," to justify against bullying, to see the indomitable human spirit. A show like Monster works this concept excellently because it uses the object of interest (Johan) as more of a symbol. This work tries to make Nishiyama a character as deeply developed as Shouya but they foist too many roles on an underdeveloped symbol, not even mentioning her role as a character.

Shouya, Ueno, and Ishida are all flat. Their motives are drawn to plot points not to logic. Ueno shows up when things finally start moving in a direction the audience would be satisfied with in tacky KyoAni fashion. Drama in this work is so over-the-top and predictable it's borderline cringe-worthy. Even if you could swallow the unbelievable developments that lead to the saccharine mid-section of the film the way it dissolves is so inauthentic. Shouya shows no signs of development and no effort to change throughout the work and then magically obtains a group of friends.

As for the abstract? The art? If you polish it up enough and use a voice technique the audience is unfamiliar with you have the safest ticket to visual and audio praise you can muster. Are there creative shots in this work? Impressive blocking of characters? Fresh setting or new takes on animation/style? No. This is a typical KyoAni work. They stuck with what sells.

What the point is thematically I can't tell you. I can tell you that this film is successfully doing what it wanted to do. Capitalize on disease using moe with the highest budget in the industry. This work is not even average, it is bad. Please stop and think about why you feel the way you do when you watch this work. If you're crying is it because Nishiyama is a person you have become endeared by or are you crying because she's like an injured puppy? Affection for things like this a wonderful human trait, but this work is dubious.


>Ueno shows up when things finally start moving in a direction the audience would be satisfied with
Stopped reading right there.



Yeah I didn't like it much either, the manga is a bit better though, also tldr

I will say this. This work gave a completely different feel than other Kyoto Animation works.

This film is inaccurate since the real deaf are actually huge assholes.

No we aren't

stop beeing an asshole and listen to people for fucks sake


I can’t really speak for the movie, but this criticism doesn’t apply to the manga
Rather than a bad movie, it’s a bad adaptation

I wish the writer showed us more of Nishimiya's perspective, but its mainly about Shouyas redemption, morso than it is about their romance or their friends.

The manga touches more on how upset she is and how helpless she feels. The problem is they had to condense the whole series into 2 hours and make the characters moe af to sell Blurays.

There's an entire CHAPTER in nishimiya's POV. That was plenty.

Well the author tried hard to put blame on Nishimiya as well.

>This movie certainly does not allow any greater understanding into the mind of deaf people is the point I want to iterate.
You have fucking autism if you think it was. Even the trailer makes it obvious it wasn't some fucking documentary to understand a deaf person's perspective. She isn't even the main character. It's clearly a story about redemption. Now shut the fuck up, tl;dr.

So, from which garbage tier website did you lift this copypasta from?

Thank god Google makes it easy to sniff out this garbage.

She isn’t the main character, but the entire story revolves around the main character trying to become close with her
It’s a long winded criticism, but it’s not completely inaccurate

>She is the textbook definition of a mary-sue as well as a damsel in distress. This is clearly troublesome when trying to explain deafness to an able-bodied audience.
The movie wasn't about her, it was about him.
Get that through your thick skull.
It was about a reformed bully, being deaf was just a low hanging fruit and made her cuter.

Anyone who uses the sjw invented word "problematic" is not trustworthy.

I get you, OP. I didn't like the movie, but I thought it wasn't bad, it was just meh. I didn't even cry once.

The world would be a better place if social justice warriors all just keeled over and died

>anime secondaries

It's not even the fact that it originated from shitheads. It's an example of the worst kind of militant linguistic manipulation that attempts to embed assumptions and value judgements into communication (and even thought) at the most fundamental level. It's the epitome of intellectual cowardice.

Not autism, aspergers. It is easy to identify aspe kun by his posts.


it's completely inaccurate. The story is about redemption. You're trying to bring new themes into it. Stop.

This Detective user gave UBW 10/10.

Go back to Tumblr.
