Dragon Ball Super Unreleased OST Has Been Leaked

Unwinnable Battle
The Final Death-Match
The Kaioshins’ Scheme
Strategy Conference
Limit-Break x Survivor (Instrumental Type C)
Our Hero, Son Goku
Far Away (TV size)

Vegito is fucking confirmed lads

what do you want to see in Dragon Ball "Ultra"?

Post the source fucking faggot

right here

When will we get the next set of episode titles?

This is Son Gohan mistico, say something nice about him

Vegito has a theme song because he was there during zamasu arc. It confirms nothing you shit.

His wife a qt

Why would Goku have a theme called Our Hero if he didn’t beat Jiren?

not the first time they recycled OST desu

Oh I dunno, he may have saved the Earth and many other things a million times now?

what did /vg/ mean by this?

Goku is a fucking bitch. Vegeta still the best character in the show


Dropped. Nobody fucking cares about gokek. Vegeta was based until the end. Fucking toei and its shitty protagonist.

But it’s one of the new songs

Are these OSTs usually in order or no?

Fucking toei. Everyone is tired of gokek. Let other characters shine fucking hacks. Vegeta deserves to win this tournament.


Sorry, only the Gary Stu known as Son Goku is allowed to win.

What if Gotenks used the potara earrings with Gogeta?

And here I was, thinking they would actually pay respect to Hiromi Tsuru by having her husband character win the ToP
Vegeta has Bulma, Trunks, his new daughter Bra as reasons to survive in this tournament. Goku on the other hand? Fighting. It's completely superficial and it sets a pretty bad example if it's aimed at kids. Vegeta winning would be better thematically, as he's fighting for something other then himself then Goku

anyone but goku, fucken jiren should win rather. give us an interesting end rather than mastered ui doooiiiii form

>shitku ruined DB again
Bravo Toei

then go make your own light novel big stuff. Toei and Toriyama do not owe it Hiromi to change the story for her. Even she would object to it being that long in the DB biz.

I really hoped that Vegeta could win this tournament. I was wrong. Dragon Ball is dead for me. Thanks everyone, I really enjoyed these threads.

garystu goku

Is it wrong to expect any better for this series? I have actually hoped that at the end of an arc, I can say
"Super has redeemed itself"
Fuck me right?

>cryetafags on suicide watch


It's too bad that not a lot of people like him in the first place. Goku is a fucking gary stu at this point, especially

Goku is the cancer that killed Super

as a goku fan, i wanted u11 to win and help fix the fuck up they caused in goku's behavior in super

I don't get why people who don't like it that much watch it then. It's just dragonball, why is everyone setting their bar so high expecting a goddamn literary masterpiece? I'm just happy to see goku vegeta and crew do what they always did best. Power up and beat up people. The end. Better than having nothing at all, and better than GT.

Its the same disease of GT, its like Toriyama didn't learn from past lessons of previous works.

I like Goku and Vegeta equally, I hate what they're turning Goku into
Can I just root for Jiren at this point? If Goku and him are going to be the last one standing might as well.

If you had Z's Goku it wouldn't be half as bad as it currently is.

>cuckgetafags, lizardcucks, and androidkeks all on suicide watch

The lesson here is just stick to the manga folks. Always the better one.

I dont even give a rats ass about super, it died back in the goku black arc for me. Vegetafags were just so cancerous i wanted to see their mass suicide when the prince of jobbers lost.

Jiren is the only hope left

Hey,I'm a 17fag and I'm not even mad. 17 did great and I'm really happy with what we got with him.

>implying the manga will be any different
Cuckgeta loses there too.


There is literally no way Vegito happens. They just used him last arc, and he lasted like 5 minutes as blue.

Although... if he showed up in the last episode, he would last for 1 minute which isn't impossible... but still it's going to be Goku UI vs Jiren and you'd have to be blind to think other wise.

Just like how Z ended with Goku getting his first kill on the major villian, Goku will end Super with a win as well.

Goku is more like able in the manga, he doesn't sound so dumb

>like 5 minutes
Well what do you know, there's like 4 minutes left to the tournament!
jk Vegito isn't happening, get over it people

They shilled Goku UI since near the beginning of the ToP, he is going to beat Jiren with it. Suck it up.

I refuse to pirate this

Eh, fair enough. Still though I wouldn't get your hopes up for a better conclusion. Super in any for was doomed from the start.

True that, sadly. Super will end up like GT in the future

>”How dare you do this to Vegeta! Jiren you will pay!!”

Goku turned into a spongebob type character at this point.

These threads will go off the deep end during the upcoming off-weeks, won't they?

Reminder Cell would have won by now

Can they just release the songs that have already aired please

Had a conversation with a stranger this morning about Dragon Ball. Went to the Job Centre to kill some time while I waited for my appointment I brought along my Super manga, I was there in the waiting room, pulled it out of my bag and read for a few minutes, when the guy sitting next to me asks "Do you watch the anime too?".

For the next 5 minutes we talked about how we'd like the ToP to end, the differences in the Manga and Anime, the dub and how much we wished Super was on UK TV.

He was a nice guy and I didn't get his name before he was called in for his appointment, so if you're on here and you were the guy I talked to in Partick this afternoon, you're awesome man.

Lookit' Dragon Ball, bringing people together...

I've been having similar experiences last couple of years when finding out some of my colleagues are into anime. When you spend almost 10 years shitposting and flinging shit at anons on a taiwanese trading cards forum, you forget how fulfilling it is to talk to and share a relationship with someone who has similar tastes for once.

Just the names or the actual soundtrack?

I just want the fucking clean Ultra Instinct theme.

Another 17fag reporting in. I'm happy with what we got from 17. His lead role in taking down aniraza (who should be the second or third strongest in the whole tournament), him using his head and not getting into a direct confrontation against Toppo like Freeza did, and whatever he does next episode. I'm satisfied.

There is no one more assblasted than the gohanfags though. Seeing 17 outlast Gohan and do Gohan's support role better than him is beautiful

same here. I'm pleasantly surprised with what they did with A17. For everytime they shit on Super, I remember the characters it either redeemed or improved upon, A17 being one of them.

I wish Goku didn't win the tourney but I'm glad as fuck Gohan jobbed once again. He was only cool during the end of the Cell Saga. Otherwise he's worthless.

if goku didnt win, and he actually does seem character development that stops him from becoming a psycho i could see this as a good redeeming end

this right here, its just more of what we were getting before, how stupid can you be to let nostalgia glasses impact your enjoyment of something this much?

Yeah, a long time ago. But we got Freeza, who accomplished jack and shit.

Nigger, Aniraza barely breaks into the top eight.
He was matched to a stalemate by 5 faggots, if you want to be super generous, you could maybe scale that up to SSB KKx4?
Second or third strongest?
Only if people like GoD Toppo, Kawaii Vegeta, Kefla, UI Goku or hell, even KKx10 Goku go and fall into a plot hole

That's on another ost, the Theme Song Collection, it also releases on 28th, but for some reason those fuckers a TOEI didn't deign to give us an off vocal version, if the track listing is to be trusted.
Unless of course, Kushida and Zenta are allowed to release a single after it drops as a part of Super's ost.